
Анализ и сравнение лексико-семантических полей "Свобода" и "Freedom" в английском и русском языках (стр. 17 из 17)

407. slaveholder an owner of slaves

408. slavery a: submission to a dominating influence , b: the state of a person who is a chattel of another

409. slavey slave, drudge

410. smart-mouth(sl) a cheeky, insolent, impudent and/or frivolous person

411. smoothness freedom from difficulties or impediments

412. sovereignty freedom from external control

413. spearchucker(sl) a wild person

414. spontaneity freedom from embarrassment or constraint

415. sport(infml) a state in which a person feels free and elevated

416. squad, the(sl) insubordinate person

417. stir(sl) prison

418. straight-shooter(sl Am) an honest, straight-forward person

419. strain limitation

420. Stranglehold a force or influence that chokes or suppresses freedom of movement or expression

421. Stress the constraint of circumstance : the weight of social or economic imposition

422. stretch(sl) a period of imprisonment

423. strong-arm(sl) power, influence, coercion

424. Subduer one who brings under control especially by an exertion of the will

425. Subjugation a: bringing under control and governance as a subject , b: making submissive

426. Subjugator a: one who brings under control and governance as a subject , b: one who makes submissive

427. submission an act of submitting to the authority or control of another

428. submitting an act of submitting to the authority or control of another

429. suffrage freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in a person or group

430. suppression a: an act or instance of subduing , b: the state of being subdued

431. sway a controlling influence

432. sweep space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought

433. tap-dance (sl) a clever evasion

434. tapdancer

435. taskmaster one that imposes a task or burdens another with labor

436. tearaway(sl) a wild, reckless usu. young person

437. tension the constraint of circumstance : the weight of social or economic imposition

438. term period of imprisonment

439. Termination a limit in space or extent

440. thoughtlessness freedom from care

441. thrall a: a servant slave , b: a person in moral or mental servitude , c: a state of servitude or submission

442. thralldom a state of servitude or submission

443. tightness state marked by little or no room for free motion or movement

444. time(sl) a term of imprisonment

445. tin-arse(sl) a privileged person

446. toiler slave

447. trammel something impeding activity, progress, or freedom

448. trash(sl) a wild party or dance

449. tug(sl) an arrest or detention of a suspect

450. tyrannicalness oppressive power

451. unchaining freeing by or as if by removing a chain : setting loose

452. unconcern freedom from excessive concern or anxiety

453. unfettering freeing from or as if from fetters

454. uninhibitedness freedom from anything that forbids, debars, or restricts

455. unpretentiousness freedom from ostentation, elegance, or affectation

456. unrestraint freedom from or lack of restraint

457. unruliness lack of discipline or incapacity for discipline and often connotes waywardness or turbulence of behavior

458. unshackling freeing from or as if from shackles

459. vacantness freedom from activity or work

460. vagility freedom to move about

461. vanquisher someone who gain mastery over, and/or restricts freedom

462. vassal one in a subservient or subordinate position

463. villein a: a free common villager or village peasant of any of the feudal classes lower in rank than the thane , b: a free peasant of a feudal class higher in rank than a cotter , c: an unfree peasant standing as the slave of a feudal lord but free in legal relations with ьььrespect to all others

464. vindicator a: one who sets free , b: one who frees from allegation or blame

465. voice - wish, choice, or opinion openly or formally expressed

466. volunteer a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service

467. wantonness lack of discipline or incapacity for discipline and often connotes waywardness or turbulence of behavior

468. whiteness freedom from stain

469. white-space(sl) free time

470. wild wild, free natural state of existence

471. wilderness wild, free natural state of existence

472. will a choice or determination of one having authority or power

473. workhorse a hardworking, dependable person, as a slave

474. yardbird(sl Am) a convict, prisoner

475. yoyo(sl) a silly, eccentric and frivolous person

Список принятых сокращений


Арест. – из жаргона осужденных, отбывших наказание в тюрьмах, ИТУ

Арм. . – из жаргона военных

Жр. – жаргонизированная разговорная речь

Ирон. – ироническое

Книжн. – книжное

Лаг. – из жаргона лагерных заключенных

Мил. – из милицейского жаргона

Мол. – из общемолодежного жаргона

Морск. – из жаргона моряков

Неод. - неодобрительное

Неол. - неологизм

Поэт. - поэтическое

Презр. – презрительное

Прост. – просторечное

Разг. – разговорное

Сниж. - сниженное

Угол. – из речи уголовников

Устар. – устарелое

Шутл. – шутливое

Шутл.-ирон. – шутливо-ироническое


Am. - American

Arc. – archaic

Austr. – Australian

Derog. - derogatory

Infml. - informal

Obs. – obsolete

Sl. - slang

Usu. - usually