
The magnificent seven

1.InSeptember 1944 London was bombarded by the world's first ballisticmissile, V2, "Vengeance Weapon No. 2". It did not make theslightest deflection in the course of the World War II, however gavean impetus to brainwork of American and Soviet rocketeers.

Inthe course of Hermes operation in 1945 American agents secretly tooka group of German rocketeers away from the Soviets' occupation zone.The group was headed by Walter Dornberger, the leader of the Nazimissile project, and Werner von Braun, General Designer of A-4missile (first name V-2). In addition, parts necessary for assemblyof one hundred of missiles were taken across the Atlantic.

2.SergeiKorolyov, who was sent to Germany with the same mission, also managedto select some German specialists, documents and materials. One ofsuch engineers was Helmut Grettrup, Braun's assistant in electronics.The last event on the "rocketry scene" in '45 was a triallaunch of several V-2s, organized by General Eisenhower. Thoselaunches were attended by the future General Designer of the Sovietrockets, Sergei Korolyov. A little after the ex-Allies cast the veilof secrecy and began to actively analyze their trophies. Mr. Braunand his companions tested A-4 missile in White) Sands, New Mexico.Korolyov did the same on Kapustin Yar rocket range in Russia. HelmutGrettrup and 150 more engineers designed G-1 rocket, based on A-4prototype.

Mr.Korolyov and his teammates clearly saw weak spots of A-4, howeverStalin's order sounded unambiguously: the rocket had to be duplicatedwithout any modifications. On September 1947 the first Sovietanalogue, R-1, was launched in Kapustin Yar. Simultaneously, a new,improved missile was being designed, R-2. It was commissioned in1951. Laterthe experimental rocket R-3Aand its followingmodification, R-5 were created. I_By the early '50s Soviet rocketeershad enough experience creating one-stage ballistic missiles. A groupof German scientists headed by Mr. Grettrup also presented theirproject in 1947. Although the project offered quite advancedsolutions, it was not approved and the Germans were soon repatriated.

3.In1947, Mr. M.K. Tikhonravov, a Head of the group studying multistagerockets at the Research Institute of Artillery, proposed to use abunch, or a "packet" of R-3 rockets as the first stage.This was named "packet design". During the years 1949-1950Tikhonravov group designed a project of a two-stage packet-designrocket. Calculations proved that this rocket was able to deliverthree tons to a distance of 3000 km and, what is more important, aspacecraft could be lifted to the Earth orbit. In the beginning of1953 the Soviet Government commanded to start a project on creationof R-7, a two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile.

4.Concurrentlywith the creation of "the seven", a spacecraft was alsobeing designed. By the end of 1955 the preliminary project was readyand creation of Sputnik began. According to the project, thesatellite had to weigh some 1400 kg and bear 300 kg of scientificequipment. However, parameters of the supposed carrier did not allowthe lift this much load. The decision was made to cut the weight of asatellite at the expense of scientific equipment.

5.Aswe remember, first-rate German specialists and parts of rockets werebrought to the United States. In 1946 at the White Sands Range thefirst launch of A-4 rocket was made. The Americans started developingtheir rocketry program and Werner von Braun had no small share in it.He was the General Designer of a two-stage rocket named Bumper, whereA-4 itself served as the first stage. On July 24,1950, Bumper waslaunched from a new range located on the Canaveral Cape. In the sameyear Research Center moved from the White Sands to the RedstoneArsenal, located in Huntsville, Alabama and Mr. Braun's team began towork on the Redstone rocket which also was a further modification ofA-4.

Backin Peenemuende, Germany Werner von Braun already matured plans oforbiting a satellite for spying upon adversary. These were plans tocreate a two-stage powerful rocket based on A-4, which would be ableto develop the first cosmic velocity with spaceborne payload. Thatproject died adorning.

In1948 the Secretary of Defense of the U.S. announced the intentions toorbit a shell-satellite in the nearest future, for military purpose,of course. This project required colossal expenses on both creationof a booster rocket and a spacecraft. It was just about the time whensemiconductor transistor was only patented; electronics would havebecome miniature much later.

In1951 members of the British Interplanetary Society issued their worktitled "Minimum Satellite", where a concept of orbiting ofa satellite was described at utilization of existing technologies andcomponents. One of the problems encountered by creators of atwo-stage rocket was startup of the second-stage engines inweightlessness. Liquid propellant would not flow to where it wasnecessary. To make a solid fuel stage, a completely new class ofsolid propellants had to be created. In a packet design rocket theengines of the both stages could be started up already on earth whichled to some loss in hoist capacity, but added much robustness.

TheSecond International Geophysical Year was proclaimed since July 1957through December 1958. Within the framework of this event the U.S.and the USSR were going to launch their first satellites. TheAmericans announced their intention in July 1955. The ad hoccommittee chose the Vanguard project, proposed by the Naval ResearchLaboratory.

However,in 1955 Dwight Eisenhower, the then President of the U.S., announcedabout the priority of military projects. This made the civil programVanguard a matter of secondary importance. The Martin Company (nowLockheed Martin), where Vanguard rocket was being created, obtainedthe order on creation of Titan ballistic missile. The most of thecompany's resources were retargeted to the military project.

InFebruary 1956 the Vanguard rocket was ready. The 'Martin Company andNRL carried out a number of trial launches from December 1956 toOctober 1957. The launch of a satellite was scheduled to December1957.

Whilethe Martin Company built their Vanguard, Mr. Braun's team designedtheir Redstone rocket. A modified A-4 was used as the first stage,the second and third ones were packets of solid propellantaccelerators. That rocket was first launched in September 1956. Thecarrier delivered a dummy warhead over a distance of 5300 kilometers.

6.In1955 near Tyura-Tam station in Kazakhstan construction of a rocketrange began, which later became Baikonur Spaceport. OnMay 15 the first"seven" started from this range. The first three launchesfailed. On August 21 the fourth launch was made. The rocketsuccessfully started and several days after the debris of its headwere found in prescribed region on Kamchatka Peninsula.

7.Americansrealized that orbiting of the first satellite in the USSR was amatter of weeks. They even called a conference devoted to thesubject. The conference was scheduled on October 4, 1957, but a fewhours later the world was told the news: the USSR was the first stateto launch an artificial satellite, Sputnik.

OnDecember, 6 the Vanguard carrier exploded on a launchpad. The firstAmerican satellite, Explorer I, was orbited on January 31,1958, by amodified Redstone carrier named Jupiter C.



In September 1944 Londonwas bombarded by the world's first ballistic missile, V2, "VengeanceWeapon No. 2". It did not make the slightest deflection in thecourse of the World War II, however gave an impetus to brainwork ofAmerican and Soviet rocketeers.

In the course of Hermesoperation in 1945 American agents secretly took a group of Germanrocketeers away from the Soviets' occupation zone. The group washeaded by Walter Dornberger, the leader of the Nazi missile project,and Werner von Braun, General Designer of A-4 missile (first nameV-2). In addition, parts necessary for assembly of one hundred ofmissiles were taken across the Atlantic.

Sergei Korolyov, who wassent to Germany with the same mission, also managed to select someGerman specialists, documents and materials. One of such engineerswas Helmut Grettrup, Braun's assistant in electronics. The last eventon the "rocketry scene" in '45 was a trial launch ofseveral V-2s, organized by General Eisenhower. Those launches wereattended by the future General Designer of the Soviet rockets, SergeiKorolyov. A little after the ex-Allies cast the veil of secrecy andbegan to actively analyze their trophies. Mr. Braun and hiscompanions tested A-4 missile in White) Sands, New Mexico. Korolyovdid the same on Kapustin Yar rocket range in Russia. Helmut Grettrupand 150 more engineers designed G-1 rocket, based on A-4 prototype.

Mr. Korolyov and histeammates clearly saw weak spots of A-4, however Stalin's ordersounded unambiguously: the rocket had to be duplicated without anymodifications. On September 1947 the first Soviet analogue, R-1, waslaunched in Kapustin Yar. Simultaneously, a new, improved missile wasbeing designed, R-2. It was commissioned in 1951. Latertheexperimental rocket R-3Aand its following modification, R-5 werecreated. I_By the early '50s Soviet rocketeers had enough experiencecreating one-stage ballistic missiles. A group of German scientistsheaded by Mr. Grettrup also presented their project in 1947. Althoughthe project offered quite advanced solutions, it was not approved andthe Germans were soon repatriated.

In 1947, Mr. M.K.Tikhonravov, a Head of the group studying multistage rockets at theResearch Institute of Artillery, proposed to use a bunch, or a"packet" of R-3 rockets as the first stage. This was named"packet design". During the years 1949-1950 Tikhonravovgroup designed a project of a two-stage packet-design rocket.Calculations proved that this rocket was able to deliver three tonsto a distance of 3000 km and, what is more important, a spacecraftcould be lifted to the Earth orbit. In the beginning of 1953 theSoviet Government commanded to start a project on creation of R-7, atwo-stage intercontinental ballistic missile.

Concurrently with thecreation of "the seven", a spacecraft was also beingdesigned. By the end of 1955 the preliminary project was ready andcreation of Sputnik began. According to the project, the satellitehad to weigh some 1400 kg and bear 300 kg of scientific equipment.However, parameters of the supposed carrier did not allow the liftthis much load. The decision was made to cut the weight of asatellite at the expense of scientific equipment.

As we remember,first-rate German specialists and parts of rockets were brought tothe United States. In 1946 at the White Sands Range the first launchof A-4 rocket was made. The Americans started developing theirrocketry program and Werner von Braun had no small share in it. Hewas the General Designer of a two-stage rocket named Bumper, whereA-4 itself served as the first stage. On July 24,1950, Bumper waslaunched from a new range located on the Canaveral Cape. In the sameyear Research Center moved from the White Sands to the RedstoneArsenal, located in Huntsville, Alabama and Mr. Braun's team began towork on the Redstone rocket which also was a further modification ofA-4.

Back in Peenemuende,Germany Werner von Braun already matured plans of orbiting asatellite for spying upon adversary. These were plans to create atwo-stage powerful rocket based on A-4, which would be able todevelop the first cosmic velocity with spaceborne payload. Thatproject died adorning.

In 1948 the Secretary ofDefense of the U.S. announced the intentions to orbit ashell-satellite in the nearest future, for military purpose, ofcourse. This project required colossal expenses on both creation of abooster rocket and a spacecraft. It was just about the time whensemiconductor transistor was only patented; electronics would havebecome miniature much later.

In 1951 members of theBritish Interplanetary Society issued their work titled "MinimumSatellite", where a concept of orbiting of a satellite wasdescribed at utilization of existing technologies and components. Oneof the problems encountered by creators of a two-stage rocket wasstartup of the second-stage engines in weightlessness. Liquidpropellant would not flow to where it was necessary. To make a solidfuel stage, a completely new class of solid propellants had to becreated. In a packet design rocket the engines of the both stagescould be started up already on earth which led to some loss in hoistcapacity, but added much robustness.

The Second InternationalGeophysical Year was proclaimed since July 1957 through December1958. Within the framework of this event the U.S. and the USSR weregoing to launch their first satellites. The Americans announced theirintention in July 1955. The ad hoc committee chose the Vanguardproject, proposed by the Naval Research Laboratory.

However, in 1955 DwightEisenhower, the then President of the U.S., announced about thepriority of military projects. This made the civil program Vanguard amatter of secondary importance. The Martin Company (now LockheedMartin), where Vanguard rocket was being created, obtained the orderon creation of Titan ballistic missile. The most of the company'sresources were retargeted to the military project.

In February 1956 theVanguard rocket was ready. The 'Martin Company and NRL carried out anumber of trial launches from December 1956 to October 1957. Thelaunch of a satellite was scheduled to December 1957.

While the Martin Companybuilt their Vanguard, Mr. Braun's team designed their Redstonerocket. A modified A-4 was used as the first stage, the second andthird ones were packets of solid propellant accelerators. That rocketwas first launched in September 1956. The carrier delivered a dummywarhead over a distance of 5300 kilometers.

In1955 near Tyura-Tam station in Kazakhstan construction of a rocketrange began, which later became Baikonur Spaceport. OnMay 15 the first"seven" started from this range. The first three launchesfailed. On August 21 the fourth launch was made. The rocketsuccessfully started and several days after the debris of its headwere found in prescribed region on Kamchatka Peninsula.

Americans realized thatorbiting of the first satellite in the USSR was a matter of weeks.They even called a conference devoted to the subject. The conferencewas scheduled on October 4, 1957, but a few hours later the world wastold the news: the USSR was the first state to launch an artificialsatellite, Sputnik.

On December, 6 theVanguard carrier exploded on a launchpad. The first Americansatellite, Explorer I, was orbited on January 31,1958, by a modifiedRedstone carrier named Jupiter C.



В сентябре1944 года на Лондонупала перваяв мире баллистическаяракета "Фау-2".Для человечестваэто было вступлениев ракетнуюэпоху (правда,оно узнало обэтом несколькопозже), для жителейЛондона - новаяопасность.

Ракета"Фау-2" не оказаласколько-нибудьсущественноговлияния на ходвторой мировойвойны. Зато онадала обильнуюпищу для размышленийамериканскими советскимракетчикам.у

Поэтомув 1945 году былапроведенаоперация "Гермес",в ходе которойиз советскойзоны оккупациибыли вывезеныспециалисты-ракетчикиво главе с ВальтеромДорнбергером,руководителемнемецкой ракетнойпрограммы, иВернером фонБрауном, главнымконструкторомА-4. Также за океанбыли вывезеныдетали, достаточныедля сборки старакет.

ОднакоКоролеву, которыйбыл направленв Германию стеми же целями,тоже досталисьматериалы,детали ракети специалисты.В частности,в его распоряжениебыл предоставленХельмут Греттруп- главный специалистпо электроникев Пенемюнде.

Последним"ракетным"событием вЕвропе в сорокпятом году сталпробный пускнесколькихракет "Фау-2",проведенныйпо инициативегенерала Эйзенхауэра.На этих пускахприсутствовалбу­дущий генеральныйконструкторсоветских ракетС.П. Королев.После чегобывшие союзникиотгородилисьзавесой секретностии начали активноизучать трофеи.Браун со своейкомандой проводилтестовые пускиракет А-4 в УайтСэндз, штатНью-Мексико.Королев занималсятем же самымна полигонеКапустин Яр.Хельмут Греттрупи еще около 150специалистовпроектировалина базе А-4 ракетуГ-1.

Темвременем в 1947году при НИИАртиллерийскихнаук М.К. Тихонравовымбыла созданагруппа по изучениюмногоступенчатыхракет. Именнотогда МихаилуКлавдиевичупришла в головумысль использоватьв качествепервой ступенисвязку илипакет ракетР-3, такая схемаи получиланазвание пакетной.В конце 1947 годарезультатыработы группыТихонравовабыли доложеныКоролеву, исильно егозаинтересовали.Работа надпакетной схемойбыла продолжена.В течение 1949-1950гг. группойТихонравовабыл разработанпроект двухступенчатойракеты, гдепервую ступеньпредставлялсобой пакетиз трех ракетР-3. Согласнорасчетам, этаракета могладоставить грузмассой 3 тоннына расстояниедо 3000 км, а главное- вывести космическийаппарат наоколоземнуюорбиту. В начале1953 года вышлопостановлениеСовета министрово начале проектныхработ по созданиюдвухступенчатоймежконтинентальнойбаллистическойракеты Р-7.

Параллельнос созданием"семерки" шлопроектированиекосмическогоаппарата. Кконцу 1955 годапредварительныйпроект былготов, и с января1956 года началосьсоздание спутника.Согласно проектуспутник долженбыл веситьоколо 1400 кг и нестина себе 300 кгнаучной аппаратуры.Однако характеристикипредполагаемогоносителя непозволялиракете вывестина орбиту подобнуюнагрузку. Ктому же созданиесамого аппаратаявно затягивалось.Было приняторешение уменьшитьмассу спутниказа счет научнойаппаратуры.

Как мыпомним, в СоединенныеШтаты быливывезеныпервоклассныенемецкие специалистыи детали ракет.В 1946 году на полигонеУайт Сэндз былпроизведенпервый пускракеты А-4. Американцыначали развиватьсвою ракетнуюпрограмму.Вернер фонБраун игралв ней не последнююроль. Он былглавным конструкторомдвухступенчатойракеты "Бампер",где первойступенью быласобственноракета А-4. 24 июля1950 года ракета"Бампер" былазапущена снового полигона,находящегосяна мысе Канаверал.Примерно в этоже время исследовательскийцентр был перенесениз Уайт Сэндзав Редстоунскийарсенал, находящийсяв городе Хантсвилл,штат Алабама.Группа Браунаначала разрабатыватьракету Redstone,также являющуюсядальнейшейразработкойконцепции А-4.

Планызапуска ИСЗдля наблюденияза противникомфон Браун вынашивалеще в Пенемюнде.На основе А-4предполагалосьсозданиедвухступенчатоймощной ракеты,способнойдостичь первойкосмическойскорости сполезной нагрузкойна борту. Этотпроект не былдаже доведендо эскизов.

В 1948 годуминистр обороныСША заявил онамерении вближайшее времявывести наорбиту спутник-снаряд.Разумеется,тоже военногоназначения.Этот проекттребовал огромныхзатрат как насозданиеракеты-носителя,так и на созданиесобственноаппарата.Только-толькобыл запатентованполупроводниковыйтранзистор,и электроникееще предстоялостать миниатюрной.

В 1951 годучлены БританскогоМежпланетногоОбщества издалиработу "Minimum Satellite",в которой излагаласьконцепциязапуска спутникас использованиемуже существующейтехники и элементнойбазы.

Однойиз проблем, скоторой столкнулисьсоздателидвухступенчатойракеты – запускдвигателейвторой ступенив состоянииневесомости.Заставитьжидкость всостоянииневесомоститечь в нужномнаправленииникак не удавалось.Для созданиятвердотопливнойступени былонеобходиморазработатьпринципиальноновый класствердых взрывчатыхвеществ. Наракете, построеннойпо пакетнойсхеме, можнобыло еще наЗемле запускатьдвигатели обеихступеней, чтовело к некоторойпотере грузоподъемности,однако сильноповышало надежность.

С июля1957 по декабрь1958 года проводилсяВторой МеждународныйГеофизическийГод. В рамкахэтого мероприятиянамечалосьи было реализованомножестворазличных. Врамках МГГАмерика и СоветскийСоюз собиралисьзапуститьпервый искусственныйспутник Земли.Американцыобъявили освоем намерениив июле 1955 года.Комиссией,созданной поэтому поводу,был выбранпроект "Авангард",представленныйNaval Research Laboratory.

Однаков 1955 году президентДуайт Эйзенхауэробъявил о приоритетеразработок,направленныхна созданиемежконтинентальнойбаллистическойракеты. Такимобразом, гражданскаяпрограмма"Авангард"оказалась "взагоне". КомпанияMartin Company (сейчас LockheedMartin), где создаваласьракета "Авангард",получила заказна созданиебаллистическойракеты Titan. Приэтом большаячасть ресурсовкомпании быланаправленана военныйпроект.

К февралю1956 года ракета"Авангард"была создана.Martin Company и NRL провелиряд испытательныхпусков в периодс декабря 1956 годапо октябрь1957. Запуск спутникабыл намеченна декабрь 1957года.

В то жесамое время,пока Martin Company создавала"Авангард",команда Браунавела разработкуракеты Redstone. Какмы уже говорили,в качествепервой ступенииспользоваласьмодифицированнаяракета A-4, в качествевторой и третьей- связки изтвердотопливныхускорителей.Первый пускэтой ракетыбыл произведенв сентябре 1956года. Ракетадоставила макетбоеголовкина дальностьсвыше 5300 километров.

В 1955 годув районе станцииТюра-Там началосьстроительстворакетногополигона, именноэто место потомстанет известнокак Байконур.15 мая с этогополигона стартовалапервая "семерка".Первые тризапуска провалились.21 августа былпроизведенчетвертыйзапуск. Ракетаудачно ушласо старта, ичерез несколькодней обломкиголовной частибыли найденыв заданномрайоне на Камчатке.

Американцамстало понятно,что запускпервого искусственногоспутника Землидля СоветскогоСоюза - вопроснесколькихнедель. Былорешено созватьэкстренноесовещание поэтому поводу.Место проведения- Редстоунскийисследовательскийцентр, времяпроведения...4 октября 1957 года,но через несколькочасов все средствамассовой информациисообщили, чтоСоветский Союзпроизвел запускпервого искусственногоспутника.

6 декабряна стартовойплощадке взорвалсяноситель "Авангард".Модифицированнойракетой Redstone, названнойJupiter С, 31 января 1958года был запущенпервый американскийспутник Explorer I.



    1. Whatcan you tell us about the world’s first ballistic missile,V2?

    2. WhatSergey Korolyov a pioneer in the Soviet rockets creation? Youroption on the point.

    3. Whywas the group studying multistage rockets organized in1947?

    4. Whatare the stages in creation of Sputnik?

    5. Whichare the stages of developing the rocketry program the United State?

    6. Whendid the Soviet racketeers celebrate their success?

    7. Isit true that the USSR was the first state to launch an artificialsatellite Sputnik?

    1. Перваяв мире баллистическаяракета Фау-2была созданав 1944 году как«ракета возмездия».

    Но она неоказала никакоговоздействияна ход второймировой войны.

    Темне менее, она(Фау-2), дала толчокдля размышленияамериканскими советскимракетчикам.

    1. В1945 году был произведенпробный запускнесколькихФау-2, организованныйгенераломЭйзенхауэром.

    Будущийглавный конструкторсоветских ракетСергей Королевприсутствовална тех запусках.

    Всентябре 1947 годабыл произведенпервый пусксоветскогоаналога Р-1 сполигона вКапустиномЯру.

    К началу 50-хгодов у советскихракетчиковбыло достаточноопыта, чтобысоздать одноступенчатые(типа Р-1) ракеты.

    1. В1953 году началсяпроект по созданиюракеты Р-7. Тобыла 2-х ступенчатаямежконтинентальнаябаллистическаяракета.

    1. В1955 году был готовпроект космическогокорабля, и началосьсоздание спутника.

    1. В1946 году на полигонеУайт Сэндз былпроизведенпервый запускракеты А-4.

    В 1948 году Америкаобъявила онамеренияхвывести спутник-снарядв военных целях.31 января 1958 годабыл запущенамериканскийспутник Explorer1.

    1. 15мая 1955 года первая«семерка»стартовалас космодромаБайконур.

    Первыетри запускапровалились.

    21 августачетвертыйзапуск былпроизведен.Он был успешным.

    1. 4октября 1957 годамиру сообщилиновость: СССРбыл первымгосударством,который запустилискусственныйкосмическийкорабль, спутник.

    1. Theworld’s first ballistic missile, V-2 was developed as“Vengeance Weapon No 2 “.

    Butit did not make any deflection in the course of World War II.

    Howeverit gave an impetus to brainwork for American and Soviet racketeers.

    1. In1945 (nineteen forty five) was a trial launch of several V-2sorganized by General Eisenhower.

    Thefuture General Designer of the Soviet Rockets, Sergey Korolyov,attended those launches.

    OnSeptember 1947 (nineteen forty seven) the first analogue R-1 waslaunched in Kapustin Yar.

    Bythe early fifties Soviet racketeers had enough experience to createone-stage ballistic missiles.

    1. In1953 (nineteen fifty three) the project on creation of R-7 started.That was a two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile.

    1. In1955 (nineteen fifty five) the project of a spacecraft was ready.And the creation of Sputnik began.

    1. In1946 at the White Sands Range the first launch of A-4 rocket wasmade.

    In1948 the U.S. announced the intentions to orbit a shell-satellite formilitary purpose.

    1. OnMay 15, 1955 (nineteen fifty five) the first “seven”started from the rocket range Baikonur.

    Thefirst three launches failed.

    OnAugust 21 the forth launch was made.

    1. OnOctober 4, 1957 (nineteen fifty seven) the world was told the news:the USSR was the first state that launched an artificial satellite,Sputnik.
