8) Не разговаривайте по телефону во время занятий.
Тематический словарь
1. Прочитайте и выучите следующие слова и переведите словосочетания.
breeze – легкий ветер; a gentle breeze
cloud – туча, облако ; a big grey cloud
drizzle – моросящий дождь; it drizzles
dust - пыль; to raise dust
fog – туман ; dense (=thick) fog, fog clears (=lifts)
hail – град; it hails
hoar-frost – иней; hoar –frost on the trees
ice – лед; hard ice, ice melts
icicle – сосулька; an icicle hangs down
lightning – молния; lightning flashes, lightning strikes
mud – грязь; to stick in the mud
puddle – лужа; there are many puddles after the rains
rainbow – радуга; the rainbow came out
rainfall – осадки в виде дождя; annual (=yearly) rainfall
sleet – снег с дождем, мокрый снег; it sleets
slush – слякоть; the snow turns to slush
storm – буря; a heavy storm, a storm is gathering
Indian summer – бабье лето; a lovely period of Indian summer
thunder – гром; rolls (=claps) of thunder
wind – ветер; strong wind, wind blows
mild – мягкий; a mild afternoon
severe – суровый; severe climate
chilly – прохладный, холодный; a chilly autumn wind
clear – ясный; a clear day
degree – градус; three degree of frost
dry – сухой, засушливый; a dry year
to freeze (froze, frozen) – морозить, мерзнуть; to freeze hard
frost – мороз; light (=slight) frost
heat – 1) жара; 2) нагревать; intense heat
harvest season – время сбора урожая; early autumn is harvest season
temperature – температура; temperature Centigrade
weather – погода; what is the weather like today?
grow – расти, выращивать; to grow a tree
soil – почва; poor soil
sow – сеять; to sow crops
plow, plough – пахать; to plow soil
crop – с/х культура; to grow crops
1. Прочитайте и переведите словосочетания
а) на русский язык:
A breeze from the sea; covered with clouds, cloudy, cloudless sky; a dusty table; covered with ice; icicles on the roof; flash of lightning; a muddy road; puddles in the yard; heavy rain, in the rain, it rains hard (=heavily); a rainbow in the sky; a rainy day; snow melts, snowfall, snowstorm, it snows heavily (=hard); it thunders, thunderstorm; mild climate; severe cold; it clears up, clear sky; fall two degrees, rise three degrees, two degrees above zero, three degrees below zero, two degrees in the shade (in the sun); dry summer; it freezes, hard (=heavy, severe) frost, a frosty morning; the sun heats the ground, heated air; high (low) temperature, temperature rises (=goes up), temperature falls (=goes down); nasty (foggy, stormy, windy) weather, damp (raw, moist, wet) weather, a spell of fine (warm, lovely, sunny) weather, changeable weather, weather forecast.
b) на английский язык:
Дует легкий ветер; небо покрыто серыми тучами; часто моросит дождь; густой туман, туманный день; идет гард; земля покрыта инеем; лед тает; вспышки молнии; грязные лужи; все цвета радуги; идет мокрый снег; снег превращается в слякоть; теплое бабье лето; гремит гром; сильный ветер; мягкий климат; суровая зима; прохладное утро; проясняется; 20 градусов в тени, 10 градусов мороза, 8 градусов выше (ниже) нуля; засушливый год; сильно подмораживает, ночные заморозки; сильная жара; низкая (высокая) температура, температура понизилась (повысилась); прогноз погоды, сырая погода, переменчивая погода.
2. Дайте определение каждому утверждению из левой колонки, используя слова из правой колонки:
1) a light gentle wind a) thunder
2) a small dirty pool of rain water on the road b) climate
3) a period of calm warm weather which c) puddle
sometimes happens in the early autumn d) weather forecast
4) water falling in drops from the clouds e) rain
5) the sudden loud noise which comes after f) fog
a flash of lightning g) breeze
6) a statement of what the weather is likely h) Indian summer
to be for the next day of few days
7) thick water vapour which is difficult to see
8) weather conditions of a place or area
3. Скажите по-английски:
Model: + 10° - ten degrees above (below) zero
3°↑ - temperature rises three degrees
+23°, - 4°, 5°↑, 2°↓, -11°, +17°, 4°↑, 6°↓
4. Подберите подходящие по смыслу существительные к данным прилагательным.
Model : dark – dark clouds, dark sky, dark night etc.
Thin, dense, mild, occasional, chilly, severe, thick, clear, hot, moderate, heavy, muddy, changeable, hard, cloudy, dry.
5. Используйте следующие прилагательные для описания:
a) good weather; b) bad weather.
Dreadful, lovely, beautiful, awful, nasty, marvelous, terrible, wonderful, miserable, fin.
Используйте эти же прилагательные в коротких диалогах.
- What a wonderful day we’re having today!
- Yes, isn’t the weather marvelous!
6. Прочитайте и переведите:
Seasons and weather
There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Each of them lasts three months. Every season is beautiful and pleasant in its own way, but also has some negative features.
Every year begins in winter. Winter is the coldest season all over the Northern Hemisphere. In some regions it may be severe: hard frosts and heavy snowfalls become a real disaster. But in our country winters are usually comparatively mild. It often sleets instead of snowing, and the snow turns to slush. The puddles may be not frozen, but still it is cold because of strong northern wind. The most unpleasant thing about winter is that the sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and the nights are long. But when the weather is fine: the sun shines, the air is fresh and frosty and the ground is covered with snow, people go for a walk to the forests and parks, enjoy doing winter sports, such as skating, skiing, sleighing and hockey. Besides we celebrate the most popular holidays: the New Year and Christmas in winter. So this season is favourite for many people.
At the end of March the weather gets gradually warmer. The days become longer and sunnier. Spring comes and nature awakens after a long winter sleep. Everything is full of life and joy. All kinds of plants and flowers come out filling the air with their fragrance. Birds come back from the south and build nests for their young. Although the weather generally clears up, spring is sometimes a very rainy season. There may be occasionally heavy rains, even with hail, in springtime. Spring is a busy season for farmers and people whose hobby is gardening. They must sow and start cultivating most crops. And their hard work in spring will result in high yields of fruit, vegetables and cereals in harvest season.
Spring is followed by summer. The weather gets still warmer and often is very hot. Sometimes heat can be really unbearable. The sky is blue and cloudless almost every day. But heavy thunderstorms with flashes of lightning also occur in summer, they moisten the ground, which is essential for plants, and make the air fresher and easier to breath. There often appears a beautiful rainbow in the sky after the thunderstorm. Most people have their holidays in summer. They can go the seaside to lie in the sun and to swim in the sea, or just go hiking to the forest or to the mountains. In either way they come back to their work or studies refreshed and full of vitality.
Then autumn sets and the nature fades away. This season is also called “fall” because it is the period of falling leaves. The first part of autumn is the harvest time for many crops. Early autumn days are generally wаrm and nights are cool. As winter approaches, the air becomes chillier and frost often occurs at night. The sky is most overcast with low grey clouds. It often rains and drizzles. In October while the leaves are turning color and falling from the trees there comes the mild pleasant period of Indian summer. The days become noticeably wаrmer. The sun shines softly, the sky turns rich blue, the air is smoky and still, with almost no wind. Indian summer lasts from a week to 10 days, and sometimes for two weeks. In late November the freezing of lakes and streams and the first snowstorms mark the end of autumn.
7. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) What is the weather like in winter (spring, summer, autumn)?
2) What is the average temperature in winter (spring, summer, autumn)?
3) Which season is the hottest (coldest, rainiest) in the year?
4) What is the best season for tourism (sports)?
5) Why is autumn also called “fall”?
6) What period do we call Indian summer?
7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each season?
8) Which is your favourite season and why?
8. Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами.
1) When the winter is mild, it often sleets instead ___ snowing, and the snow turns ___ slush.
2) The winters in our region may be rather cold because ___ strong northern wind.
3) Winter is a favourite season ___ many people.
4) The weather gets gradually warmer ___ the end of March.
5) Flowers fill the air ___ their fragrance.
6) There is often a rainbow ___ the sky ___ the thunderstorm.
7) People can enjoy lying ___ the sun in summer.
8) Indian summer usually lasts ___ a week ___ 10 days, and sometimes ___ two weeks.
9. Найдите и выпишите их текста пары антонимов.
The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west. When the sun rises, it is morning. When the sun sets, it is evening. When the sun is in the sky, it is light. During the night, if the moon is not shining, it is dark.
December, January and February are the winter months. The summer months are June, July and August. In winter the days are short and the nights are long. In spring and autumn there are sometimes cold days, but there are also days when the weather is warm.
10. Составьте предложения из следующих слов.
1) drops, the, of, grass, fell, rain, the, on, first
2) is, summer, of, the, weather, October, called, Indian, sunny, in, spell
3) the, roofs, hang, of, the, icicles, from, houses
4) blue, great, the, sky, in, clouds, there, white, are
11. Составьте предложения с данными словами по образцу, учитывая, какой частью речи они являются.
- It often rains. (verb)
- There is often rain. (noun)
- It is often rainy. (adjective)
Sunny, sun, hot, snow (v.), snow (n.), wind, windy, cold (adj..), cool, cloud, cloudy, warm, fog, foggy.
12. Заполните пропуски в тексте данными ниже словами.
But, fairly, temperature, short, rains, know, changeable, people, winters, long, in a row, often, the weather, does.
Weather in Britain
In Britain ___ is very ___: it ___ a lot, but the sun often shines too. ___ can be ___ cold, with an average ___ of 5°C in the south; there is often snow.
Summers can be cool or warm, but the temperature ___ not usually go above 30°C. it is ___ cloudy, and there are rains for days or weeks ___. Days are ___ in summer and ___ in winter. There are sometimes fogs, ___ not so often as foreigners think. The British ___ never ___ what tomorrow’s weather will be like.
13. Скажите, соответствует ли это действительности.
1. It often pours with rain in the desert.
2. It gets quite chilly in the desert in the evening.
3. Thunder makes a noise.
4. Lightning can kill people.
5. A shower is a gentle breeze.
6. A spell of hot weather may end in a thunderstorm.
7. If it is humid, the air will be very dry.
8. Below zero, water turns to ice.
9. Heavy rain means that it is pouring with rain.
10. When it’s foggy, you need sunglasses.
14. Заполните пропуски в тексте необходимыми словами.
A. Drier, humid, spell, winds, hot, blows, snows, heavy.
The greatest influence of Japanese weather is the wind. During the summer it … from the Pacific, causing … and humid weather, but in winter the northwesterly … from Siberia are very cold and it … heavier on the mountains in the North West. The south-eastern parts receive cold dry air. Between June and mild July, there is a … of wet weather when the rice fields get the water vital for growth. After that, there is less … rain, but the air is still … . Autumn, however, is … and usually very pleasant.
B. melts, sleet, frost, blizzards, thaws, snowdrifts, slush, icy.
My first experience with real winter weather was when I went to Northern Canada. I was used to the sort of snow that falls in London, which quickly turns into brown … with the people walking on it. In fact most of the time I was in London, it didn’t really snow properly, it was mostly … . Apart from that, British winters meant a bit of white … in my garden and occasionally having to drive very carefully on … roads early in the morning. I had never experienced the … and … that can paralyse a whole city in less than an hour and close roads completely. However, when the earth finally … and all the snow … away in spring, everything comes to life again and looks more beautiful than ever.
15. Определите значение идиом в следующих предложениях. Дайте их русские эквиваленты. Составьте ситуации с ними.
1. Did you see that dog chase those two cats? It went like the wind.
2. I’m going to get up early tomorrow morning, come rain or shine.
3. I’m certainly not going to spend all my money. I’m going to save some for a rainy day.
4. I don’t think you should worry about the incident too much. It’ just a storm in a teacup.
5. Our teacher has tried to explain it to us several times, but I’m still in a complete fog.
6. I’ve enjoyed living here, but now there’s a cloud on the horizon. They are planning to build a new office block right opposite our house.
7. We are having a lot of problems at the moment, but we’ll weather the storm if we stay together.
16. Переведите пословицы.
- March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.
- A wet and windy May fills the barn with corn and hay.
- Mist in May and heat in June make the harvest right soon.
- If the first of July be rainy weather, it will rain more or less forty days together.
- Everything is good in its season.
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- The longest day will have an end.
- It never rains but it pours.
Part II.
1. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания. Выучите их.