
Методические указания Волгоград, 1995 ббк грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О. В. Леднева, А. М. Митина, И. Ф. Янушкевич; Волггту. Волгоград, 1995. 27с (стр. 4 из 4)

As well/as - так же как (и); as ... as - так (же), как (и); as soon as - как только, as long as - пока; as if; as though - как если бы, как будто; so as - так чтобы; as to - что касается, относительно; as far as - до, насколько; so far as - насколько; as much ... as - столько, сколько; according to - согласно чему; in accordance with - в соответствии с; on account of - по причине, из-за; because of - из-за; due to - благодаря, из-за, в силу; owing to, thanks to - благодаря чему-либо; with respect to - no отношению к; in addition to - кроме, в дополнение к; by means of - посредством, при помощи; by virtue of - посредством чего, благодаря чему-либо, на основании чего-либо; instead of - вместо; in spite of, in despite of - несмотря на; in case of - в случае, если; both...and - как...так и; either ...or -или...или; neither ... nor - ни... ни; not only ... but (al­so) - не только... но (также) и.

1) The job was by no means an easy one. 2) So far as I can judge he is in the same nervous condition he was at this time last year. 3) I left a note asking my friend to let me hear from him as soon as he got back. 4) Neither he nor I guessed that she was telling stories. 5) In spite of its usefulness a direct cur­rent system has one great disadvantage. Namely, there is no easy economical way by means of which one can increase or decrease its voltage. 6) Potential is really neither a force nor a pres­sure. 7) Almost all universal motors are of the series type and operate on either direct or alternating current. 8) In many ins­tances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work accomplished. 9) Both momentum and Impulse, unlike energy and work, are vector quantities. 10) In other words, as far as the motion of its centre of mass is concerned, a body of any shape acted on by any number of forces, can be replaced by a point mass at its centre of mass and all of the forces on it can be considered to act at this point. 11) An accurate control of the motion of jet-propelled planes is possible due to the availability of reliable modern computers. 12) Thanks to the reliability of modem computing devices space flights can be accomplished successfully. 13) Any person can operate a desk computer because of its simplicity.

UNIT 11. The Complex Sentence

Exercise 1. Analyse and. translate the following sentences paying attention to the subject.

1) That this factor is too important to be ignored does not re­quire any further proof. 2) What is done cannot be undone. 3) That the sun is but a typical star is one of the most significant facts of modern astronomy. 4) What we want to stress is indivisibility and. complexity of the environment. 5) What follows is extremely significant in its bearing on the problem of the relationship of physics with other sciences. 6) That this was not the case was proved when they obtained more data. 7) What goes into a system must eventually come out. 8) What we try to do is to foretell a general tendency rather than a particular development. 9) Whether the project will be approved at present is a matter of importance. 10) Whether this difference of approach played a decisive role in the final solution of the problem remains a subject for speculation. 11) Whether it is necessary to apply an enormous pressure to a li­quid to get changes in volume is not difficult to prove. 12) It is obvious that an increased pressure will tend to prevent this ex­pansion and thus to prevent the conversion of water into steam. 13) What they were speaking about was quite clear to him. 14) Whe­re I shall find all the necessary data for my report is still a question. 15) What is necessary for us at present is to get all the necessary data. 16) How to use personal experience in practical work must be known to every specialist. 17) What has been called the scientific method began to appear in the time of Galilei. 18) That heat flows from a place of higher to one of lower temperatu­re but never in the reverse direction should be kept in mind.

Exercise 2. Analyse and translate paying attention to the predicate.

1) The great virtue of the neutron is that it has no electric charge. 2) The conclusion I arrived at was that he had a special purpose in asking me his last question and. a special interest in hearing my answer to it. 3) The result was that among his written papers there was one in which my name was mentioned. 4) An impor­tant characteristic of radiation is that it can occur in vacuum. 5) The question is whether the topic is important enough to unite all the participants. 6) One of the reasons why people before the eighteenth century knew hardly anything about gases was that they were difficult to handle. 7) Another remarkable fact is that the instruments not only show the operator now things are at the mo­ment, but warn him of impending disturbances. 8) The question is whether they will finish the test in time. 9} The main point was where he could find the necessary data for his experiments. 101 This is why I want to be present at the tests.

Exercise 3. Translate paying attention to the object.

1) The experiments show that light travels with great speed in a vacuum and that it travels with different speeds in different mediums. 2) The engineer said that he would be able to make the experiment the members of the committee spoke about at the last conference. 3) He asked me to tell him what place I had come from and where I was going to. 4) The delegates were asked if they themselves would select the laboratories they wanted to visit. 5) This instrument serves to indicate to the pilot whether his engi­ne is operating efficiently. 6) The post-graduates say the text they must translate is the most difficult one they have ever had. 7) When heating gases we find they act in exactly the same way as liquids.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the attribute.

1) They overcame numerous obstacles and difficulties they met with in the course of their research. 2) Instead of replying to my words he gave me the article he referred to in his report. 3) Microphones may be divides into classes according to the service they are intended for. 4) Properties of steel depend also on heat treatment the metal has been subjected to. 5) This is the princi­ple the mercury thermometer is based upon. 6) He delivered such a report that everybody was pleased. 7) The usual courses which post-graduates usually take are: a foreign language, philosophy, management and marketing, computers, speciality, and some others. 8) The college the new assistant arrived from supplied him with excellent recommendations. 9) The university he arrived at was just starting up a new laboratory. 10) It was the kind of labora­tory he was willing to work in. 11) The scientist asked his new assistant whether there was any field of physics he was especial­ly interested in. 12) This was the very man he had been told abo­ut by the senior assistant, Maxwell by name. 13) The report he made after their delegation had visited our laboratory shows that he has finally realized the importance of the work we are doing here. 14) The postgraduate teaching prof. N. is responsible for is of great interest for him. 15) The subject they have chosen for the discussion is connected, with the physics of fluids.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the adverbial modifier.

1) You must remember about it wherever you are. 2) The bell or other alarm signal operates only when the circuit is broken. 3) As the warm air rises, cooler air takes its place. 4) It is a highly important instrument as it may be used in many experi­ments. 5) When radio waves travel away from their point of origin they become attenuated or weakened. 6) As the vibration dies down, the intensity of the sound diminishes. 7) We shall go to the lec­ture on psychology for it seems to be interesting.

Exercise 6. Identify different clauses.

1) The question is whether he will send you to the conference or go himself. 2) The only real danger for physics is that it will become too pure and isolated from the practical problems of life for young people to want to study it at all. 3) The evidence we possess does not support the conclusion. 4) The only advantage of a lecture over the printed text is the immediate contact it offers between the lecturer and audience. 5) Sometimes people may think they are more efficient than they really are. 6) The food we eat provides the chemicals the body needs to continue functio­ning. 7) If the scientist succeeds in confirming his repeated ob­servations it may be stated that an empirical law or rule of na­ture has been discovered. 8) An efficient laboratory head always knows how to get his people to do their work properly and on time. 9) How the application of his discovery will affect man is some­times rather hard for scientist to foresee. 10) If the new know­ledge about the world is used for the benefit of man, the human race can continue to benefit from science for centuries to come. 11) Much of that we do in space, much of what is expected of us strains out technology to the breaking point. 12) There was a dis­agreement whether they should continue along the same line or whether they should take another approach. 13) Indirect evidence on the amount of sleep we need comes from studies of what happens when we do without it. 14) One of the fundamental problems of today is whether we shall be able to meet the challenge of the environmental crisis. 15) Unless we realize the possible adverse impact of the long-range effects of our action, no new approach to the problem of environment can be developed.


1. Турук И.Ф., Стойкова В.Н. Пособие по переводу научно-техниче­ских текстов с английского языка на русский. - М., 1975.

2. Методические указания по грамматике английского языка для аспирантов /Сост. Ермакова Н.В. - Волгоград. ВолгПИ, 1987.

3. Фролькис Э.Д. Говорите на научные темы. - Л., 1975.

4. Курс английского языка для аспирантов и научных работников / Н.И.Шахова, В.Г.Рейнголвд и др. - М., 1993.


Unit I. Tenses in the Active Voice 3

Unit II. The Passive Voice 4

Unit III. The Sequence of Tenses 6

Unit IV. Conditional Sentences. 7

Unit V. Emphatic Constructions 8

Unit VI. Modal Verbs 9

Unit VII. The Participle 10

Unit VIII. The Gerund 12

Unit IX. The Infinitive 14

Unit X. Multifunctional Words 16

Unit XI. The Complex Sentence 17

Составители: Леднева Ольга Вячеславовна

Митина Aнна Mееровна

Янушкевич Ирина Федоровна

Грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи

Методические указания


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