Вариант 5
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию инфинитива в предложении:
■ подлежащего; ' дополнения;
1. It is nice to talk to you.
2. Norman likes to collect stamps.
3. He needs a place to live in.
4. I watched him in order to know more about him.
5. It will be done in the years to come.
2. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, найдите и определите форму инфинитива.
Образец: I am sorry not to have come on Thursday. - Жаль, что я не пришел в четверг.
to have come - Perfect Infinitive Active.
1. This form is to be filled in ink.
2. She was sorry to have missed Jill.
3. I noticed that he seemed to be smoking a lot.
4. Norman wasn't allowed to stay up late when he was a child.
3. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.
Carriers are often uncertain how to determine the costs of individual hauls. An American railroad does not know how much of its overhead costs to allocate, for example, to a shipment of coal from Cheyenne, Wyo., to Duluth, Minn. Sometimes the concepts of "joint products" and "by-products" are used. A joint product is essential to the long-term survival of the firm, while a by-product is nonessential. The carrier must have a strategy to keep the joint-product types of traffic and be certain that their rates on this traffic are compensatory. Carriers also enjoy economies of scale, although this varies with mode of transportation. Railroads benefit the most. A stretch of track between two cities has the same fixed daily costs whether it handles 1 or 10,000 cars per day. Airliners have a break-even point, at a load of about 70 percent of capacity. Revenues from any passengers carried above this amount flow almost directly into the firm's profits. A carrier enjoying economies of scale tries to increase volume by lowering rates to attract additional traffic. In transportation, the phrase "economic density" is used to describe benefits to carriers of having certain heavily used routes that are full, or dense, with traffic.
4. Придумайте заголовок к тексту
5. Письменно составьте аннотацию к тексту.
6. Прочитайте текст, придумайте заголовок, составьте аннотацию.
1. Translate the following expressions into Russian.
Gross national product, needs, society, nation, economy, to regulate, to deregulate, to strengthen, involvement, significance, consumer, rationale, concern, mode, private, enterprise, government, facilities, passenger, freight, networks, vehicles, subfield, tolls, tax, policy, traffic, field, movement, infrastructure, triad, node, terminal, waterways, canals.
2. Read the text with a dictionary.
Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin trans ("across") and
portare ("to carry").
The field of transport has several aspects: loosely they can be divided into a triad of infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Infrastructure includes the transport networks (roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used, as well as the nodes or terminals (such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). The vehicles generally ride on the networks, such as automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, airplanes. The operations deal with the control of the system, such as traffic signals, air traffic control, etc, as well as policies, such as how to finance the system (for example, the use of tolls or gasoline taxes).
Broadly speaking, the design of networks is the domain of civil engineering and urban planning. The design of vehicles of mechanical engineering and specialized subfields such as nautical engineering and aerospace engineering, and the operations are usually specialized, though might appropriately belong to operations research or systems engineering.
Modes of transport
Modes are combinations of networks, vehicles, and operations, and include walking, the road transport system, rail transport, ship transport and modern aviation.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What is transportation?
2. What aspects does the field of transport have?
3. What does infrastructure include?
5. What do the operations deal with?
6. What are modes?
4. Compare transport modes in the World
Worldwide, the most widely used modes for passenger transport are the Automobile (16,000 bn passenger km), followed by Buses (7,000), Air (2,800), Railways (1,900), and Urban Rail (250).
The most widely used modes for freight transport are Sea (40,000 bn ton km), followed by Road (7,000), Railways (6,500), Oil pipelines (2,000) and Inland Navigation (1,500).
EU 15 | USA | Japan | World | |
GDP (PPP) per capita (€) | 19,000 | 28,600 | 22,300 | 5,500 |
Passenger km per capita | ||||
Private Car | 10,100 | 22,700 | 6,200 | 2,700 |
Bus/ Coach | 1,050 | 870 | 740 | 1,200 |
Railway | 750 | 78 | 2,900 | 320 |
S. Read the text with a dictionary.
Transportation economics is the study of the allocation of transportation resources in order to meet the needs of a society. In a macroeconomic sense, transportation activities form a portion of a nation's total economic product and play a role in building or strengthening a national or regional economy and as an influence in the development of land and other resources. In a microeconomic sense, transportation involves relations between firms and individual consumers. The demand for and supply of transportation for both passengers and freight, transportation pricing, and the reasons why the transportation system is both regulated and deregulated are among its concerns. Finally, the government's involvement in each mode of transportation differs. In some instances private enterprise is used; in others, government provides the facilities and equipment, especially if the rationale for government involvement is that a strong transportation system is necessary for developing the nation's economy or for its defense.
Government's involvement in transportation has both a macro- and a microeconomic significance.
6. Answer the questions:
1. What is transportation economics?
2. What does transportation involve in a macroeconomic sense?
3. What does transportation involve in a microeconomic sense?
4. What are the concerns of microeconomics?
5. Is the government's involvement in each mode of transport the same?
7. Read the text and A) think of the suitable heading, B) make up an
Экономика транспорта как часть общей экономической системы страны определяется совокупностью заданных системных объектов, их свойств и взаимосвязей. Под совокупностью системных объектов в данном случае следует понимать вход, процесс, выход, цель, обратную связь и ограничения.
Вход экономической системы транспортной отрасли характеризуется
материально-технической базой транспортных предприятий, трудовыми ресурсами, технологическими способами перевозки и перегрузки грузов и т. п. Выход экономической системы - это удовлетворение потребностей хозяйства в перевозках грузов и пассажиров. Процесс экономической системы - осуществление перевозок грузов и пассажиров, перегрузочных работ, обслуживание транспортных и перегрузочных средств, обеспечение движения транспорта, взаимоотношения с клиентурой и т. п.
1. Translate the following expressions into Russian.
To facilitate, internal, improvement, growth, development, communication, commerce, ties, to reach markets, merchandise, service, a fertile ground, inventor, innovator, entrepreneur, investor, to trade, production process, site, to sell, to exchange, perishable foods, a producer, quantity, output, economies of scale, competitive, to widen, opportunity, supplier, buyer.
2. Read the text with a dictionary.
1. Transportation facilitates communication and commerce. Alexander
Hamilton, secretary of the Treasury in the 1790s, believed that internal
improvements were necessary for the nation's economic growth. The word
"infrastructure" is used to describe all the facilities that an economy has in place,
including its transportation network of roadways, railroad tracks, and ports, as
well as the vehicles and vessels to use them. An adequate infrastructure is a
prerequisite to economic development. Transportation and communications are
important in developing and strengthening social, political, and commercial ties.
These ties must be developed before trade can be handled on a regular basis.
Transportation also is necessary for goods to reach markets where they can be
sold or exchanged for other merchandise or services. Transportation undertakings
have proved to be a fertile ground for inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs, and
their supporting investors.
2. Transportation allows each geographic area to produce whatever it does best and then to trade its product with others. It is also possible to use transportation to link together a number of different steps in the production process, each occurring at a different geographic site. Speedy modes of transportation (such as air) allow perishable foods to be distributed to wider market areas. Transportation also allows workers to reach their job sites. Lastly, because of transportation, it is possible for a producer to reach a large number of markets. This means that the quantity of output can be large enough that significant production economies of scale will result.
3. A transportation network makes markets more competitive. Economists often study resource allocation—that is, how specific goods and services are used. A transportation system improves the allocation process because it widens the number of opportunities for suppliers and buyers.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What does the word infrastructure describe?
2. Does transportation develop and strengthen social, commercial and political ties?
3. Why is it necessary?
4. What are the benefits of transportation?
5. What does transportation system do?
4. Read the text and A) think of the suitable heading, B) make up an annotation.
Gross national product (GNP) expresses a nation's total economic activities, of which transportation forms a part. In the late 20th century in the United States, between 17 and 18 percent, or about one-sixth, is associated with transportation. The figure can be broken down into passenger and freight transportation. About 11 percent of GNP is accounted for by movement of people and about 6 percent by movement of freight. More than four-fifths of expenditures for movement of people in the United States are associated with the private automobile — its purchase, operation, and maintenance. About one-tenth of the expenditure on intercity travel is for travel by air; the remaining tenth is spent for rail, taxi, transit bus, and school bus. The vast majority (four-fifths) of money spent for intercity movement of freight goes to highway carriers; rails receive only about one-tenth, and the remainder is divided between air, water, and pipeline. It should be noted that more than four-fifths of the expenditures for both personal and freight intercity transportation goes to highway users. In economic terms, this represents by far the most important segment of transportation in the United States. At one time, railroads were the most important, but their role has steadily declined since World War I.