
Методические указания составлены в соответствии с учебным планом программ по специальности (стр. 2 из 25)

6. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

1. The workers (earn) more than ever this month. 2. I never (subscribe) to a foreign newspaper. 3. The students (return) to the town by the first of September. 4. It was clear to me that I never (meet) that man before. 5. By next Sunday the tourists (leave) our town. 6. The territory of our country (occupy) one sixth of the Earth’s surface. 7. The machine did not work because the engineer’ calculations (be) wrong.

II. Страдательный (пассивный) залог(PASSIVE VOICE)

7. Change from Active Voice into Passive Voise (§ 60, 62):

1. He has given some medicine to the child. 2. Father has sent for the doctor. 3. I had left my laboratory by 5 o'clock. 4. I shall read this book. 5. I shall have finished this experiment before the bell rings.

8. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге (§ 60, 61):

1. They wore cotton dresses. 2. The girls tidied the rooms. 3. They did the washing up.4. She received the diploma of primary school teach er in 1863. 5. Mother taught the children to sew and knit.6. They will do everything for you. 7. The parents must select books for their children. 8. She had to overcome many difficulties. 9. A group of students will write some articles for the new magazine. 10. The old woman was telling us interesting stories the whole evening. 11. They will finish their work tomorrow. 12. They can find all the necessary books in their school library. 13. At this moment the teacher is explaining new grammar rules.

9. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Passive Voice (§ 60-62):

1. Fruit trees are grown in the North of our country. 2. Heavy rains were reported in the South of France. 3. Fluffy snow was weighed and it was found that a cubic foot of it weighed one pound. 4. When snow is hardened by wind and rain it can weigh up to 30 pounds a cubic foot. 5. Great amounts of water vapour are contained in snow. 6. We don’t like it when we are laughed at. 7. A man is born for happiness as a bird is for flight. 8. The doctor was sent for. 9. He was listened to attentively.

10. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной форме (§ 60):

1. W. Bentley’s whole life was devoted to the study of snow structures.2. This microscope will be used for the study of snow particles. 3. A brown snowfall in Chicago was caused by a dust mixture. 4. This pupil will be asked at the next lesson. 5. Bread is cut with a knife.

11. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени, изменив обстоятельство времени (§ 60):

1. Many letters are received by you every day. 2. Many books are published in our country every year. 3. I am sent to the South. 4. This problem is given much attention to now. 5. I am told to go home by my mother.

III. Типы английских вопросов (General Question, Special Question,

Alternative Question, Disjunctive Question)

12. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме (§ 40-50):

1. You live in the same house. 2. He likes to play in the yard. 3. They know me. 4. He has a radio set. 5They play in the yard. 6. The tools are in the yard. 7. They are ready. 8. He helps his friend.

13. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам (§ 109-112):

1. Theodore Dreiser wrote novels about capitalist America. 2. Dreiser was a progressive American writer. 3. In 1945 Dreiser became a member of the American Communist Party. 4. Caroline was eighteen years old. 5. She entered a large building. 6. Carrie knew the names of some firms. 7. She saw the director on the second floor.

Add tail-questions to the following sentences.

Model: You began to study English last year, didn't you?

You don't know the text, do you?

1. Your sister works at a factory, …? 2. Ann doesn't speak French, …? 3. Tomorrow will be Saturday, …? 4. You didn't listen to the news yesterday, …? 5. You will have some more tea, …? 6. You are going to Leningrad next month, …? 7. It is cold today, …? 8. You cannot swim, …? 9. We must do this work in time, …? 10. You will open the window, …? 11. He has got a headache, …? 12. You have taken the boy's temperature, …? 13. This is not your book, … ?

IV. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы после текста (письменно).

Education in Great Britain


In England schooling is compulsory for children of 5 to 16 years of age. Any child may attend a school without paying fees. Over 90% of children of compulsory school age go to state school. The most important changes in Britain′s educational system were introduced under the Education Reform Act 1988. It led to the compulsory National Curriculum for pupils aged 5 to 16 in state schools. The Act also aims to give parents a wider choice of schools for their children. Local educational authorities finance most school education at local level. The also employ teachers. Every state school in England and Wales has a governing body responsible for the school′s main policies. Parallel reforms are introduced in both Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Full-time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years. There are three stages in education. The first stage is primary education the second is secondary education; the third is further education at university or college.

Before going to a primary school children receive nursery education (some children attend pre-school play-groups). It′s the first age o education. Around half of 3-4 years old in Britain receive nursery education. Children of nursery age need care as well as education. Social emotional and physical needs must be taken into consideration.


Сompulsory primary education begins at the age of 5 in England Wales and Scotland and at 4 in Northern Ireland. Children start their education in an infant school and move to a junior school at 7 years old. Primary schools vary in size and location. Pupils study different subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Music, Art, Physical education). Over 80% of all primary schools are mixed.

In Britain most children of compulsory secondary school age (11-16) receive free education financed from public funds. The large majority of schools are mixed.

The school year in England and Wales begins in September and continues into July. In Scotland it is from August to June. In Northern Ireland – from September to June. At this level children start to learn a modern foreign language. The course of study at secondary school may lead to General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)qualifications. At 16 years old children take different examinations and have quite a lot of coursework, only after which theyre awarded GCSE.

Those who stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for A(Advanced) level exams in two or three subjects.

A small proportion of children (about 8%) attend private or independent schools, which are not financed by the state. To understand this phenomenon a little history is needed.


The British government payed little attention to education until the end of the 19th century. Schools had existed in Britain long before the government took an interest in education. A small group of schools admitted only the sons of the upper and upper middle classes. At these public schools much more attention was paid to «character-building» and the development of «team spirit» rather than to academic achievements. These were «boarding schools» (as the pupils lived in them). The pupils wore distinctive clothes and the schools had their own traditions. The aim of those schools was to prepare young men to take up positions in the higher ranks of army, in business, civil service and politics.

A typical public schооl is for boys from 13. It admits fee-paying pupils. Such school is a boarding one. Each school is divided into houses with its housemaster. Public school place great emphasis on team sports. These schools are not at all luxurious or comfortable. A typical example of such a school is Eton.

British education has many different faces but one goal. Its aim is to realize the potential of all for the good of the individual and society as a whole.






up to 5years

4 – 11

11 – 16



The school year is usually divided into three terms.

Autumn term lasts from September (or August ) till Christmas holiday, which is about 2 weeks. Then spring term – till Easter holiday (also 2 weeks), and summer term, which lasts till June (or July). Summer holiday is about 6 weeks.

In addition all schools have a half-term, which lasts a few days or a week in the middle of each term.


I. Answer the questions.

What is the goal of education in Britain?

What types of school do you know in Britain?

What school do children at 6 years attend?

What exams do children have to take at 16 years old?

What subjects do pupils learn at secondary school?

Is there any difference between state and independent schools?

What is the aim of private schools?

Can you give an example of a private school?

Is schooling compulsory for pupils of 17 years old?

When does the academic year begin?

II. True or false?

Schooling is compulsory for children of 5 to 16 years of age.

Quite a large number of children attend public schools.

The first stage of education is secondary education.

Children in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland go to school at the same age.

Only a small part of schools are mixed.

At public schools much attention is paid to character building.

After finishing secondary school children are awarded GCSE.

5. Переведите текст на русский язык (письменно)

Hote Schooling

Although education is compulsory in the United States, it is not compulsory for all children to get their education at school. A number of parents believe that they can provide a better education for their children at home. Children who are educated at home are knows as «home-schoolers». There are about 300,000 home-schoolers in the United States today. Some parents prefer teaching their children at home because they do not believe that public schools teach the correct religious values; others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children themselves. Interestingly, results show that home-schooled children tend to do better than average on national tests in reading and math.

David Guterson is an American writer. He and his wife teach their three children themselves. Guterson says that his children learn very differently from children in a regular school. Learning starts with the children’s interests and questions. For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it may start a discussion or reading about climate, snow removal equipment, Alaska, polar bears, and winter tourism. Or a spring evening, when the family is watching the stars, is a good time for setting up a telescope and asking questions about satellites, comets, meteors, and the space program. At dinner, if the Brazilian rain forests are on the news, it could be a perfect time to get out the atlas and encyclopedia. Then there might be two hours or more of eating, asking questions, looking up answers, discovering how rain forests influence the climate, what the «greenhouse effect» is, how deserts are formed, and how the polar ice caps affect ocean levels.

Although home schooling offers an experience that is often more interesting than regular schools, critics point out that home-schoolers miss out on many important things. The home-schooler is an outsider who, because he or she never attended school, might be uncomfortable mixing with other people in adult life. Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children and may pass on their own narrow views to their children.

New Words

compulsory education – обязательное обучение

to provide – дать, обеспечить

snow removal equipment – оборудование для уборки снега

an outsider – не посещающий школу; посторонний наблюдатель


Преподаватель: Мусина О.В.

Lesen Sie den Text:

Was denken Sie über diese Methode?

«Eine Fremdsprache in sieben Tagen». So hieβ ein Artikel in einer Zeitung. Im Artikel erzähtle man über ein Experiment in dem Akademiestädchen bei Nowosibirsk.

Vor Beginn des Experiments kommt der Lernende in ein Hotelzimmer. Hier gibt es kein Telefon, kein russisches Buch, keine Zeitung in Russisch. Er kann hier mit niemandem russisch sprechen.

Nach Morgengymnastik und Frühstück kommt der Lehrer ins Zimmer. Eine Stunde lang spricht er deutsche Sätze und prüft, ob sein Schüler ihn versteht.

Nach einer Stunde kommt ein zweiter Lehrer, dann ein dritter, vierter, fünfter, sechster. Der zweite Lehrer schreibt deutsche Sätze an die Tafel, und die Sätze werden analysiert. Der dritte Lehrer bringt ein Tonbandgerät, und der Schüler hört Texte und macht Übungen mit einem Tonbandgerät. Der vierte zeigt Fragmente aus einem deutschen Film. Mit dem fünften Lehrer lernt der Schüler einen Artikel aus einer deutschen Zeitung oder Zeitschrift. Der sechste Lehrer hilft dem Lernenden bei der Vorbereitung eines Referats in Deutsch.

Es wird nicht nur viel gesprochen und gelesen, sondern auch viel Deutsch gehört.

Der Unterricht dauert von 9 Uhr morgens bis 11 Uhr abends. In diesen vierzehn Stunden hört der Lernende kein russisches Wort. Schon am dritten Tag beginnt der Lernende in der Fremdsprache zu denken. Am achten Tag wird der Lernende examiniert. Was hat er in diesen sieben Tagen gelernt? Er kann alles verstehen, was man ihm sagt, er kann lesen und versteht, was er gelesen hat. Er kann deutsch sprechen. Es gab Schüler, welche in Deutsch ein Referat halten konnten.

Wie kam man zu diesen Resultaten?

Die Methodiker und Linguisten wählten 400 – 600 Wörter. Diese Wörter gebrauchten und varierten alle Lehrer in verschiedenen Sätzen. Sie schufen eine fremdsprachige Atmosphäre. Die Schüler lernten intensiv viele Stunden.

Wer waren die Lernenden?

Ee waren wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter verschiedener lnstitute. Alle hatten schon früher in der Schule oder in der Hochschule Deutsch gelernt.

Beantworten Sie schriftlich die Fragen zum Text:

Wo fand das Experiment statt?

Wie lange dauerte der Unterricht?

Wieviel Lehrer arbeiteten mit einem Lernenden?

Wann beginnt der Lernende in der Fremdsprache zu denken?

Was kann der Lernende nach 7 Tagen?

Wieviel Wörter wurden im Unterricht gebraucht?

Wer waren die Lernenden?

Was denken Sie über diese Methode?

Bilden Sie Sätze mit gerader Wortfolge:

In diesen 14 Stunden hört der Lernende kein russisches Wort.

Im Artikel erzählte man über ein Experiment.

Mit dem Lehrer lernt der Schüler einen Artikel aus der Zeitung.

Bilden Sie mindestens 3 Fragen zum Satz:

Der Lehrer schreibt deutsche Sätze an die Tafel.

Welche Endungen bekommen die Adjektive?

- ein russisch – Buch

- deutsch – Satz