| (2) |
A commutator
| (3) |
The last commutator in (3) can be added to first one in (2). We get
4. A decomposition of an element of a free metabelian group of rank 2 as a product of primitive elements
For further reasonings we need the following fact: any primitive element
The similar assertions are valid for any rank
Предложение 3. Any element of group M2 can be presented as a product of not more then four primitive elements.
Доказательство. At first consider the elements in form
and so as before
Obviously, two first elements above are primitive. Denote them as p1, p2. Finally, we have
Further we have the expansion
The element w(v1xk1yl1) can be presented as a product of not more then three primitive elements. We have a product of not more then four primitive elements in the general case.
5. A decomposition of elements of a free metabelian group of rank
Consider a free metabelian group Mn=<x1,...,xn> of rank
Предложение 4. Any element
Доказательсво. It is well-known [2], that M'n as a module is generated by all commutators
Separate the commutators from (4) into three groups in the next way.
3) And the third set consists of the commutator
Consider an automorphism of Mn, defining by the following map:
The map
and hence, det Jk=1.
Since element