
Развитие умения по совершенствованию аудитивного аспекта иноязычной речи (стр. 7 из 7)

4. В соответствии с изложенными теоретическими положениями в первой главе, была создана система упражнений для обучения аудированию, которая включает упражнения:

1) на развитие механизмов: вероятностного прогнозирования, памяти, осмысления;

2) на обеспечение структурной организации процесса аудирования:

упражнения аналитико-синтетического характера, упражнения на контроль и самоконтроль;

5. В основу создания системы упражнений для аудирования были положены следующие требования. Она должна: обеспечить достижение промежуточных и конечных целей; быть направленной на преодоление психологических, лингвистических трудностей воспринимаемой на слух речи;обеспечивать развитие навыков и умений, направленных на совершенствование речевых механизмов аудирования; учитывать специфику структурной организации аудирования как вида речевой деятельности;

учитывать доминирующие репрезентативные системы учащихся;

В ходе проведенного исследования подтвердилась гипотеза о том, что обучение аудированию будет более успешным при условии, если будут учтены речевые механизмы этого вида речевой деятельности, специфика его структурной организации и доминирующие репрезентативные системы учащихся. Использование нашей системы упражнений позволило улучшить понимание аутентичных текстов


1. Артемов, В. А. Психология обучения иностранным языкам / В. А. Артемов. — М. 1969. — 279 с.

2. Бим, И. Л. Теория и практика обучения немецкому языку в средней школе: Проблемы и перспективы: Учебное пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов по спец. №2103 «Иностр. язык» / И. Л. Бим. — М. : Просвещение, 1988. — 256 с.

3. Гез, Н. И. Типология упражнений и организации обучения аудированию в школе с преподаванием ряда предметов на иностранном языке / Н. И. Гез // ИЯШ. — 1985. — № 6. — С. 19—24.

4. Гиниатуллин, И. А. Самостоятельная работа по практическому курсу иностранного языка / И. А. Гиниатуллин // ИЯШ. — 1990. — № 1. — С. 74—79.

5. Елухина, Н. В. Влияние внешних факторов на темп аудирования / Н. В. Елухина // ИЯШ. — 1987. — Вып. 19. — С. 11-21.

6. Елухина, Н. В. Языковые трудности восприятия французской речи на слух и пути их преодоления / Н. В. Елухина // ИЯШ. — 1969. — №4. — С. 31—37.

7. Елухина, Н. В. Преодоление основных трудностей понимания иноязычной речи на слух как условие формирования способности устно общаться / Н. В. Елухина // ИЯШ. — 1996.—№4.— С. 25—29

8. Зенкевич, С. М. Аудирование как вид перцептивной деятельности (экспериментально-фонетическое исследование на материале британского варианта английского языка): дис. … канд. фил. наук. / С. М. Зенкевич — С-Петербург, 2003. — 230 с.

9. Зимняя, И. А. Психологическая характеристика слушания и говорения как видов речевой деятельности / И. А. Зимняя // ИЯШ. — 1973. — №4.— С. 66—72.

10. Зимняя, И. А. Индивидуально-психологические факторы и успешность научения речи на иностранном языке / И. А. Зимняя. // ИЯШ. — 1970. — №1. — С. 74—79.

11. Ильина, В. И. Некоторые характеристики кратковременной памяти, полученные в условиях аудирования / В. И. Ильина // Уч. Зап. Моск. гос. пед. ин – та иностранных языков им. М. Тореза. Т. 44. — 1968. — С. 35—39.

12. Клычникова, З. И. К вопросу о взаимоотношении внимания и понимания при восприятии иноязычного речевого сообщения / З. И. Клычникова // ИЯШ. — 1968. — Вып. 4. — С. 27—36.

13. Кулиш, Л. Ю. Виды аудирования / Л. Ю. Кулиш // Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам: хрестоматия. – М. : Просвещение, 1991. — С. 224—225.

14. Левашов, А. С. Предвосхищение в речевой деятельности / А. С. Левашов // ИЯШ. — 1978 — Вып.17. — С. 19-29.

15. Леонтьев, А. А. Психология восприятия и восприятие речи / А. А. Леонтьев // ИЯШ. — 1975. — №1. — С. 76—81.

16. Сергеева, Н. Н. Элементы аудиовизуального и аудиолингвального методов при обучении профессионально-ориентированному аудированию / Н. Н. Сергеева, В. А. Яковлева // Сопоставительная лингвистика. — Екатеринбург : Урал. гос. пед. ун-т., 2003. — С. 138—143.

17. Скалкин, В. Л. Речевые ситуации как средство развития неподготовленной речи / В. Л. Скалкин, Г. А. Рубинштейн // ИЯШ. — 1966. — №4. — С. 2—9.

18. Слободчиков, В. И. Психология человека / В. И. Слободчиков, Е. И. Исаев. — М. : Школа-Пресс, 1995. — 254 с.

19. Фрейгенберг, И. М. Вероятностное прогнозирование в деятельности мозга / И. М. Фейгенберг // Вопросы психологии. — 1963. — №2. — С 87—98.




European Union leaders have agreed to provide 75 billion Euros in new loans to the International Monetary Fund, so that the IMF can help fight global recession. The idea is that other major world players will also add to this.

At a two-day summit the leaders also ramped up EU crisis assurance for struggling EU member states. Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, said: “The guarantees for countries which have difficulties with the balance of payments have been increased to 50 billion Euros. That is a doubling of the amount available — from 25 to 50. If there is a need to help a country which is particularly hit, now there is the possibility to do so!”

Latvia and Hungary have already used some of this fund, and Romania is expected to.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the new loans to the IMF are for economic emergencies. He will host a summit in London of the Group of Twenty on April 2: “The financing gap for emerging countries this year is up to 800 billion, so it is not an issue just for emerging economies. Because of the risk of contagion, this is an issue for every country in the world. It is vital that we increase the resources available to the international institutions so that they can intervene to stop the crisis spreading, to stabilize economies, and return the global economy to growth.”

Unlike the extra-trillion-dollar-spending US, the Europeans concluded: give existing recovery plans time to act, and exercise


The French government is to release 10 million euros to compensate victims of nuclear tests carried out in the Sahara and Polynesia.

Around 150,000 individuals, both military and civilian, are involved excluding the indigenious populations.

French Defence Minister Hervé Morin announced the u-turn.

Previously the French government refused to formally recognise any health problems related to the tests.

An independent commission made up of doctors and chaired by a magistrate will examine complaints on a case by case basis.

If the applications are accepted the victims will receive compensation.

France launched around 210 nuclear tests in the Sahara and Algeria between 1960 and 1966 and French Polynesia from 1966 up to 1996.

The resulting health problems include a variety of cancers.

The government says the 10 million euros will be made available on an annual basis.


Opel’s German dealerships have backed the idea of joining the carmaker’s workers in buying part of the struggling GM subsidiary.

The plan is that for every Opel car sold over the next three years, the dealers would pay 150 euros into a fund and the money would be used to take a minority stake in the company.

Dealers throughout Europe – including for Vauxhall cars in Britain – could also take part.

The main Opel union leader in Germany Klaus Franz said: “The most important thing is to send a signal to the public that the dealers and the employees believe in the future of their company, and that they’ll invest their money in it. And that won’t be peanuts, it’ll be some hundreds of millions.”

The US parent company, General Motors, will only get the billions in European government aid it needs if those governments are satisfied Opel and Vauxhall are truly independent from Detroit.

This partial buyout plan by dealer and workers could be one way of achieving that.

The European dealers association will vote on the idea at a meeting on 15 May.If they all take part it could raise 400 million euros in fresh capital.


A collapse in exports and a fall in private demand and investment produced the deepest ever quarter-on-quarter fall in euro zone economic activity in the final three months of 2008.

Economists said the very sharp fall in consumer spending suggested the first quarter of this year could be as bad.

Financial stocks were the biggest losers. Axa, Old Mutual, BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank lost between six and 13 percent.

Insurer Aviva’s shares plunged by nearly a third due to concerns over its capital.

The markets were also hit by the world’s second biggest car maker General Motors saying it faces bankruptcy if it fails to stem its losses and generate cash.

GM said its auditors have raised “substantial doubt” about its ability to survive outside bankruptcy as it continues to burn through cash.

GM is asking the US government for up to 30 billion dollars in aid to restructure.

Commodity stocks were another standout losing sector as crude oil and base metal prices slipped.


BMW says it cannot predict what profit it might make this year.

The world’s biggest premium car maker called 2009 a transition year during which industry sales will drop as much as 20 percent and so a reliable earnings outlook is impossible.

Instead BMW said it will focus on managing its finances to ensure its independence.

Last week BMW shocked investors with a fourth quarter operating loss of 718 million euros due to some one-off charges


Peugeot Citroen have sacked Chief Executive Christian Streiff as France’s biggest carmaker struggles in the current economic climate.

The manufacturer suffered a crippling 344-billion euro loss last year and is looking at further losses this year.

The French government has offered the company and Renault 3-billion euros in loans and billions more to their suppliers to help them survive the crisis.

The new man in the driving seat is Phillippe Varin the current chief of the Anglo-Dutch steel group Corus and will take up his new post on June 1st.

One in ten workers in France is employed in the industry and President Nicolas Sarkozy has made it clear he will allow the motor trade to fail as consumer demand for new vehicles hits the skids.


A French government minister has created a row by saying that a temporary production increase by Renault was due to the transfer of jobs from overseas.

The EU Competition Commissioner expressed surprise at the French Industry Minister Luc Chatel’s comments that Renault was moving production of a vehicle currently made outside France – specifically the older cheaper Clio model assembled in Slovenia.

President Nicolas Sarkozy had to calm things by explaining Renault was actually creating extra jobs in France to meet additional demand:

Speaking at the EU summit Sarkozy said: “I saw the Slovenian Prime Minister, I said to him, he will not lose a single job. But as there is demand, there’s an increase in production, and Renault has chosen to create 400 jobs in France. Honestly, I’m the president of the Republic of France, I am delighted. No jobs being lost by our Slovenian friends and jobs being restored at the French plant at Flins, that’s exactly what I hoped for.”

This comes against a background of French carmakers pledging to safeguard production sites in France in exchange for six billion euros in low-interest loans financing by the state.

The European Commission approved that despite accusations that it comes close to protectionism.


European shares finished up for a fifth straight session, led higher by financials.

That came after Britain’s Barclays announced it had seen a strong start to 2009 and plans to sell its i-shares business for which it’s has received several expressions of interest.

In addition HSBC said it will not need to raise more cash. Barclays soared 22 percent. UBS, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, BNP Paribas, Societe Generale and Banco Santander were big gainers along with insurers.

Banks were also supported by comments from US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who said he saw the economic decline in the States moderating and a recovery beginning in 2010