
Карачи (стр. 3 из 3)

В Карачи также популярны такие виды спорта, как бадминтон, волейбол и баскетбол. Футбол особенно популярен в Лайари (англ.)русск. (один из районов Карачи), в котором проживает большое сообщество сидди и белуджей. Народный Футбольный Стадион (англ.)русск. — один из крупнейших футбольных стадионом в Пакистане, вмещает в себя около 40 000 человек[57]. В 2005 году город принимал чемпионат Юго-Восточной Азии по футболу, а также Geo Super Football League в 2007 году. В городе есть стадион для игры в хоккей, помещения для занятия боксом, сквошем и поло. Так как город расположен на побережье Аравийского моря, здесь распространено катание на лодках, водных лыжах и сёрфинг.

10. Города-побратимы

· Индонезия, Джакарта

· Китай, Шанхай (кит. 上海, пиньинь Shànghǎi, у Zånhae), Китай (1984)

· Маврикий, Порт-Луи

· США, Хьюстон (англ. Houston) (2009)[58]

Список литературы:

1. The Urban Frontier — Karachi, NPR (June 2, 2008).

2. The largest cities in the world and their mayors. City Mayors.

3. R.L. Forstall, R.P. Greene, and J.B. Pick, «Which are the largest? Why published populations for major world urban areas vary so greatly», City Futures Conference, (University of Illinois at Chicago, July 2004) — Table 5 (p.34)

4. Pakistan City Karachi Online Information. Pakistancity.org.

5. Karāchi.

6. http://www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/world/geoworld/05-8-8-2.htm

7. http://www.mining-enc.ru/i/indiya/

8. Climate data - Karachi. Pakistan Meteorological Department, Government of Pakistan.

9. http://www.dawn.com/2006/08/18/top2.htm

10. World weather - average conditions - Karachi. BBC.

11. Asian Development Bank Karachi Mega-Cities Preparation Project.

12. The Trade & Environment Database The Karachi Coastline Case.

13. Pakistan and Gulf Economist Karachi: Step-motherly treatment.

14. Social Policy and Development Center Provincial Accounts of Pakistan: Methodology and Estimates.

15. Dawn Group of Newspapers Sindh, Balochistan’s share in GDP drops.

16. Dawn Group of Newspapers Sindh’s GDP estimated at Rs240 billion.

17. Dawn Group of Newspapers Sindh share in GDP falls by 1pc.

18. Global city GDP rankings 2008-2025. PricewaterhouseCoopers.

19. Dawn Group of Newspapers World Bank report: Karachi termed most business-friendly.

20. Federal Board of Revenue Year Book 2006-2007.

21. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/apr2005/nf20050422_9277_db016.htm

22. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&tkr=ENGRO%3APA&sid=afU5S7jTdEl4

23. http://www.pakboi.gov.pk/pdf/IT%20&%20Telecom.pdf

24. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN015892.pdf

25. Welcome to KTN TV. KTN.

26. Sindh TV. Sindh TV.

27. http://www.fpcci.com.pk/industrialzone.asp

28. http://www.epb.gov.pk/v1/expocenter/

29. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5387590.stm

30. Karachi Port Trust K.P.T. Projects.

31. Dawn Group of Newspapers KPT to build Rs20bn tower complex.

32. Hamdard University Project Office Port Tower Complex, Karachi. Kpt.gov.pk (2006-10-12).

33. The Economist. Where grass is Greener.

34. http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/livable_cities_worldwide/index.asp?sortCol=rank_2007&sortOrder=ASC&sector=&country=undefined&pageNum=1&resultNum=100

35. Ian Colbeck, Zaheer Ahmad Nasir and Zulfiqar Ali. The state of ambient air quality in Pakistan—a review.

36. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Karachi's Invisible Enemy. PBS (2009-07-17).

37. Karachi population to hit 27.5 million in 2020. Dawn Media Group (2007-07-10).

38. Karachi turning into a ghetto. Dawn Media Group (2006-01-16).

39. «Karachi violence stokes renewed ethnic tension». IRIN Asia.

40. In a city of ethnic friction, more tinder. The National (2009-08-24).

41. UN body, police baffled by minister’s threat against Afghan refugees. Dawn Media Group (2009-02-10).

42. Falling back. Daily Times.

43. Chronology for Biharis in Bangladesh. Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland (2007-01-10).

44. From South to South: Refugees as Migrants: The Rohingya in Pakistan. Huffingtonpost.com (2008-05-12).

45. Sheedis have been hurt most by attitudes. Dawn Media Group (2008-06-23).

46. Arif Hasan, Masooma Mohibur Urban Slums Reports: The case of Karachi, Pakistan (PDF) (2009-02-01).

47. Karachi Demographics Findpk.com

48. http://www.espncricinfo.com/pakistan/content/ground/58956.html

49. http://www.espncricinfo.com/pakistan/content/ground/58967.html

50. Test Matches played on National Stadium, Karachi. Cricket Archive.

51. First-Class matches played by Karachi. Cricket Archive.

52. First-Class matches played by Karachi Blues. Cricket Archive.

53. First-Class matches played by Karachi Greens. Cricket Archive.

54. First-Class matches played by Karachi Whites. Cricket Archive.

55. Fixtures. CricInfo.

56. National Games. Pakistan Sports Board.

57. http://www.footballpakistan.com/

58. Houston-Karachi Sister City Association. www.sistercitiesofhouston.org.

Источник: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Карачи