Attachment 2 [51]
Channel Type of message Information medium
Richest Nonroutine, ambiguous
| |
Face-to-face talk
Electronic mail
Memos, letters
Flyers, bulletins, general reports
Leanest Routine, clear
[1] Management, By: Robbins, S.P., 1991, , Prentice-Hall, Inc, p. 4.
[2] Begrippen van Management, By: Jegers M., Moenaert R., Verbeke A., 1994, , VUB-press, p.17.
[3] The nature of Managerial work By: Mintzberg H., 1973, , New York, Harper&Row, p. 93-94.
[4] The General Managers, By: Kotter J.P.,1982, , New York Free Press.
[5] Skills of an effective administrator, By: Katz R.L., 1974, , Harvard Business Reiew 52.
[6] Management, By: Robbins, S.P., 1991, , Prentice-Hall, Inc, p. 4.
[7] The General Managers, By: Kotter J.P.,1982, , New York Free Press, p. 36.
[8] Organization Theory and Design, By Richard L. Daft, 2nd Edition,1983
[9] Actionable learning, By Terrence Morrison, Asia Development Bank Institute
[10] Human Problem Solving By: Herbert Simon and R. Newel,NY:NORTON,1990
[11] Extract from” The Next big Idea” By Carol Kennedy, Random House Business Books,
[12] Essentials of Organizational Behavior. By, Robbins, Stephen P. New Jesrsey: Prentice Hall, 2002
[13] Putting Spirituality to Work. By, Professor Kerns
[14] Why Decisions Fail By: Paul C. Nutt, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA,2002
[15] Grant, Quacy. Conflict and Conflict Management. Taking It Global -
[16] Grant, Quacy. Conflict and Conflict Management. Taking It Global -
[17] Cribbin, James J. Effective Managerial Leadership. American Management Association, Inc. USA: 1972
[18] Cribbin, James J. Effective Managerial Leadership. American Management Association, Inc. USA: 1972
[19] Robbins, Stephen P. Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002.
[20] Kerns, Dr. Charles. “The Five A’s of Improving Your Personal Effectiveness”. Graziadio Business Report. September 2002.
[21] Are you flexible enough to succeed? , By: Raudsepp, Eugene, Manage, Mar90, Vol. 41, Issue 4
[22] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,pearson Education Limited,1978,2001
[23] Are you flexible enough to succeed? , By: Raudsepp, Eugene, Manage, Mar90, Vol. 41, Issue 4
[24] George T. Geis, research coordinator at UCLA's Center of Human Resource Management at Are you flexible enough to succeed? , By: Raudsepp, Eugene, Manage, Mar90, Vol. 41, Issue 4
[25] The Unblocked Manager, By: Mike Woodcock,Dave Francis,England,GB,1983
[26] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,pearson Education Limited,1978,2001
[27] Becoming a Master Manager, By:Robert E.Qiunn,Sue R.Faerman,Michel P. Thomson, Michael R. McGrath; USA,2003
[28] Becoming a Master Manager, By:Robert E.Qiunn,Sue R.Faerman,Michel P. Thomson, Michael R. McGrath; USA,2003
[29] Becoming a Master Manager, By:Robert E.Qiunn,Sue R.Faerman,Michel P. Thomson, Michael R. McGrath; USA,2003
[30] Mentors Are Guides to Success , By: Wilson, Cheryl F., Black Collegian, Apr2002, Vol. 32, Issue 3
[31] Do your managers have the right stuff? , By: Simonsen, Piggy, Workforce, Aug99, Vol. 78, Issue 8
[32] Do your managers have the right stuff? , By: Simonsen, Piggy, Workforce, Aug99, Vol. 78, Issue 8
[33] Do your managers have the right stuff?, By: Simonsen, Piggy, Workforce, Aug99, Vol. 78, Issue 8
[34] Ellen D. Rothberg, Greg Blencoe
[35] Adaptive Skills , By: Yelverton, Jerry, Vital Speeches of the Day, 0042742X, 09/15/97, Vol. 63, Issue 23
[36] Pankoff Sr., J. A
[37] I will use this book as a lead to construct the rest of this section: Robbins, Stephen P. (2001). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 154-216
[38] This classification is subjective and doesn’t claim at all to be exhaustive.
[39] A remarkable effort to explain these problems was provided by Hofstede, who placed cultures on a continuum of high-context vs. low-context cultures. In the former, the context is of extreme importance; what not is said may be more significant than what is said (for example Japan). In the latter, words are more important to transfer meaning than the context in which communication takes place (for example North America). It is then your task as a manager to take these in consideration.
[40] Here I would like to refer to the interesting theories Deborah Tannen developed in the ‘90’s. One of her conclusions was that men use talk to emphasize status, whereas women use it to create connection. She even states that the two sexes belong to two different cultures and speak as such different genderlects (Tannen, 1991, p. 37). As such, intergender communication can be a barrier to effective communication. It is then your task as a manager to take these in consideration.
[41] Szwajkowski, Eugene W. “The Myths and Realities of Research on Organizational
[42] Robbins, Stephen P. Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002.
[43] Robbins, Stephen P. Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002
[44] Robbins, Stephen P. Essentials of Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002
[45] Kerns, Charles D. PhD, MBA. “Managerial Leadership at 12 o’clock.” Graziadio Business Report. Summer 2002.
[46] Myth of the well-educated manager, By:Livingstone S;, 1971,, Harvard Business Review p.82.
[47] Originality, By: Mackworth N.H., 1969, , in The Discovery of Talent p.242.
[48] Myth of the well-educated manager, By:Livingstone S;, 1971,, Harvard Business Review p.82.
[49] Originality, By: Mackworth N.H., 1969, , in The Discovery of Talent p.242.
[50] Robbins, S. & Coulter, M. “Managerial Communication and information technology” p. 283
[51] Robbins, Stephen P. (2001). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, p. 295