
Научения у животных (стр. 5 из 5)

Список использованной литературы:

1. Д. Мак-Фарленд. Поведение животных. М., Мир. 1988г.

2. Н. Грин, У. Стаут, Д. Дейлор. Биология. В 3-х т. Т. 2, с. 311-312. М., Мир. 1996.

3. Н. Грин, У. Стаут, Д. Дейлор. Биология. В 3-х т. Т. 3, с. 389. М., Мир. 1996.

4. Дикинсон А. Современная теория изучения животных. М., Наука. 1980.

5. Лоренс Ф. Поведение животных. М. 1986.

[1]Thorndeike E.L., 1898, Animal intelligence: an experemental study of the assotiative processes in animals.

[2]Thorndeike E.L.,1913, The psychology of Learning.

[3]Thorndeike E.L, 1911, Animal intelligence.

[4] R. Во1les, 1970, Species-species defense reactions and avoidance learning.

[5] Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

[6] Logan, Boice, 1969, Aggressive behaviours of paired rodents in an avoidance context.

[7] Biederman et al., 1964, Facilitation of discriminated avoidence learning by dissociation of CS and manipulandum/

[8] Grossen, Kelley, 1972, Species-specific behaviour and acquisiton of avoidance behaviour in rats.

[9] Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

[10]Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

[11] Brogden et al., 1938, The role of incentive in conditioning and extinction.

[12] Miller, 1948, Studies of fear as an asquirable drive.

[13] Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

[14] Masterson, 1970, Is termination of a warning signal an effective reward for a rat?

[15] Schiller, 1952, Innate constituents of complex responses in primates.

[16] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning.

[17] Wasserman et al., 1974, Pavlovian appetitive contingencies and approach versus withdrawal to conditioned stimuli in pigeons.

[18] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning.

[19] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning

[20] Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

[21] Maier, Seligman, 1976, Learned helplesseness.

[22] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning.

[23] Mackintosh. 1976, Overshadowing and stimulus intensity.

[24] Mackintosh, 1974, The Psychology of Animal Learning

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[27] Rescorla, Furrow, 1977, Stimulus similarity as a determinant of Pavlovian conditioning.

[28] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning

[29] Dickinson, 1980, Contemporare Animal Learning

[30] Revusky, 1971, The role of interference in association over delay.

[31] Lorenz, 1935, Der Kumpan in der Umwelt des Vogels.

[32] Hinde, 1970, Animal behavior (2nd edition).

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[36]Bateson, Wainwright, 1972, The effects of prior exposure to light on the imprinting process in domestic chicks.

[37] Bateson, 1973, Internal influences on early learning in birds.