Тип | Главное предложение | Придаточное предложение | Что выражает | Как переводится |
III | Should (would) might, could + Perfect Infinitive без «to» I should have done the trans- lation Я бы сделал перевод, ( вчера ) He might have come to the conference yesterday Он, возможно, пришел бы на конферен- цию вчера, | Форма глагола, совпадающая с Past Perfect if I had had a good dictionary. если бы у меня был хороший словарь (но его у меня не было). if he had not been ill. если бы он не был болен (но он был болен). | Нереальное (невыполни-мое) условие, относится к прошедшему времени | Так же |
Таблица 12 - Союзы условных предложений
Союзы | Примеры |
If – если Unless – если … не Provided (that) – при условии если Providing (that) In case – в случае если | If the temperature is low, the reaction will not take place. Если температура будет низкой, реакция не произойдёт. I shall come unless I am busy. Я приду, если не буду занят. The device can work provided it is operated properly. Прибор может работать если его правильно эксплуатировать. In case somebody looks for me, say I am in the library. В случае, если меня будут искать, скажите, что я в библиотеке. |
Таблица 13 - Бессоюзные условные предложения
| английский язык | 2' | 1 | 2 |
3 4 |
should, had, were, could, might | подлежащие | смысловой глагол в составной форме | остальные члены предложения | ||
Could | he | pass | his exam, … | ||
русский язык | 1 | 2 |
3 4 | ||
Если (бы) | подлежащее | сказуемое | остальные члены предложения | ||
Если бы | он | смог сдать | экзамен, … | ||
Примеры | 1. Should he learn about our meeting, he will come by all means. Если он узнает о нашей встрече, он обязательно придет. 2. Had the text been not so difficult, we could translate it without a dictionary. Если бы текст не был так труден, мы смогли бы перевести его без словаря. 3. Were I not so tired I should go for a walk. Если бы я не так устал, я бы пошел погулять. 4. Could he pass his exams ahead of time, he would join our tourist group. Если бы он смог сдать экзамены досрочно, он бы присоеди-нился к нашей туристской группе. | ||||
Примечание: в условных предложениях II типа глагол "to be" употребляется в форме "were" для всех лиц. |
2.1 Тренировочные упражнения по теме
"Инфинитивные обороты"
Задание к упражнениям: переведите на русский язык предложе-ния с объектным и субъектным инфинитивными оборотами, исполь-зуя таблицы 1-6 и образец выполнения. Помните об особых глаголах, помогающих найти их.
Образец выполнения
1. He is know to work at our plant.
Известно, что он работает на нашем заводе.
Он, как известно, работает на нашем заводе (субъектный инфинитивный оборот).
2. We consider them to be good specialists.
Мы считаем, что они хорошие специалисты (объектный инфинитивный оборот)
1. The temperature in the centre of the sun is believed to be 15 mln degrees Centigrade.
2. We know gravity to act on every particle of a body.
3. The laser beam seems to have almost unlimited industrial possibilities.
4. The operator wanted his lathe to be repaired as soon as possible.
5. The loss of activity of the substance proved to have been only temporary.
6. An automatic drilling machine is reported to have increased production more than 550 per cent.
7. The instrument is not likely to be damaged, if all rules are followed.
8. The conference discussed the problems which are said to be extremely important.
9. The progress in aviation is known to be set by the engine development.
10. They expect the meeting to be over in an hour.
1. The designers claimed the new device to increase the production rate of the lathe in work.
2. The new device enables the lathe to be used for a greater range.
3. The new equipment is supposed to double the output.
4. That equipment is provided to be quite satisfactory for such kind of work.
5. In cylindrical grinding the work is known to be held between centers.
2.2 Тренировочные упражнения по теме
"Причастие. Независимый причастный оборот"
Задание к упражнениям: переведите предложения на русский язык. Пользуйтесь таблицами 7-9 и образцом выполнения.
Образец выполнения
1. Insulating materials are used for covering electric wires.
insulating – Participle I, функция определения, активный залог.
Изолирующие материалы используются для покрытия
2. When heated the polymer changed its properties completely.
heated – Participle II, функция обстоятельства.
Будучи нагретым, полимер полностью изменил свои свойства.
3. It being late, we decided to stop working.
it being late – независимый причастный оборот.
Так как было поздно, мы решили прекратить работу.
1. Speak to the students working in the laboratory.
2. The experiment being conducted in the laboratory is of great importance.
3. Being asked he answered that he had used the sulfuric acid as a catalyst.
4. The professor was speaking to the students working in the laboratory.
5. The large building being built in our street is a new institute.
1. The laboratory built in our Institute is very large.
2. The results obtained resulted in new investigations.
3. When solved the problem will be of great importance for the development of our country.
4. New technique has been developed.
5. The question involved was very important.
1. The salts being catalysts, the rate of the reaction increases twice.
2. The work having been done, they went home.
3. Mechanic examined the motor, we could start it.
4. Acids react with oxides of all metals, a salt and water being formed.
5. We have three lectures today, the last being on physics.
Задание к упражнениям: переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы, функции причастия и его обороты.
1. The problems connected with the production of the new device are being studied by a group of specialists.
2. The first amount of titanium produced when examined indicated much.
3. The crane described is equipped with three motors.
4. The technique described received general approval.
5. Alloys of aluminum containing copper as the principal allying element are widely used.
6. Speaking about the new methods of work the engineer told us many interesting details.
7. Having been measured with inaccurate instruments the data were incorrect.
8. While burning different substances combine with oxygen.
9. Having finished the research the scientist made a thorough analysis of the collected data.
10. The fuel exhausted, the engine stopped.
1. Many technical and scientific problems having been solved, the device was put into operation.
2. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged.
3. The plant supplied with good raw materials, the quality of products has been improved.
4. Electrons moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated.
5. Probably the first metals used by man were gold, silver and copper, they being found free in nature.
2.3 Тренировочные упражнения по теме
"Условные предложения"
Задание к упражнениям: переведите следующие условные предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различие в способе их перевода в зависимости от типа (I и II, III). Используйте таблицы 10-12 и образец выполнения.
Образец выполнения
1. I shall give you the book on condition (that) you return it next week.
2. Я дам вам эту книгу при условии, что вы вернете ее на следующей неделе.
3. If we received the documents tomorrow, we should start loading the goods on Monday.
4. Если бы мы получили документы завтра, мы начали бы грузить товары в понедельник.
5. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it.
6. Если бы я видел его вчера, я спросил бы его об этом.
1. If a substance conducts electricity, it will be heated.
2. If a metal were heated, it would melt.
3. If a non-metal had been cooled, it would have become brittle.
4. If the experiment is successful, the results will be accurate.
5. If he had come in time, we should have met him.
6. If I were present at the meeting tonight, I should take part in the discussion.
7. If the earth did not rotate it would not have the shape of a ball.
8. If he had known the problem better, he wouldn’t have made a mistake in his experiment.
9. If he came here now, we would ask him for help.
10. If he is busy, I shall not come up to him.
1. This question couldn’t be answered with certainty if you didn’t carry out a number of investigations.
2. If this research had been done earlier, the role of this element would have been clear.
3. This element could be predicted if you knew the properties of the other elements.
4. If the temperature is low, the reaction will proceed slowly.
5. We shall adjust a new tool if the old one fails.
6. If I received his letter, I should answer it at once.
7. If you had given me these data before, I should have included them into my report.
Упражнение 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям. Пользуйтесь таблицами 1-6 и образцом выполнения раздела 2.
1. Some alloying elements are known to cause steel to resist corrosion
2. The crew is reported to have carried out a great deal of scientific
3. experiments.
4. We know the wave theory of light to be first proposed by the
5. English physicist Robert Hooke in 1665.
Упражнение 2. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на пере- вод зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных обо-ротов. Пользуйтесь таблицами 7-9 и образцом выполнения раздела 2.
1. Having done a number of calculations, our astronomers have shown that the basic mass of the galaxies is concentrated outside their visible part.