104. Office of The Gambian President: State House Online: Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh
105. Ливан установит дипотношения с Палестиной | В мире | Лента новостей «РИА Новости»
106. coprs DiplomatiqueauLiban1
107. المديرية العامة للمغتربين
108. Diplomatic missions residing in Addis Ababa: Palestine
110. http://portal.mfa.kz/portal/page/portal/mfa/ru/content/policy/cooperation/asia_africa/08
111. Republic of Azerbaijan Minisitry of Foreign Affairs — Politics
112. http://www.president.az/articles/1582?locale=en
113. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina — Dates of Recognition and Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
114. Država PALESTINA
115. История МИДа Таджикистана
116. Справочник Дипкорпуса (2009)
117. Министерство иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан
118. Palestine (The State of)
119. Диппредставительства иностранных государств в КР — Официальный сайт Министерства иностранных дел Кыргызской Республики
120. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro | Dates of Recognition and Establishment of Diplomatic Relations | Bilateral
121. Коста-Рика установила дипломатические отношения с Государством Палестина (исп.)
122. Les Ambassades et Consulats accrédités en Cote d’Ivoire :: Ministère des Affaires Etrangères :: Site officiel ::
123. Venezuela y Palestina establecen relaciones diplomáticas
124. RD y Palestina firman relaciones diplomáticas
125. Reconhecimento do Estado Palestino nas Fronteiras de 1967 / Recognition of the Palestinian State along the 1967 Borders / Reconnaissance de l’Etat de Palestine dans les frontières de 1967
126. " Blog Archive " Argentina Reconoce A Palestina Como Estado Libre E Independiente
127. Боливия вслед за Бразилией признала палестинское государство | В мире | Лента новостей «РИА Новости»
129. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile — Declaración del Gobierno de Chile sobre el reconocimiento del Estado de Palestina
130. Government of Guyana Statement by the Government of Guyana in Recognition of the State of Palestine. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (13 January 2011). : «The Government of Guyana has today decided to formally recognize the State of Palestine as a free, independent, and sovereign state, based on its 1967 borders.»
131. Perú reconoce al Estado Palestino
132. «Lista del Cuerpo Diplomatico, Organismos Internacionales y Cuerpo Consular». Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
134. Embassy of the State of Palestine
135. Республика Суринам признала Палестину в границах 1967 года | В мире | Лента новостей «РИА Новости»
136. [1]
137. http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Story.aspx?sid=51026
138. http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Story.aspx?sid=47771
139. http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Story.aspx?sid=6720
140. МЗС України — Публікації
141. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine — News
142. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine — News
143. New Envoys Present Letters of Credence
144. Visa Information
145. President meets Palestinian Ambassador, October 13, 2004
146. Israel and Africa: the problematic friendship:"recognized the State of Palestine"
147. President Kibaki bids Envoys farewell
148. Let's tackle global challenges in a unified manner, President Kibaki says
149. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic of Iran
150. http://www.president.ir/en/print.php?ArtID=8374
151. Embassies & consulates in the Philippines. — Best of the Philippines, 1995. — ISBN 978971915160, p219: «The State of Palestine is recognized by over one hundred states including the Republic of the Philippines. In September 1989, diplomatic relations were established between the two governments leading to the opening of the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Manila, May 1990.»
152. Foreign mission to Philipinnes
153. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia — Palestine Bilateral Relations between Georgia and Palestine
154. Foreign relations of CAR
155. International Recognition of the State of Palestine
156. The Middle East and North Africa, 1995. — Europa Publications. — ISBN 9780946653997: "By July 1991 the following states had recognized the independent State of Palestine, and more than 70 states had accorded Palestinian representatives full diplomatic status … "
157. Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs
158. Actualités | Congratulations to President Paul BIYA from Palestinian Leader | Cameroon
159. November 5, 2010|Bureau of African Affairs Background Note: Lesotho
160. Doebbler, Curtis Palestine's Right to Statehood and What it Means. Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) (2 December 2009).: «The 21 other states of the Arab League, for example, already recognise Palestine as a state. So too do the 56 other member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).»
161. Ministry of Tourism- Syria ::
162. Uruguay reconocerá al Estado Palestino a comienzos de 2011
163. Comunicado conjunto de Uruguay y el Gobierno de la Autoridad Nacional Palestina
164. Uruguay to begin bilateral relations with Palestinian state
165. Mujica piensa viajar a Palestina
166. Uruguay announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Palestinian State
167. Código B — Blog de Noticias: Fútbol, Ciencia, Astronomía, Tecnología, Internet.
168. ISO members. Iso.org.
169. Maintenance Agency for ISO 3166 country codes English country names and code elements. International Organization for Standardization (2010).
170. International Organization for Standardization Palestine Standards Institution (2010).
171. Al-Bab Palestinian Organisations. Arab Gateway (June 2002).: "PLO also contains the ...; Palestinian Red Crescent Soc (established Jord 65, part of PLO from 1969)".
172. International Trade Union Confederation ITUC affiliates (2010).
173. Secretariat, Asian Parliamentary Assembly Asian Parliamentary Assembly member parliaments. Asian Parliamentary Assembly.
174. Inter-Parliamentary Union Members of the Union. Inter-Parliamentary Union.
175. Government of Egypt Members, Observers and Guests. Non-Aligned Movement.
176. The Group of 77 Member States of the Group of 77 (2010).
177. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ESCWA At a Glance.
178. Palestine ITU status. Itu.int (2010-10-20).
179. Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations Status of Palestine at the United Nations. United Nations. : "On 2 April 1986, the Asian Group of the U.N. decided to accept the PLO as a full member."
180. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Government structures. United Nations (2002). : "At present, the PLO is a full member of the Asian Group of the United Nations".
181. ГА ООН Resolution 52/250: Participation of Palestine in the work of the United Nations (1998): "Palestine enjoys full membership in the Group of Asian States".
182. Палестины / ООП (будучи наблюдателем только ГА ООН) не включен в список "Members of the General Assembly, arranged in current regional groups". Further, a recent document of UN-HABITAT, which classifies countries by explicit lists according to the United Nations Regional Groups (see: "UN-HABITAT's Global Report on Human Settlements" (2007), pp. 329-330), along with a more recent document of UN-AIDS - which classifies countries by explicit lists according to the Regional Groups that are used by the UN General Assembly (see: UNAIDS, The Governance Handbook (2010), pp. 28-29), do not include Palestine/PLO in any Regional Group, but instead write: "the General Assembly conferred upon Palestine, in its capacity as observer, additional rights and privileges of participation. These included the right to participation in the general debate of the General Assembly, but did not include the rights to vote or put forward candidates" (see: UN-HABITAT's Global Report on Human Settlements, p. 335, 2nd footnote; UNAIDS, The Governance Handbook, p. 29, 4th footnote).
183. World Health Organization Fourth report of Committee B (Draft). Fifty-Third World Health Assembly (19 May 2000).
184. World Tourism Organization Observers pursuant to General Assembly resolution.
185. World Intellectual Property Organization List of Observers (23 March 2010).
186. United Nations Historical Information. Office of Legal Affairs; United Nations Publications (2010).
187. Arab League list of members
188. Ошибка цитированияНеверный тег <ref>; для сносок dominicanr не указан текст
189. Takkenberg, 1998, pp. 136–138.
190. Organisation of the Islamic Conference Member States.
191. OIC Member States. Permanent Mission of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to the United Nations Offices in Geneva and Vienna.
192. Taylor & Francis group and Lucy Dean, 2003, p. 1328.
193. Status of Palestine at the United Nations. Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations – New York.
194. United Nations, General Assembly 43/177: Question of Palestine. United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (15 December 1988). (англ.)
195. Ошибка цитированияНеверный тег <ref>; для сносок hillier не указан текст
196. Encyclopedia of the United Nations and international agreements. — Routledge, 2003. — ISBN 9780415939249
197. Шаблон:UN document
198. Palestine and international law: essays on politics and economics. — McFarland, 2002. — ISBN 9780786411917
199. Asia
200. Home — General Delegation of Palestine in Ireland
201. israel today | Europe starts process of recognizing Palestine - israel today
202. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-15/norway-calls-for-palestinian-state-gives-diplomatic-mission-embassy-rank.html
203. Palestinian Delegation in Norway. "Welcome". Palestine Liberation Organization.
204. Przedstawicielstwa dyplomatyczne w Polsce
205. Odpowiedź na zapytanie w sprawie stanu stosunków dyplomatycznych utrzymywanych przez Rzeczpospolitą Polską z Suwerennym Zakonem Rycerskim Szpitalników im. Jana Jerozolimskiego...
206. List of the states Poland maintains diplomatic relations with
207. General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific General Information. Palestinian National Authority.
208. МИД Австрии: Verzeichnis des diplomatischen Korps // Andere bilaterale Vertretungen (нем.) (Другие двусторонние учреждения) (перевод)
209. (14 декабря 1988 инициаторы обращения в ЮНЕСКО (Алжир, Индонезия, Мавритания, Нигерия и Сенегал) назвали Австрию в числе признавших государств, но потом отозвали свое утверждение.)
210. Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations – Directory - Palestine Embassies, Missions, Delegations Abroad.
211. Bilateral and Multilateral Relations of the Holy See, update on October 22, 2009
212. Startseite
213. PRESEANCE_2010-11-5
214. ::Palnet.dk:: Det palæstinensiske netværk i Danmark :: Palnet
215. "Diplomatic list" Government of Iceland
216. Palestine Liberation Organisation About Palestine General Delegation. Palestine General Delegation in Helsinki responsible for Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
217. Government of Slovenia. "Representations abroad: Palestinian territories". Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
218. U.S. upgrades status of Palestinian mission in Washington
219. Ambassades et consulats étrangers en France
220. Mission de Palestine en France
221. France upgrades diplomatic status of Palestinian delegation:"... change the name of the Palestinian delegation to "Mission of Palestine," and the title of the delegation head to "Ambassador, head of Palestinian Mission."]
222. General Delegation of Palestine, Switzerland
223. Government of Estonia Diplomatic relations. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. «Estonia recognises the Palestine Liberation Authority [sic] as the representative of the Palestinian people on the international level.»
224. MOFA: Foreign Missions in Japan: Other Representative Office – Palestinian Authority
225. "Non-Resident Embassies & Consulates: Palestine". Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
226. Misiones En Colombia - Asia
227. Noticia Home
228. Oficina de Representación de México en Palestina -SRE
229. Ministerul Afacerilor Externe şi Integrării Europene al Republicii Moldova — Politica externă — Autonomia Palestiniană
230. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Palestine
231. The Role of the Office of the European Union Полужирное начертаниеRepresentative
Источник: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Международно-правовой_статус_Палестины