
Валентность глагола и структура английского предложения (стр. 5 из 5)

Mr. Hurst said nothing interesting.

Elizabeth couldn’t sacrifice her happiness.

I’m sure Jane will happily settle at Netherfield.

Mrs. Lucas told Mrs. Bennet Bingley’s income.

In a few days Mr. Bingley paid a visit to Longbourn.

The girls grieved over such a number of ladies.

Bingley joined them in the parlor.

Miss Bingley told Elizabeth about the Wickhams.

Hill brought Mrs. Bennet her coat.

Do let me recommend you to Miss Elizabeth.

Elizabeth told the story among all her friends.

Jane expressed Lizzy her feelings.

Miss Lucas asked Elizabeth about her dance with Mr. Darcy.

Jane confessed her headache to Miss Bingley.

Mr. Darcy presented Elizabeth his true feelings.

Elizabeth expressed to her sister her dislike to Mr. Darcy.

I never conceal from anybody what I think.

Mr. and Miss Bingley declared Jane a sweet girl.

Mr. Darcy told Elizabeth the follies of her family members.

Jane had better express more affection to Bingley.

I can clearly perceive her regard to him.

Elizabeth was observing Mr. Bingley’s attentions to her sister.

Mr. Darcy requested the honor of her hand.

Mary passed the saltcellar to Mrs. Bennet.

Lydia told Kitty to buy the hat.

I assure you of your modesty, Miss Elizabeth.

Lydia showed her impatience to everybody.

Elizabeth declared Mr. Collins her resolution.

Kitty laid the letter on the table.

Разновидностью данной структуры является структура

Subject + V + Object + Predicative:

Elizabeth’s refusal drove Mr. Darcy mad.

Mr. Darcy’s gaze turned Elizabeth red.

Miss Bingley continued to keep Elizabeth in neglect.

They christened their child Helen.

Mr. Collins elected Elizabeth has partner for two dances.

The vicar pronounced Charlotte and Mr. Collins man and wife.

Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Complement Object структура:

Elizabeth considered herself mistaken.

Elizabeth believed Mr. Darcy proud and conceited.

Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner selected Elizabeth their companion to the Lakes.

Everyone thought Mr. Darcy rather sad at the party.

Miss Bingley elected Jane her friend.

Mrs. Bennet made Elizabeth angry.

Everyone in the neighborhood believed Mr. Darcy proud and conceited.

Jane found nobody bad.

Lady Catherine found Elizabeth ignorant and self-confident.

Jane threw her book on the table.

Subject-to be-Complement структура

Your plan is very good.

He is so excessively handsome!

His character is thereby complete.

Darcy was the superior.

They were rather handsome and educated.

You were Mr. Bingley’s first choice.

Mr. Darcy is all politeness.

Your conjecture is totally wrong.

This would be a success.

Your talent is singular.

It ought to be good.

His disposition must be dreadful.

The breakfast was over.

Jane is seriously ill.

Mrs. Bennet was delighted.

Their visitors were quite talkative.

A lady’s imagination is very rapid.