
Методические рекомендации к «Энциклопедии независимости» (Сборник материалов из опыта работы оу округа). М.: Омц сзуо, 2009. Под общей редакцией Туруновой Т. М (стр. 23 из 39)

. brain and liver damage,

• some cancers (including breast cancer) and

• alcohol dependence.

About one in 20 women aged 25-64 drink alcohol at levels that put their health at risk in the longer term. For women around the time of menopause, alcohol intake also exacerbates hot Hushes. Excess alcohol consumption may be a symptom of stress and may also worsen stress and depression. For some women, stress, anxiety and depression may be linked to the stresses of the changes at midlife.

We used this information from the Encyclopedia of Independence (for children and their parents)p.113-115

There is good evidence to show that a regular pattern of drinking at low risk levels (well within the guideline levels discussed above) helps to prevent heart disease from middle age onwards.

Women process alcohol differently.

Women are more affected by alcohol because of the way it is processed by your body. The safely of drinking is also based on how fast you consume drinks, where you drink and what you do during and after drinking

So on average 2 standard drinks a day are acceptable. You should have no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day, with these spread over several hours.

We all know that we should not drink and drive but it is important to understand other situations where alcohol may impair skills required such as water sports or skiing


Drinking alcohol is dangerous for kids and teens and sometimes For adults, too. Alcohol is Drug most abused by teens. Many kids have their first drink at an early age 11 or even younger.

They may have seen their parents drink or cool ads for beer and wine. It's easy for a kid to get the wrong message about alcohol. In TV commercials, drinking looks like a lot of fun You might see people drinking and watching sports together or having a big party.

But alcohol is actually a depressant. That means it's a drug that slows down or depresses the brain. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person's ability to think, speak, and see things as they really are. A person might lose his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. The person might feel relaxed and happy and later start crying or get in an argument.

What Happens When People Drink?

When people drink too much, they might do or say things they don't mean I hey might hurt themselves or other people, especially if they drive a car. Someone who drinks too much also might throw up and could wake up the next day feeling awful - that's called a hangover. Drinking loo much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill a person Over time, someone who abuses alcohol can do serious damage to his or her body. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially at risk.

We used this information from the Encyclopedia of Independence (for children and their parents) p. 99

Because alcohol can cause such problems, the citizens and government leaders in this country have decided that kids shouldn't be allowed to buy or use alcohol. By setting the drinking age at 21, they hope older people will be able to make good decisions about alcohol. For instance, they don't want people to drink alcohol and drive cars because that's how many accidents occur.

What Is Alcoholism?

What can be confusing about alcohol is that some grown-ups seem to be able to enjoy it occasionally with no problems Other people, though, can become alcoholics (say: al-kuh-ha-liks). An alcoholic is someone whose mind and body crave alcohol. The person has little control over his or her drinking and can't stop without help. A person who starts drinking alcohol at a young age is more likely to become an alcoholic.

Alcoholism is chronic, which means it continues over time. It often gels worse, too, because the person may start experiencing health problems related to drinking In addition to causing liver problems, long-term drinking can damage the pancreas, heart, and brain.

It can be tempting to try alcohol. It's normal to be curious about new things, especially if it seems like everyone is doing it. But everyone is not drinking alcohol. Don't believe it if someone says you're immature for not drinking. You're actually more mature (which means grown up) because you're being strong and smart.

Still, it can be hard if you feel unpopular because of your decision. Good friends won't slop being your friend just because you don't want to drink alcohol. If you feel this kind of pressure, talk to someone you trust.

And if you're concerned about a friend who's drinking, you should tell one of your parents. a school counselor, or another misled adult I have someone can talk with you friend before the alcohol causes a big problem. Unfortunately, some kids who drink may also drop out of school, get in car accidents, start fights, or join in crimes.

But with help, anyone who has a problem with alcohol can be successful at stopping. And if you're still a kid, help yourself by not starting in the first place!

A person can be addictive not only because of using drugs but of smoking as it is not very easy to get rid of it. Though some people are quit of different opinion.

Smoking as well as alcohol can do a lot of harm to your body.

We used this information from the Encyclopedia of Independence (for children and their parents)p.103,108


Summing up everything above, we would argue that our duty is to fight against alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Moreover we should learn how to protect ourselves and to save our lives.

So this project work is about what we should know and do about these bad habits.

An opinion poll was conducted in our school to find out how teenagers feel about smoking, drinking and drug taking.

According to our survey two hundred teenagers from our school ranging in age from 12 to 15 were interviewed by our research group and a school psychologist. The results we have collected are presented below.

We have discovered that sixty boys and girls out of two hundred teenagers have never tasted strong alcohol, one hundred and seventy three boys and girls have never taken drugs, and thirty boys out of a hundred have never smoked cigarettes.

Another interesting piece of information coming out of the study is that one hundred and eighty three friends of the interviewed have never used drugs.

The aim of our research work is to make the teenagers aware of the dangerous effects of the drugs on the teenager’s body.

It can seem like there is no way out but we are sure that some efforts to change the situation can really help to find the best solution to the drug or alcohol problems.

Looking back at all the facts we can say that the world community can control and even stop some dangerous effects of drug abuse. It’s evident that drug, alcohol use and abuse can be stopped if everyone works to stop it. Talk with your families and friends.

Working together we can get rid of drugs and other bad habits and the horrible death they bring to millions of people, young and old. So if everybody does a little, then perhaps together we can really make a difference!

Don’t just sit there. We can all do our bit from arranging forums to joining protests against drugs, alcohol, cigarettes.

Have a healthy mind and body. Stay away from bad habits!


• Deutscher KafTeeverband (2001-05-04). Kaffee-Text 1/99 (PDF) (German). Retrieved on 2007-12-14.

• According to the statistic of the Food and Agriculture Organization the production quantity in 2006 of coffee was 7.8 million tonnes and of tobacco was 6.7 million tonnes.

• In Germany ca. 1181 beer, 201 wine, 41 sparkling wine and 61 distilled beverages are consumed per person and year.

• "Drug."Dictionaryxom Unabridged (v 1.1), Random House, via dictionary.com. Retrieved on 2007-09-20.

• "Drug." The American Heritage Science Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, via dictionary.com. Retrieved on 2007-09-20.

• "Drug." Merham-Webster's Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Inc., via dictionary.com. Retrieved on 2007-09-20.

• "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" (Website.) U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved on 2007-09-24.

• "21 USC Sec. 802."(Website.) U.S. Department of Justice. Retrieved on 2007-09-24

"Encyclopedia of Independence"( for children and their parents) Bogdanchikov V., Boldyrev O., Suraikin A. p. 35-37, 40-43, 44-47, 69-71, 99,103,108, 113-115.

Раздел 3.


в общешкольных мероприятиях




Волжская Н.Ю.,

ГОУ СОШ № 818

Межпредметная конференция-деловая игра для учащихся 9-11 классов


· ознакомить учащихся с видами наркотических веществ и причинами их употребления;

· научить определять последствия приема наркотиков для здоровья, душевного благополучия, творчества, самореализации;

· сформировать отрицательное отношение к употреблению наркотических средств;

· осознать возможные социальные мероприятия по борьбе с наркоманией.

Для разговора с учащимися об особенностях наркотических веществ мы рекомендуем деловые игры. Ребята от имени специалистов - нарколога, химика, медика, юриста и др. рассказывают о вреде курения, употребления алкоголя, наркотиков. Выступления сопровождаются демонстрацией кодо-плакатов с соответствующими таблицами, диаграммами. Тексты выступлений пишут учащиеся на основании книг, журнальных и газетных публикаций, а так же данных опросов, проводимых в школе, консультируясь с педагогом.

При такой форме в качестве носителей информации выступают:

«ведущий» - организует диалог между «специалистами»;

«нарколог» - рассказывает о механизме действия наркотических веществ, классификации и особенностях действия наркотиков;

«химик» - рассказывает о химическом составе, строении, особенностях физических и химических свойств веществ;

«медик» - знакомит с физиологическими действиями наркотических веществ, особенностями заболеваний, с ними связанных;

«историк» - приводит некоторые факты истории приобщения человечества к наркотикам;

«юрист» - знакомит со статьями YK РФ, связанными с употреблением наркотиков;

«психолог» - характеризует особенности вредных привычек у подростков;

«социолог» - приводит результаты опроса об отношении к наркотическим веществам учеников школы;

«искусствовед» - рассказывает о влиянии наркотиков на судьбы рок-музыкантов,

Можно как угодно изменять круг рассматриваемых вопросов -ввести тему "Наркотики и политика" ("политолог"), "Наркотики и спорт" ("спортивный обозреватель") - и т.д. - то есть это мозаика, которую можно перекладывать по-разному. Гибкая структура позволяет проявлять творчество и выступающим. Сценарий на каждой конференции видоизменяется: обновляется содержание, идет поиск интересных агитационных приемов. Так было предложено сжечь 100-рублевую купюру для демонстрации урона, который наносит курение бюджету курильщика (Мы, конечно, сжигали ксерокопию банкноты). На одной из конференций участница с микрофоном спускалась в зал, чтобы взять блиц-интервью у зрителей.

Использование учащихся в качестве носителей информации не заменяет необходимости бесед с настоящими специалистами, но все-таки имеет свои плюсы - "С нами говорят на нашем языке, а когда приглашаете взрослых, мы часто ничего не понимаем".

Научность и личностный смысл - основные требования к содержанию.

Мы добиваемся этого следующим образом:

1) До конференции проводим опрос об отношении школьников к употреблению наркотических веществ, и, когда "социолог" знакомит аудиторию с результатами, ребята, выискав, "в каком проценте - мой ответ", понимают, что и дальше разговор пойдет о них.

2) Подбираем научные объяснения тех или иных утверждений. 3) Материал конференции организован так, что научные факты

чередуются с описанием житейских ситуаций или историческими экскурсами, что позволяет легче усвоить информацию.


ВЕДУЩИЙ: Очень часто, слушая новости, мы обращаем внимание на криминальные истории - где-то совершено убийство человеком в состоянии наркотического опьянения, кто-то взят за продажу наркотиков, выявлена сеть распространителей зелья. И тогда начинаешь понимать, что наркотики становятся приметой нашего времени.

СОЦИОЛОГ: Сегодня в стране удельный вес подростков среди всех больных наркоманией составляет 23%. В 1984 году таких на всю Россию было только 420 человек, а сегодня стало почти 29 тысяч. На каждые 100 тысяч подростков приходится 168 ребят, злоупотребляющих наркотиками и 164 токсикомана. Больных, то есть переросших стадию злоупотребления и уже поставленных на учет - 74,4 подростка на каждые 100 тысяч, и 34 токсикомана. 28 тысяч 647 подростков состоят на учете в наркологическом диспансере, то есть из каждой тысячи 12-14-летних четверо - наркоманы, вынужденные обратиться к врачу. (Слайд 6.)