
Методические указания к изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы №2 для студентов заочной формы обучения Все специальности (стр. 4 из 6)

1. Г-жа Данн говорит по телефону уже 20 минут.

2. Наши инженеры сами ездили на завод в Глазго, чтобы посмотреть продукцию фирмы.

3. Мы заинтересовались телефонным оборудованием фирмы «Белл и Ко» после того, как увидели их в работе.

4. Мы были вполне удовлетворены переговорами и в будущем ждем хороших деловых отношений с этой фирмой.

5. Мы поинтересовались, какие товары продает фирма «Грин энд Ко».

6. Каждый год в городе строится много новых зданий.

7. После того, как контракт был подписан, представителей фирмы пригласили в ресторан.

8. Почему вы пришли так поздно? Вам следовало бы прийти пораньше, так как обсуждение вопроса, который вас интересует, уже началось.

9. К предложению должен быть приложен каталог, а также технические характеристики оборудования.

10. Спрос на эту модель очень велик. Мы не можем согласиться с тем, что наши цены не обоснованы. Однако если вы пожелаете увеличить заказ, мы могли бы предоставить вам скидку 5%. С нетерпением ждем вашего ответа.

2. Business Communication. Telephoning and Business Letters.

1.1. (7 x 1 point) Complete the telephone talk with the appropriate telephone phrases. Write your answers in the boxes.

Secretary: Petrov: Secretary: Petrov: Secretary: Petrov: Secretary: Petrov: Hello, Mr. Green’s secretary. What ___(1)___ ? Could ___(2)___ ? Who ___(3)___ ? This is Mr. Petrov from the Russian Trade Delegation. Just ___(4)___ . Sorry ___(5)___ can you hold on? Yes, ___(6)___ . Hello, you can ___(7)___ . Thank you.

2.2. (10 x 2 points) This task refers to the following two e-mails. Put the correct word or phrase in each blank. Choose from the following list. Use each item once only. Write your answers (letters A, B … or J) in the boxes.

A. I am enclosing B. I was very happy C. arrange D. appreciate E. I'll see you soon F. I wondered G. like the best H. I have I. you would like J. forward to seeing
October 17, 20__ Dear Roberto, I have some interesting news for you. My company is sending me to Greendale to work on a project in our branch office there. I will spend about three months at that branch office. __(1)__ if you could give me some advice about housing. The office can __(2)__ a hotel for me, but I'd rather find something more comfortable. Since my family won't be with me, I'll only need a small apartment. Our office is downtown, right across from Greendale Park, so I'll need to be able to get there easily by public transportation. I won't have a car. I would like to pay no more than $1,500 a month. Is that possible in Greendale? I would __(3)__ any advice you could give me. I plan to stay two weeks after my assignment is finished to travel around the area. I plan to spend most of that time at the beach. Maybe __(4)__ to join me on this vacation. __(5)__ Your friend, Luis Silva
October 31, 20__ Dear Luis, __(6)__ to receive your news. I know you'll enjoy your time in our wonderful city. __(7)__ a good recommendation for you. There are several hotels that have special suites that are like small apartments. They all have kitchens and are very comfortable to live in for a few months. They are also inexpensive— about $300 less than the price you said you could pay. All of these hotels are located in the North End of the city. There are hotels in the business district, close to your office, but they don't have these comfortable suites. __(8)__ some brochures so you can pick the hotel you __(9)__. I look __(10)__ you and joining you on the vacation you have planned. Your friend, Roberto Mendez











2.3. (5 x 2 points) For questions 1-5, you have to choose the option (А, В, С or D) which best matches the information in the letters (task 2.2).

6. Why is Luis going to Greendale? (A) To take a vacation (B) To buy house (C) To visit Luis (D) To work
7. How long will Luis be in Greendale? (A) Two weeks (B) Three weeks (C) Two months (D) Three months
8. How much are the hotel suites that Roberto recommends? (A) $300 (B) $1,200 (C) $1,500 (D) $1,800
9. Where are the hotel suites that Roberto recommends? (A) Downtown (B) Near a park (C) In the North End (D) In the business district
10. According to his letter, what will Roberto do during Luis's stay in Greendale? (A) Work with him (B) Take him to the park (C) Invite him to his house (D) Go to the beach with him






3. Reading.

3.1. (3 x 2 points) This task refers to the following table. You are to choose the one best answer (А, В, С or D) to each question. Answer all the questions based on what is either stated directly or implied in the table.





Under 25 26-35 36-50 Over 50









MARITAL STATUS Married Divorced, Widowed, Separated Single










1. Who makes up the largest number of factory personnel?

(A) Married women over 36

(B) Married men

(C) Divorced, widowed, or separated women, ages 36 to 50

(D) Married men, ages 26-35

2. In which category do women outnumber men?

(A) Workers who are between 26 and 35 years old

(B) Workers who are married

(C) Workers who are single

(D) Workers who are over 50

3. In which category are there fewer men than women?

(A) Under 25 years of age

(B) Over 50 years of age

(C) Married

(D) Ages 36-50

3.2. (4 x 2 points) Read the following passage. For questions 1-8, you are to choose the option (А, В, С or D) which best matches the information given in the article.

Drug advisory committees report to the Ministry of Health. It is the responsibility of these committees to protect consumers, most of whom have little chemical or biological knowledge with which to evaluate medications. Drug advisory committees provide the Ministry of Health with the necessary information for evaluating the proper degree of access to medications by the consumer. Drug advisory committees also oversee the preparation of materials that provide clearly explained information about commonly available drugs in a manner that is readily understandable to the layperson. Drug education may take the form of literature, advertisements, training of health care personnel, or other means as deemed appropriate by each committee. Drug advisory committees should be composed of physicians, registered nurses, epidemiologists, and pharmacologists. Members must posess specific scientific expertise and must have considerable experience working with consumers so that they can assess the impact of their decisions and projects on consumers. Each committee must have 10-15 members, who will be evaluated every two years by officials from the Ministry of Health.

1. Who is the audience for this passage?

(A) Nurses

(B) Medical doctors

(C) Lab workers

(D) Consumers

2. What is the purpose of these committees?

(A) To advise the Ministry of Health on the safety of drugs

(B) To sell drugs

(C) To serve as consumer advocates

(D) To evaluate the Ministry of Health

3. The word "advisory" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) performance

(B) advocacy

(C) testing

(D) consulting

4. Which topic would a drug advisory committee discuss?

(E) Causes of cancer

(F) Availability of over-the-counter drugs

(G) Hospital drug-dispensing systems

(H) Ministry of Health budget cuts





3.3. (19 points) Translate the following text into Russian.

The Good Life Beckons

The good society accepts the basic market system and its managers, but there are some things the market system does not do either well or badly. In the good society these are the responsibility of the state.

Some areas of state action are evident. In no country does the market system provide good low-cost housing. This is a matter of prime importance and must everywhere be a public responsibility. Few things are more visibly at odds with the good society than badly housed or homeless people.

Health care is also a public responsibility in all civilized lands. No one can be assigned to illness or death because of poverty. Here Britain can proudly point to its leadership.

The state has many other essential functions. In must also be borne in mind that many of these – parks and recreational facilities, police, libraries, the arts, others – are more needed by the underclass than by the affluent. Those who attack the services of the state are usually those who can afford to provide similar services for themselves.

In the good society, there must also be attention to a range of activities that are beyond the time horizons of the market economy. This is true in the science, not excluding medical research. The market system invests for relatively short-run return. To support science is pre-eminently the responsibility of the state.

Some of the truly important industrial achievements of recent generations – the great improvements in agricultural productivity, modern air transport, advanced electronics – have depended heavily on such public investment. Necessary also – a matter we are beginning reluctantly to recognize – is investment and regulation in the longer-run interest of the environment. The good society protects and improves life in its planetary dimension.

Вариант № 3.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

с букв ПЯ).

1. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises.

1.1. (20 x 1 point) Supply the articles where necessary. Write your answers (a, an, the or ‘−’) in the boxes.

a) It’s ___(1)___ pleasure to see you any day and any time.

b) If you go to Moscow by ___(2)___ train, it will take you ___(3)___ six hours.

c) All ___(4)___ newspapers wrote about ___(5)___ success of ___(6)___ exhibition.

d) We’ve received ___(7)___ invitation to visit ___(8)___ plant to see machines in operation. – Have you accepted ___(9)___ invitation?

e) We have been regular buyers of ___(10)___ computers from ___(11)___ company for many years.

f) ___(12)___ machines which we have bought from IML have ___(13)___ excellent technical characteristics.

g) ___(14)___ money is on ___(15)___ table. Go and buy some food with it.

h) ___(16)___ construction of ___(17)___ stadium was completed ___(18)___ year ago.

i) I thought you always bought ___(19)___compressors from ___(20)___Green and Co.

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

1.2. (20 x 1 point) Supply the prepositions where necessary. Write your answers in the boxes.

a) I’m sorry to say we are not satisfied ___(1)___ the quality ___(2)___ your goods.

b) The train is due to arrive ___(3)___ Manchester ___(4)___ 4.20.

c) I’d like to get ___(5)___ touch ___(16)___ your Sales Manager to negotiate ___(7)___ business matters.

d) Further ___(8)___ our telephone talk ___(9)___ your Sales representative, we’ll be obliged if you will send ___(10)___ us all particulars ___(11)___ the Model CB machines.

e) Television programmes keep ___(12)___ people informed ___(13)___ the latest achievements ___(14)___ different fields.

f) The guarantee period which the company offered ___(15)___ their computers was 12 months ___(16)___ the date ___(17)___ putting them ___(18)___ operation and 15 months ___(19)___ the date ___(20)___ delivery.

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

1.3. (20 x 2 points) Supply the correct tense-forms. Write your answers in the boxes.