13. Фарида Мамедова. Причинно-следственные связи карабахской проблемы
14. К истории Карабахского вопроса — Google Книги
15. Russia and Iran, 1780—1828 — Google Книги
16. The land was mountainous and dry, the population of about 100,000 was roughly 80 percent Muslim (Persian, Azeri, and Kurdish) and 20 percent Christian (Armenian). Firuz Kazemzadeh. Reviewed Work(s): Eastern Armenia in the Last Decades of Persian Rule, 1807—1828 by George A. Bournoutian. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4. (Nov., 1984), pp. 566—567.
17. G.A. Bournoutian. The Ethnic Composition and the Socio-Economic Condition of Eastern Armenia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century. // Transcaucasia: Nationalism and Social Change. / Ed. by R.G. Suny. — Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1983. — Pp. 69-86; G.A. Bournoutian. A.L. Altstadt’s The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity under Russian Rule: [Review]. // Armenian Review, # 45 (3). — Pp.63-69. — Данные приводятся по: Philip L. Kohl, Gocha R. Tsetskhladze. Nationalism, poliitcs, and the practice of archaeology in the Caucasus. // Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology. / Ed. by Philip L. Kohl, Clare Fawcett. — Cambridge University Press, 1996. — P. 155.
18. «In Safavi times, Azerbaijan was applied to all the muslim-ruled khanates of the eastern Caucasian as well as to the area south of the Araz River as fas as the Qezel Uzan River, the latter region being approximately the same as the modern Iranian ostans of East and West Azerbaijan.» Muriel Atkin, Russia and Iran, 1780—1828. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press Press, 2008, ISBN 0 521 58336 5
19. Всемирная история. Энциклопедия. Том 6 \Под редакцией Н. А. Смирнова - Москва, 1959 Карта Закавказье в начале XIX в.
20. Русско-турецкий договор 1724 в БСЭ
21. Статья Русско-персидские войны в энциклопедии «Кругосвет»
22. In 1747 Nadir Shah, the strong ruler who had established his hold over Persia eleven years earlier, was assassinated in a palace coup, and his empire fell into chaos and anarchy. These circumstances effectively terminated the suzerainty of Persia over Azerbaijan, where local centers of power emerged in the form of indigenous principalities, independent or virtually so, inasmuch as some maintained tenuous links to Persia’s weak Zand dynasty. Thus began a half-century-long period of Azerbaijani independence, albeit in a condition of deep political fragmentation and internal warfare. Most of the principalities were organized as khanates, small replicas of the Persian monarchy, including Karabagh, Sheki, Ganja, Baku, Derbent, Kuba, Nakhichevan, Talysh, and Erivan in northern Azerbaijan and Tabriz, Urmi, Ardabil, Khoi, Maku, Maragin, and Karadagh in its southern part. — Tadeusz Swietochowski. Russian Azerbaijan, 1905—1920: The Shaping of National Identity in a Muslim Community. — Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2004. — P.2.
23. Часть каджаров некогда переселилась в Анатолию и Сирию. Эмир Теймур (Тамерлан) переселил 50 тысяч семейств каджаров в Кавказский край и поселил их в Эриване, Гандже и Карабаге, где они в течение времени еще более умножились. Многие из этих каджаров при сефевидских шахах были государственными деятелями и управляли Арменией и Ширваном. Это от них произошли эриванские и ганджинские ханы. — Аббас-Кули-Ага Бакиханов. Гюлистан-и Ирам («История восточной части Кавказа»). — Баку, 1991. — С.172. На принадлежность к каджарам последнего правителя Эриванского ханства, Хусейна Кули-хана, указывает также Дж. Бурнутян (George A. Bournoutian. Ḥosaynqolikhan Sardār-E Iravāni // Encyclopaedia Iranica. / Ред. Эхсан Яршатер (англ.)).
24. http://books.google.com/books?id=ff2zOZYaZx0C&pg=PA67&dq=khanate+of+yerevan+azerbaijanian&ei=7DE_SpnpCqe0zQSBrd3KAQ&hl=ru … Derbend, Nakhchivan end Eyeravn. All these khanates were ruled by muslim Turkic families.
25. http://books.google.com/books?id=sNoP1zphWf8C&pg=PA93&dq=khanate+of+yerevan+azerbaijanian&lr=&ei=PzQ_StbLD5viygTW8OXKAQ&hl=ru Princes of Azerbaijan…. Yerevan….
26. http://books.google.com/books?id=dfE6AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA91&dq=khanate+of+erivan&as_brr=1&hl=ru The two khanates of Nakhichecvan and Erivan…. w. by asian turks…
27. http://books.google.com/books?id=TztbAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA190&dq=khanate+of+erivan&as_brr=1&hl=ru all these men… are natives of aderbijan…
28. Гюлистанский мирный договор
29. Туркманчайский мирный договор
30. А.Грибоедов. Записка о переселеніи армянъ изъ Персіи въ наши области. 1928 г.
31. И. К. Ениколопов. Грибоедов и Восток. — Ереван, 1954.
32. Encyclopædia Iranica | Articles
Источник: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Эриванское_ханство