
Evolution Essay Research Paper We actlike animals (стр. 2 из 2)

face and teeth. Its skull, face and teeth are similar to the skull, face, and

teeth of a gibbon. A gibbon is described as an animal with a slender body with

long dangling arms. Scientists believe that Phiolethecus probably have used its

arms in order to swing from tree to tree throughout the jungle. The Proconsul

is an early ape, which was once considered to be a distinct genus. A genus is

defined as a class or group of species. The Proconsul is defined as a subgenus

of Dryopithecus. Dryopithecus is an ape that evolved in Africa in various

forms. It is believed that they are distant ancestors of the chimpanzee. In

addition, it is a larger form and predecessor of the gorilla. First of the

fossil great apes to be discovered, Dryopithecus was spread out and distributed

throughout Europe, India, China and Africa. On the contrary, the skeleton of

Dryopithecus is still frustratingly incomplete. The skeleton has been

reconstructed by used the jaw and tooth bone fragments. Standing at bout four feet

tall and weighing about eighty pounds, Oreopitecus is a possible branch of the

human’s family tree. With the evidence of its teeth and pelvis, Oreopithecus is

regarded as an ancestor to the ape or an ancestor to monkeys. As I have

described earlier, Ramapithecus is the earliest primate to be considered a

direct ancestor of modern day human beings. The creature, which is three to

four feet tall, is the Ramapithecus species. They were hominid in shape because

it only consists of few teeth, and the fragments of the upper and lower jaws

are similar to a hominid. Australopithecus Africanus is the first definite

human ancestor, which is four million years younger than Ramapithecus. During

the time of Ramapithecus and Australopithecus Africanus, these pre-humans made

great technological advances. Such advances of becoming bipedal. With the aid

of bipedalism, this species lived on the ground for the majority of its life.

In addition, the advances of the use of stone, bone and wood were used as tools

and weapons. Similarly to Australopithecus Africanus, Australopithecus Robustus

lived in South Africa. The Australopithecus Robustus is a definite descendant

of Australopithecus Africanus. Australopithecus Boisei is the greatest in size

of all the australopithecines, which lived in East Africa. It is the largest of

the australopithecines because it has developed more massive teeth and

jawbones. Unfortunately, Australopithecus Boisei became extinct. The Advanced

Australopithecus is signified from the other australopithecines because of

advanced features such as greater intelligence. Many scientists feel that this

australopithecine should be regarded as a true man. They also call Advanced

Australopithecus "Homo habilis." On the contrary, Homo Erectus, in

1950, was classified as the first true man. Homo Erectus contained more

primitive of a brain, which had a cranial capacity to half of the Homo sapiens.

In addition, Homo Erectus led a social life and came under the use of fire and

could believably talk. The Neanderthal Man was a survivor. It had a cranial

capacity, which was similar in size to modern humans. The Neanderthal Man had

basic advances in life style. The Neanderthal Man made basic clothes and

constructed tools of advanced design. The Cro-Magnon Man is regarded has the

first fine artist on earth. Proof of this fine artistry is that of rich records

of accomplishments in cave paintings, which Cro-Magnon made. He made these

records From stone engravings and carved figures. Cro-Magnon amazingly spread

to all habitable parts of the world. Modern Man, us, has learned from the

teaching and evolvement of the Cro-Magnon. We have learned to grow our own food

and domesticate our animals. In addition we possessed the control over the

environment and created cites and established civilizations.

We act like animals, we eat like animals, and we are animals. The many theories

of evolution such as Darwin’s theory of evolution prove to us that we choose to

believe that we are not animals when we really are. With the amazing changes

and evolvement our species has undergone and as the twenty first century

approaches us, who knows what forms of evolutionary change will come of us.