
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения (контрольная работа №1) (стр. 1 из 2)






Кафедра___________________Иностранные языки_______________


Проректор по учебной работе,

д.э.н., профессор

________________________Новикова Н.Г.




для студентов 1 курса заочной формы обучения

(контрольная работа №1)

Дисциплина____________Английский язык___________________

Для специальностей Факультета сервиса

Москва 2008г.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ составлены на основе рабочей программы дисциплины

_________________________ _Английский язык______ ______________

(название дисциплины)

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры

_________________________ Иностранные языки______________________

(название кафедры)

Протокол № 2 «30»__ сентября_2009г.

Зав кафедрой к.и.н.,доц. Юрчикова Е.В.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ одобрены Учебно-методическим советом ФГОУВПО «РГУТиС»

Протокол № ________ «____»_______________200_г.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ разработаны:

Преподаватели кафедры доц. Сергеева И.М.

«Иностранные языки»



Методического управления к.т.н. доцент Щиканов А. Ю.


Методического отдела Бычкова Е. А.



Цель данных методических указаний и контрольных работ – помочь студенту в самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода общенаучной литературы и литературы по специальности широкого профиля.

В сборнике имеется серия грамматических и лексических упражнений, направленных на развитие устной и письменной речи. Студент выполняет один вариант контрольной работы в соответствии с последним шифром студенческого билета: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на нечетное число, выполняют вариант №1, на четное – вариант №2.

Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в формате Word. На титульном листе укажите факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, номер контрольной работы и варианта.

Контрольные задания следует выполнять c соблюдением полей, оставленных для замечаний, комментария и методических указаний преподавателя.

Строго соблюдайте последовательность выполнения задания.

Фрагменты текста, предназначенные для письменного перевода перепишите на левой стороне страницы, а на правой представьте его перевод на русском языке.

В конце работы поставьте свою личную подпись.

Контрольная работа №1

Вариант 1.

1. Read the text. Translate paragraphs 1, 3 in written form:

Alfred Nobel

1) Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire, a scientist who cared for literature, an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and although cheerful in company he was often sad when remained alone. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or a family to love him; a patriotic son of his nature land, he died alone in a foreign country. He invented a new explosive, dynamite. World-famous for his works, he was never personally well known as he avoided publicity. However, after his death his name glorified many people.

2) He was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842 where his father made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. But suddenly his father went bankrupt and the family returned to Sweden. Alfred began his own study of explosives in his father’s laboratory. Nobel didn’t go to school or University but studied privately. At twenty he was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist. Like his father he was imaginative and inventive, but he had better luck in business. He built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries.

3) But Nobel never really thought of money or even scientific discoveries. He was always searching for a meaning to life. His greatest wish was to see an end to wars and thus peace between nations. Nobel’s ideas which he expressed long before the threat of nuclear war are the ideals of all progressive people of the world. Nobel died in 1896. His famous will in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, economics, literature and promotion of world peace is a memorial to his interests and ideals. This will was written in Paris, 1895. Many outstanding scientists, writers and public figures from different countries are Nobel prize winners.

2. Answer the following questions in writing:

1) When and where was Alfred Nobel born?

2) What was Nobel’s father?

3) How many companies did Nobel build up?

4) What was Nobel’s greatest wish?

3. Make up four questions to the following sentences (general, special, disjunctive, alternative):

1) Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

2) Nobel’s will was written in Paris, 1895.

3) At twenty Nobel was a skillful chemist.

4) Alfred Nobel built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries.

5) Nobel was always searching for a meaning to life.

6) Nobel left all his money to provide prizes for outstanding work in different branches of science.

4. Write down the following nouns in plural:

A mountain, a tree, a tooth, a foot, weather, a family, a wolf, furniture, a child, a tomato, a hero, a day, a baby, a shelf, a handkerchief, news, a passer-by, a fish, a zoo, a deer, a country.

5. Use the Possessive Case of the Nouns:

1) the shoes of Ann –

2) the birthday of my brother –

3) the luggage of the passengers –

4) the room of Mary and Ann –

5) the problems of the children –

6) the flat of James –

6. Make up five sentences and translate them into Russian:

There is There are no book much snow many new books four seasons little milk in a year in the bottle in winter in our library on the table

7. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present and Past Continuous (Active or Passive Voice). Then translate the sentences into Russian:


1) Nobel’s father (to invent) the landmine and got plenty of money for it from government orders during the Crimean War.

2) Today scientists (to look for) new sources of energy.

3) Passenger transport (to become) quite a problem in all large cities of the world.

4) The stuff of the laboratory (to make) experiments on the new apparatus the whole week.

5) Town planners (to believe) that in future moving pavements (to appear) in the streets with the heaviest traffic.


1) A totally new safety system (to install) in the London Underground now.

2) The tube (to tunnel) through the mountain in the near future.

3) The experiments still (to conduct) in some laboratories when the new term began.

4) Today many polymeric materials (to produce) on a massive scale.

5) Vacuum tubes (to invent) at the beginning of the 20th century.

8. Open the brackets and form degrees of comparison of the adjectives:

1) Electrical and electronics engineering is (large) and (diverse) field of engineering.

2) Nobel’s (great) wish, however, was to see an end to wars.

3) The London Underground is becoming much (clean) and (bright) and therefore (pleasant) to use.

4) Marie Curie was (great) woman – scientist of her day.

5) Manufacturing is one of (important) application area for automation technology.

6) After World War II (big) and (fast) airlines were introduced.

9. Insert “some, any, no, every” and their derivatives:

1) The test is so difficult that … can do it.

2) She has … mistakes in her test, her mark is the best in our group.

3) Do you want … sugar in your tea?

4) … is present at the lesson today. The classroom is empty.

5) Is there … in the group who knows the difference between British English and American English?

6) You can find … in the office, the working day is over.

7) In all cities of the world there are … very old buildings.

8) You must go … next summer, you need a good rest.

9) There are … old houses in our street, they are all quite modern.

10) Let’s go … . The weather is fine. I don’t want to stay indoors in such weather.

10. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to modal verbs:

1) In the office personal computers may be used for word processing, bookkeeping, storage and handling of different information.

2) Electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers.

3) Computer – controlled robots must increase the productivity of industry.

4) Business minicomputers are able to perform to100 million operations per second.

5) Computers should become an integral part of the organization of industrial processes of all types.

6) New types of plastics had to be obtained for space technology.

11. Translate the following impersonal sentences into Russian:

1) It is proved that light needs time to travel any distance.

2) One must take part in scientific work.

3) It is necessary to find new sources of cheap energy.

4) One must apply the material that can be machined easily.

5) It is comfortable to live in a detached house.

Контрольная работа №1

Вариант 2.

1. Read the text. Translate paragraphs 1, 3 in written form:

London Underground

1) The fist underground railway in the world opened in London in 1863. On that historic day 30,000 Londoners used this new and strange way of travel. The underground railway covered a distance of almost four miles. London underground carries more than a million passengers every day and this number is constantly growing. In the early days the trains were driven by steam locomotives which burnt coal.

2) The deep tunneling came later in 1890. James Henry Greathead developed a method which made most of London’s tube tunnels possible. London transport’s experience with tunnels brought them another record. One of the longest continuous railway tunnels in the world is 17.5 mile tunnel on the Northern line. There are numerous escalators in the London Underground. The first was installed in 1911. One of them is over 80 feet in length. On long escalators the speed is changeable. The “up” escalator runs at full speed with passengers, but when empty it runs at half speed.

3) Safety was always one of the main concerns of London transport. In spite of the fact that trains often follow each other within seconds, the London Underground is the safest form of transport in the world. New automatic systems are now being used. The air in the Underground is changed every quarter of an hour and the temperature is about 22oC all year round. Though the quality of service is high there is still significant overcrowding on certain lines at peak periods. The fare in the Underground depends on the distance, but the lowest is 50 pence. The Underground is becoming much cleaner and brighter and therefore more pleasant to use. According to the statistics the crime level in the Underground is rather high. For more safety of passengers and the stuff the transport authorities added more police officers to the Underground System to guarantee as much protection as possible.

2. Answer the following questions in writing:

5) When and where did the first underground railway open?

6) What did James Henry Greathead develop?

7) What is the length of the longest railway tunnel in the world?

8) What is the speed on long escalators of the London Underground?

3. Make up four questions to the following sentences (general, special, disjunctive, alternative):

7) The first underground railway in the world was opened in London in 1863.

8) The first underground railway covered a distance of almost four miles.

9) The first escalator in the London Underground was installed in 1911.

10) The air in the London Underground is changed every quarter of an hour.

11) The crime level in the London Underground is rather high.

12) On long escalators the speed is changeable.

4. Write down the following nouns in plural:

A place, a library, a photo, a potato, a wife, a day, a party, a goose, a man, a shelf, a watch, a glass, a bird, a tooth-brush, a father-in-law, a radio, information, an address, money.

5. Use the Possessive Case of the Nouns:

7) the questions of my son –

8) the wife of my brother –

9) the handbags of these women –

10) the car of Alex –

11) the tests of the students –

12) the friends of Jack and Andrew –

6. Make up five sentences and translate them into Russian:

There is There are an air-conditioner no hot running water not many shelves an alarm-clock many places of interest in London on the bedside table in my country house in the office on the walls of the room

7. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present and Past Continuous (Active or Passive Voice). Then translate the sentences into Russian: