
Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary (стр. 6 из 6)

7. Азнаурова Э.С. Очерки по стилистике слова. Ташкент, 3973. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского язька. Л., 1973.

8. Арутюноеа Н.Д. О синтаксических типах художественной прозы. – В сб: Общее и романское языкознание. М., Изд. МГУ, 1972.

9. Арутюнова Н.Д. Некоторые типы диалогических реакций и «почему» – реплики в русском языке. «Филологические науки», 1970, №3.

[1]Ullman, Stephen, words and their use. Frederick Muller, Ldn. 1951. P. 107

[2]Uerhaar, John W. M. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of linguists. The Hague. 1966 p. 378

[3]Foster, Brain. The changing English language. Penguin Books 1971 p. 12

[4]Vinogradov V.V. The style of Puchkin M. 1941 pp 8-9

[5]Barfield, Owen. Poetic Diction.. Ldn. 1952, 2d ed. (Cit. from Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, p628

[6]Aristotle Poetics (cit. from Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and poets.) Princeton, 1969, p628

[7] Greenough and Kittcridge. Words and their Ways in English Speech. N. Y., 1929, p. 55

[8] Partridge, Eric. Slang Today and Yesterday. Ldn, 1935, p. 36. 3

[9]See: Виноградов B. B. OKyльтуре речи и неправильном словоупотреблении. «Литературнаягазета», 1951, 11 декабря, N 146.

[10] Partridge, Eric. Op. cit., p. 5.

[11] See also Prof. R.W. Burclifield's remark on the system of labelling in his Introduction to "A Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary". Oxford, 1972, p. XVI.

[12] ken = a house which harbors' thieves

[13] spellken = a play-house or theatre

[14] to queer a flat = to puzzle a silly fellow

[15] to flash the muzzle (gun) on the high toby-spice = to rob on horse back

[16] a lark = fun or sport of any kind

[17]a blowing = a girl

[18]swell = gentlemanly

[19] nutty = pleasing (to be nuts on = to be infatuated with)

[20] McKnight, G.H. Modern English in the Making. N.Y., 1956, p. 552.

[21] Bough, Albert C. History of the English Language, p. 385.

[22] McKnight, G.H. Modern English in the Making. Ldn, 1930, p. 556.