
Методические указания к изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы №3 для студентов заочной формы обучения всех специальностей спбгиэу (стр. 2 из 2)

For example, a company thinking about developing a new product or service ought to consider if there will be sufficient demand for it and whether the level of demand would be affected by price (economics). Can the company afford to produce it and make a profit at the price customers would be willing to pay (finance)? Has it got people with the right skills and expertise to design and make the goods (people)? Is the product covered by any special legal regulations as the upholstery or toy industries are (law)? Ought the company do some marketing research to find out what people think before they spend too much money (mathematics and statistics)? In everything mentioned here, the company will be giving and gathering information and ideas all the time (communication).

1.8. Define whether the statement is true or false

1. There are many meanings of the word business.

2. When we use the term 'business' we mean commercial policy.

3. Money is the language of business.

4. Anyone setting up a business has a choice of only way of conducting it.

5. The only way to limit the personal responsibility that sole traders and partners have for business liabilities is to form a corporation.

1.9. Put 5 questions to the text. Use 5 types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive and question to the subject.

Вариант № 2

Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются с букв М– Я.


2.1. Supply the correct form of the verbs.

1.Moshe Golberg (just leave)________ his office when he received a telephone call from Hans Lehman. “ I’m very worried”, Hans said. “We (not receive)________ that delivery of machine tools that we ordered from you last week. You know you (promise)________ that they would arrive today. But it’s already 5 p.m. What (happen)________?”

Moshe said he (not know)_________, but he would find out. He phoned the transport agents right away; an embarrassed clerk at the agents’ office explained what (happen) _______. The truck that (carry) the consignment of machine tools to Germany (have) an accident. Now the driver (wait)________ on the side of the road for the emergency services to arrive. “ It (take) _______ several hours to put the truck back on the road again’, the clerk warned.

Moshe Golberg sighed and and prepared to call Hans.

2.2. Write the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

1. The power plant ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________(to put) into operation last year.

2. Large companies may __________(to organize) into several large departments, sometimes even divisions.

3. Prices for export may _________ (to quote) in the buyer’s currency, the seller’s currency or in a third “hard” currency.

4. No special customs documentation _________ (to require) for trade between firms in different parts of the EU.

5. Workers have _________(to train) to operate many different machines.

6. Goods _________(to insure) in transit, through an insurance company or insurance brokers.

7. After a long discussion the agreement ________ ( to reach).

2.3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Object

1. We know him to have graduated from the institute two years ago.

2. Everybody knows him to be writing a new book.

3. We know the cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology.

4. We thought him to have taken part in their experiment.

5. Did you want them to discuss the terms of payment?

6. I expect you to be in the office earlier tomorrow to do some urgent work .

7. I’d like you to give me your contract forms.

8. She felt somebody look at her.

9. We heard him come in and close the door behind him.

10. Have you ever seen Ulanova dance?

11. Nobody noticed her leave the room.

12. I heard him mention my sister’s name.

2.4. Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

1. He ordered (чтобы они начали работу немедленно).

2. I’d like (чтобы он пришел как можно скорее).

3. I think (ваш менеджер даст вам инструкции по предстоящим переговорам).

4. We believe (что ты покажешь хорошие результаты).

5. I don’t think (что он хороший работник).

6. We want (чтобы товар был поставлен в мае).

7. They expect (что вы отправите отгрузочные документы).

2.5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject.

1. He was said to know several foreign languages.

2. The Buyers are supposed to increase the order.

3. They are believed to be on their way to the office.

4. The lecture of Prof. Stanley was said to be very interesting.

5. The Director is likely to come soon.

6. He did not appear to be surprised at this news.

7. They are likely to take part in business trip to New York.

8. He seems to know everything on this subject.

9. They were expected to learn how to use the computer.

10. This product is thought to be the first of its kind in the market.

11. His report proved to be the best at the conference.

12. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem.

2.6. Change the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

1. It was supposed that the partners to know the terms of the delivery.

1. It is understood that the commission will soon come to a decision.

2. It was expected that the conference would take place in May.

3. It seems that this book is very popular with specialists.

4. It happened that he was at home at that time.

5. It is not likely that they will return soon.

6. It is said that the company is loosing a lot of money.


2.7. Translate the following text into Russian.


Under Russian legislation, legal entities may take a number of legal and organizational forms, including the state enterprise, municipal enterprise (founded by the local Council of Deputies), individual or family enterprise (owned by one or more members of the same family), full partnership, mixed partnership, limited liability partnership, closed joint stock company and open joint stock company.

Open Joint Stock Companies

Under the large-scale privatization program, Russian enterprises are converting to open joint stock companies. Open joint stock companies are similar in concept to Western publicly traded companies. Shareholders are responsible for the obligations of the company within the limits of their investment. Despite the similarities to Western com­panies, however, investors should bear in mind that the standard char­ters of open joint stock companies may provide limited control over the contributions of minority shareholders.

The main features of open joint stock companies are the following:

• While open joint stock companies are governed by their charters
they are also subject to legislation. A standard charter has been
issued to guide enterprises in designing their own charter.

• Shareholders have limited liability.

• Shareholders govern the company through shareholders' meet­ings, which are held at least once a year. Among other activities at the shareholders' meetings, shareholders elect the board of di­rectors to act on their behalf between meetings.

The board of directors, which is headed by the general director, ap­points the board of management to carry out day-to-day management of the company.

Closed Joint Stock Companies

The following are the main differences between the open and the closed joint stock companies:

• Closed joint stock companies establish their own charter, allowing
participants to ensure that their interests in the company are bet­ter protected;

• Shares in closed joint stock companies are tradable only with the
consent of other owners and in accordance with relevant articles
of the charter.

Limited Liability Company

Limited liability companies (also known as limited liability partner­ships) are not set apart in the law from closed joint stock companies. However, Russian authorities have recently begun to recognize limited companies as distinct corporate vehicles. The main differences emerg­ing between limited liability and joint stock companies are the follow­ing:

• Limited liability companies are not required to issue share capi­tal;

• Limited liability companies need only establish two management
bodies, the board of directors and the board of management, and need not hold a shareholders' meeting;

• Limited liability companies must have at least two founding parties.

Full Partnership

All participants in a full partnership have unlimited joint liability for the obligations of the enterprise.

Mixed Partnership

A mixed partnership includes full partners and investor partners. Full partners bear unlimited joint liability for the obligations of the partnership to the extent of their property. The liability of investor partners does not exceed their total investment in the property of the partnership.


While trust companies are permitted in Russia, their legal status is unclear. Draft legislation covering trusts has been prepared, but has not yet been approved.

2.8. Define whether the statement is true or false.

1. Municipal enterprise is a legal entity owned by one or more members of the same family.

2. Open joint stock companies are similar in concept to any Western companies.

3. Limited liability companies must have as much founding parties as possible.

4. The participants in a full partnership have unlimited joint liability for the obligations of the enterprise.

5. Actually the liability of the investor partners exceeds their total investment in the property of the partnership.

2.9. Put 5 questions to the text. Use 5 types of questions (general, special, alternative, disjunctive and question to the subject.

5. Требования к оформлению

и срокам выполнения контрольных работ

Контрольная работа должна иметь титульный лист (см. Приложение Б), нумерацию страниц, список использованной литературы, в конце работы – дату ее выполнения и личную подпись студента.

Контрольная работа должна быть либо напечатана, либо написана четким, понятным почерком, без исправлений. На страницах работы следует оставить поля (3 см) для пометок и замечаний проверяющего преподавателя.

Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена и сдана для проверки на кафедру делового иностранного языка не позднее, чем за 15 дней до официальной даты зачета (экзамена).

В части GRAMMER EXERCISES контрольной работы все упражнения должны быть переписаны, подстановочные элементы выделены жирным шрифтом или подчеркнуты.


Supply the correct tense-forms.

Lane and Sons Co. (to make) _________ a contract last year.

Lane and Sons Co. made a contract last year.

Write the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

The details of export _________(to discuss tomorrow).

The details of export will be discussed tomorrow.

Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

I want (чтобы ты пришел во время).

I want you to come in time.

Change the following sentences using the Complex Subject.

It is said that he is a good student.

He is said to be a good student.

В части READING, в задании 1.7./2.7. –перевод текста должен быть выполнен в письменном виде полностью, без сокращений. Возможно приведение нескольких вариантов отдельных фрагментов.

При выполнении задания 1.8./2.8. необходимо дать письменное объяснение или ссылку на текст, если вы не согласны с данным утверждением.

Внесение изменений в порядок следования заданий не допускается.

Качество работы оценивается по тому, насколько глубоко и адекватно выполнен студентом перевод текста (в оценку входит также стилистическое и грамматическое оформление переводного текста), правильность выполнения упражнений. На каждую контрольную работу преподаватель кафедры предоставляет краткую письменную рецензию, в которой указываются достоинства и недостатки выполненной студентом работы. Дается общая оценка «зачтено» или «не зачтено». Если работа не зачтена, в нее необходимо внести соответствующие исправления с учетом сделанных замечаний. Повторная проверка работы осуществляется, как правило, тем же преподавателем, который рецензировал ее в первый раз. Студенты, не выполнившие контрольную работу или не получившие зачета по ней, к зачетам и экзаменам не допускаются.

6. Список литературы.

1. Бонк Н.А. Курс для начинающих. Английский язык для международного сотрудничества., М., Высшая школа , 2000.

2. Мурнаева Е.Н., Клишин А.И. и др. Studies in The Language of Economics. Сборник текстов на английском языке., СПб, СПбГИЭУ, 1997.

3. Флауэр Е.Н., Киселева Л.П. Test yourself in Business English. Сборник тестов и контрольных работ. СПб., СПбГИЭУ, 2002.


Содержание дисциплины

(извлечение из рабочей программы дисциплины)

Рабочая программа № 2058 дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)», утвержденная 05.07.2004г. для специальностей 080103 –Национальная экономика и включает в себя профессионально-ориентировочный курс со следующей тематикой:

1. Экономика. Экономические системы (основные понятия)

2. Разделение труда и специализация.

3. Классификация предприятий по видам деятельности.

4. Капитал и финансы (основные понятия).

5. Основные и оборотные средства. Активы предприятия. Баланс предприятия.

6. Организационно-правовые формы бизнеса.

7. Факторы экономической политики.