
Наши друзья – физкультура и спорт. Our friends - physical culture and sports (стр. 2 из 2)

5. The conclusion.

At regular employment by physical training and sports there is a continuous perfection of the mechanisms adjusting work of all bodies and systems of an organism. Any physical exercises will promote strengthening of health as a whole, will help to watch weight and to remove a nervous pressure. A training person starts to feel better in every respect, looks is better, at it appears more than vital forces. Exercises of the certain type can improve blood circulation, strengthen heart, force it to work производительнее, will help to lower arterial pressure, having changed in the best party structure of blood.

All those physical exercises which I have listed in the work is far not the full list of that any person, except for suffering some heavy diseases, can carry out at leisure. There is a huge quantity of kinds of sports from which everyone can choose by the opportunities, to interests and forces. The moderate physical activities by that who is subject гиподинамии are especially important, students concern to this category of people also, activity of the majority from which is inactive. Sports and physical exercises are simply necessary and irreplaceable, and in a combination to a balanced diet and refusal of bad habits they guarantee the life long and sated by bright paints.

Список использованной литературы.

1. Ф. Брокгауз, И. Ефрон. «Энциклопедический словарь, современная версия». Москва, 2003г.

2. В.Г. Фролов, Г.П. Юрко. «Физкультурные занятия на воздухе». Москва, 1983г.

3. В.Н. Яшин. «Здоровый образ жизни». Москва, 2003г.