• Беседа с преподавателем (ответы на вопросы) по одной из пройденных тем.
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите форму, функцию причастия в предложении:
• определение; часть сказуемого; обстоятельство.
1. The audience was confused.
2. One aspect of "silent language" frequently mentioned by researchers discussing cross-cultural differences is the varying size of the "conversation bubble" in each culture.
3. Knowing her pretty well, I realized something was wrong.
4. The new school is going to open next week.
5. Rejected by all his friends, he decided to become a monk.
2. Перепишите следующие словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий
Образец: the above mentioned point - выше упомянутый пункт
A man-eating tiger, all-consuming interest, a flea-bitten dog, a self-made man, a fast-moving train.
3. Образуйте предложения со словосочетаниями из упр.2, исполь
зуя союз that.
Образец: a much loved story - a story that is loved much.
4. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. In microeconomic theory supply and demand attempts to describe, explain, and predict the price and quantity of goods sold in competitive markets. It is one of the most fundamental economic models, used as a basic building block in a wide range of models and theories. The theory of supply and demand is crucial to explaining the market economy. It explains the mechanisms by which prices and levels of production are set.
2. Demand is the quantity of a product that a consumer or buyer would be willing and able to buy at any given price in a given period of time. Demand is
often represented as a table or a graph relating price and quantity demanded. Most economic models assume that consumers make rational choices. These choices are about how much to buy in order to maximize their utility - they spend their income on the products that will give them the most happiness at the least cost. The law of demand states that, price and quantity demanded are inversely related. In other words, the higher the price of a product, the less of it consumers will buy. 3. Supply is the quantity of goods that a producer or a supplier is willing to bring into the market for the purpose of sale at any given price in a given period of time. Supply is often represented as a table or a graph relating price and quantity supplied. Producers are assumed to be utility-maximizing, attempting to produce the amount of goods that will bring them the greatest possible profit. The law of supply states that, price and quantity supplied are directly proportional. In other words, the higher the price of a product, the more of it producers will create.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите § 2,3 текста.
6. Найдите в тексте причастия, определите их форму и функцию.
7. Письменно составьте аннотацию к тексту.
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию причастия в предложении:
определение; • часть сказуемого; обстоятельство.
1. The exam results were disappointed.
2. Certain kinds of "silent language" that convey revealing information to other people give one particular message in one culture but a conflicting message in another culture.
3. Being unable to help her, I gave her some money.
4. Who is the man talking to Elizabeth?
5. Most of the people invited to the party didn't turn up.
2. Перепишите следующие словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий.
Образец: the above mentioned point - выше упомянутый пункт.
3. Образуйте предложения со словосочетаниями из упр.2, исполь
зуя союз that.
Образец: a much loved story - a story that is loved much.
4. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. In marginalist economic theory, the price level is determined by the marginal cost and marginal utility. The price of all goods will be the cost of making the last one that people will purchase. The price of all the employees in a company will be the cost of hiring the last one the business needs. Marginalism looks at decisions based on "the margins", what the cost to produce the next unit is, versus how much it is expected to return in profit. When the marginal return of an action reaches zero, the action stops. Marginal utility is how much more happiness or use a person receives from a purchase in contrast with buying less. Marginal rewards are often subject to diminishing returns: Less reward is obtained from more production or consumption. For example, the 1Oth bar of chocolate that a person consumes does not taste as good as the first, and so brings less marginal utility.
2. Marginalism became increasingly important in economic theory in the late 19th century, and is a tool which is used to analyze how economic systems will react. Marginal cost of production divides costs into "fixed" costs which must be paid regardless of how many of a commodity are produced, and "variable costs". The marginal cost is the variable cost of the last unit. Marginalism states that when the profit from the next unit will be zero, that unit will not be produced. This is often termed the marginal revolution in economic thought. The marginalist theory of price level runs counter to the classical theory of price being determined by the amount of labor congealed in a commodity.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите § 1 текста.
6. Найдите в тексте причастия, определите их форму и функцию.
7. Письменно составьте аннотацию к тексту.
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию причастия в предложении:
• определение; часть сказуемого;
• обстоятельство.
1. Most students are interested in Grammar.
2. "Conversation bubble" is the amount of physical distance maintained between people engaged in different kinds of conversations.
3. Not wishing to continue my studies, I decided to become a hair dresser.
4. She was crying when I saw her.
5.I found him sitting at a table covered with papers.
2. Перепишите следующие словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий.
Образец: the above mentioned point — выше упомянутый пункт.
A death-defying stunt, a mind -boggling fact, a much-visited attraction, a well-known grammar book, a fox-hunting man.
3. Образуйте предложения со словосочетаниями из упр.2, используя
союз that.
Образец: a much loved story - a story that is loved much.
4. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. In order to measure the ebb and flow of supply and demand, a measurable value is needed. The oldest and most commonly used is price, or the going rate of exchange between buyers and sellers in a market. Price theory charts the movement of measurable quantities over time, and the relationship between price and other measurable variables. In Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, this was the trade-off between price and convenience. A great deal of economic theory is based around prices and the theory of supply and demand. In economic theory, the most efficient form of communication comes about when changes to an economy occur through price, such as when an increase in supply leads to a lower price, or an increase in demand leads to a higher price.
3. Another area of economic controversy is about whether price measures the value of a good correctly. In mainstream market economics there are significant scarcities not factored into price. There is said to be an externalization, which is a cost or benefit to actors other than the buyer and seller, of which many examples exist, including pollution (a cost to others) and education (a benefit to others). Market economics predicts that scarce goods which are under-priced because of externalities are over-consumed. Scarce goods that are over-priced are under-consumed. This leads into public goods theory. Governments often tax and restrict the sale of goods that have negative externalities and subsidize or promote the purchase of goods that have positive externalities in an effort to correct the distortion in price caused by these externalities.
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите §1,2 текста.
6. Найдите в тексте причастия, определите их форму и функцию.
7. Письменно составьте аннотацию к тексту.
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию причастия в предложении:
• определение; часть сказуемого; обстоятельство.
1. The snack was quite satisfied.
2. Seriously depressed individuals actually have more easily compromised immune system than people who are not suffering from depression.
3. Used economically, one tin will last for six weeks.
4. This time tomorrow I will be lying on the beach.
5. Rescues are still working in the ruins of the collapsed hotel.
2. Перепишите следующие словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий.
Образец: the above mentioned point - выше упомянутый пункт.
A weight-reducing machine, face-saving maneuver, a store-bought cake, a handmade sweater, English-speaking Canadians.
3. Образуйте предложения со словосочетаниями из упр.2, исполь
зуя союз that
Образец: a much loved story - a story that is loved much.
4. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
Opportunity cost
1. Although opportunity cost can be hard to quantify, the effect of opportunity cost is universal and very real on the individual level. In fact, this principle applies to all decisions, not just economic ones. Since the work of the Austrian economist Friedrich von Wieser, opportunity cost has been seen as the foundation of the marginal theory of value.
2. Opportunity cost is one way to measure the cost of something. Rather than merely identifying and adding the costs of a project, one may also identify the next best alternative way to spend the same amount of money. The forgone profit of this next best alternative is the opportunity cost of the original choice. A common example is a farmer that chooses to farm his land rather than rent it to neighbors, wherein the opportunity cost is the forgone profit from renting. Similarly, the opportunity cost of attending university is the lost wages a student could have earned in the workforce, rather than the cost of tuition, books, and other requisite items (whose sum makes up the total cost of attendance).
3. Note that opportunity cost is not the sum of the available alternatives, but rather the benefit of the single, best alternative. Possible opportunity costs of the city's decision to build the hospital on its vacant land are the loss of the land for a sporting center, or the inability to use the land for a parking lot, or the money that could have been made from selling the land, or the loss of any of the various other possible uses—but not all of these in aggregate. One question that arises here is how to assess the benefit of dissimilar alternatives. We must determine a dollar value associated with each alternative to facilitate comparison and assess opportunity cost, which may be more or less difficult depending on the things we are trying to compare. For example, many decisions involve environmental impacts whose dollar value is difficult to assess because of scientific uncertainty. Valuing
5. Перепишите и письменно переведите §1,2 текста.
6. Найдите в тексте причастия, определите их форму и функцию.
7. Письменно составьте аннотацию к тексту.
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию причастия в предложении:
• определение; часть сказуемого;
• обстоятельство.
1. People were depressed by the news.
2. Having failed my medical exams, I took up teaching.
3. The window was broken in the storm.
4. He came the first runner, closely followed by the second.
5. The man speaking to John (not the man dancing in the corner or the man standing by the punch) told him some shocking information.
2. Перепишите следующие словосочетания и переведите их, обращая внимание на особенности перевода на русский язык причастий.