Сопоставление фактов эндемичности флоры и фауны в особых геохимических провинциях с преобладанием в почве никеля, а также на вулканических островах с интерполяцией данных палеонтологии и концентрации экотоксиканта в органическом топливе позволило выявить эволюционный характер воздействия экотоксиканта.
The role of ecotoxicant nickel in today’s ecology and its evolution influence
Biologists have noticed for a long time that ugly forms of plants meet in regions where the raised concentration of nickel is found out in ground. If the livestock eats such greens it blinded fast because of keratitis and cataracts. Deformation of joints and hoofs is observed at such animals. It has been noticed till 1970.
Water- and acidity soluble connections of nickel are poisons. The chronic poisoning or an intoxication of nickel is shown by such diseases, as: cataract, cancer, inflammations of vessels, anemia, dermatitis, rhinitis, deficiency of immunity, infringement of activity of nervous system, heart and other bodies. The author represents a hypothesis about nickel - toxicant which is the trigger of autoimmune diseases, including sugar diabetes.
The main danger of nickel starts from a food. It is a priority of V. Shudin's author discovery. The hypothesis about the trigger of diabetes proves to be true by the author with the help of 33 demonstrative arguments.
The author compares and analyzes many literary and a scientific data. The conclusions of the author are based on the scientific researches mentioned by him, the data and the facts.
Tendencies of growth of the widespread diseases in Ukraine are illustrated in the published table. The bronchial asthma, allergy, cancer, rhinitis, anemia, cataract and bronchitis are mentioned in a table. The author traces communication of the named diseases with an intoxication of nickel and pays special attention to allergic diseases of a pancreas.
Infringements in ecology of an environment are reflected in growth of disease and a nickel sensitization of an organism. The author sees the main health hazard of people in the food factor. It because the share of nickel in food plants and artificial food increases constantly. Burning of coal, emissions of gases in an atmosphere from factories and chemisation of food peep promote deterioration of an ecological situation. The author allocates a special role for margarine production in saturation of an organism by nickel. The text contains the description of features of formation of trances-fibers and magnetizations of nickel in artificial fats. It is published for the first time.
The concept of the author explains tendencies of growth of many diseases which progress contrary to successes of a science and a medicine. The author informs the data on antagonists to nickel and on the basic food vegetative sources of toxic metal. The first brief information about this conception as Shudin's phenomenon was published with author's photograph in Russian newspapers "Oculist" (# 7/8-2004, St. Petersburg).
Concentration of nickel was very great in relic ground of the Earth because of rough volcanic activity. It proves to be true significant presence of nickel in mineral organic fuel. As nickel influences on RNК and DNA its participation is undoubtedly in occurrence and transformation of the vivid World. The author offers in this connection a hypothesis about extinction of dinosaurs from an abnormity and diabetes. More than 200 million persons are nowadays sick of this epidemic progressing heavy illness. Unfavorable forecasts are done about the future of mankind.
The leading role in it taken to a complex of features of global epidemic toxicant-nickel to cause of antimetabolic, cytotoxic, theratogenic, cancerogenic and autoallergic processes at its excessive concentration in an organism. This circumstance to tendencies of growth of destructive diseases, including diabetes, anemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases accounted for.
The sources, speaking that the situation is aggravated with anthropogenesis pollution by toxic metal from its increased extraction, dispersions in an environment, by addition in artificial components of food, a medicine and vitamin complexes are resulted. It proves to be true displays of a nickel toxicosis (bioelementos, displayed by contact dermatitis), received a global distribution, and also by character of an irrational feed, and by complex biotical and abiotical influences on health of people.
The first autoimmune basic cause of type 1 (insulin dependent) sugar diabetes was formulated and written by author of the science discovery for the first time in February 2006 and was sent to Ukrainian and International (in Moscow) Associations of Authors of Science Discoveries for a registration. The all readers of this book can agree with arguments of a basic trigger of autoimmune diabetes.
The analysis of today’s unfortunate global anthropogenic situation, of an endemic peculiarity of a flora as a food production, of a difficult explicable tendencies of an increase of any destructive illness of men including autoimmune reactions and a hypersensitivity reveals a basic source of an environment soiling. The evolution influence of a nickel to a lives world was revealed by V.V.Shudin for the first time. This is also as a menace for a survival of mankind.
These Associations accepted in October 2006 my hypothesis “The little ecologic model of a Paleocene today’s” for registration. The additional information in English will be resulted in sites: http://trigger.boom.ru/Ni.htm , http://allergia.front.ru/discovery.htm and in other.
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