Hoping to catch the train, we took a taxi.
She knew that we were guilty. And knowing it, the child in her was outraged.
Being there, I could see all.
He’s very conceited, you know, having parades and things all the time.
Having decided on this course of action some time ago, I was unable to stay at home.
Another characteristic feature of participles functioning as adverbials of reason consists in their combinability with negation (no matter what it is expressed by).
I turned back, not knowing where to go.
Even then he hadn’t been able to watch her, not having eyes in the back of his head.
3) The adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances is one of the most characteristic of participle I - it is considered to be the main grammatical meaning of non-perfect participle I. In this case participle I denotes some action or event parallel to the action or state denoted by the finite verb.
Deb was silent, fidgeting with the spoon in her saucer.
I laughed, and still laughing turned away eastward.
4) Participle I as an adverbial modifier of manner is akin to an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances. The difference consists in the fact that an adverbial modifier of manner characterizes the action of the finite verb, whereas that of attendant circumstances denotes a parallel action or event.
He came in carrying a big parcel.
5) Occasionally participle I occurs as an adverbial modifier of comparison, concession or condition.
As an adverbial of comparison the participle is always preceded by the conjunction as if, as though:
As if obeying him, I turned and stared into his face.
When participle I is used as an adverbial modifier of concession the conjunction is not obligatory and then the idea of concession may be understood from the context. However the conjunction though will make the semantic relationship clearer.
Somebody was waiting: a man who, though moving irregularly, was making quite a speed in my direction.
In the same way participle I as an adverbial modifier of condition is recognized by its syntactical surroundings. It is either the subjunctive mood or the future tense form which allows a participial phrase to function as an adverbial modifier of condition:
She ought to be there and her absence might be resented, but being there she wouldn’t know what to say (но, если бы она была там ... , ... но будучи там ...).
Well, we’ll be in Scotland afore we know where we are, going at this speed (... если будем двигаться с такой скоростью).
Participle I as part of the compound verbal predicate
§ 134. Non-perfect participle I can be part of a compound verbal predicate of double orientation. Within this type of predicate participle I follows verbs of sense perception, such as to see, to hear, to feel, to find, to catch, also some causative verbs, such as to keep, to leave in the passive voice.
Jane was heard playing the piano.
Paul was found working in the garden.
The boy was caught teasing the cat.
I was kept waiting an hour or so.
I was left standing on the stage.
In this type of predicate participle I active is generally used, though occasionally non-perfect participle I passive is to be found.
He flicks the switch and “Roll Out the Barrel” is heard being whistled.
The predicate of double orientation consists of two parts: the first is oriented on somebody implied, and the second refers semantically to the doer of the action expressed by the subject. Thus the first example means that somebody heard that Jane was playing the piano.* Therefore sentences with this type of predicate are translated into Russian by indefinite personal or impersonal sentences, complex or simple, depending on the verb in the passive voice.
* See p. II Syntax, § 53 The compound verbal predicate of double orientation; also § 123 Predicative complexes (the subjective predicative construction).
Слышали (слышно было), как Джейн играет на рояле.
Меня заставили ждать почти целый час.
Participle I as predicative
§ 135. In the position of predicative only non-perfect participle I active occurs, its adjectival character being predominant. Although keeping the form of the participle, it is treated as an adjective, or a deverbal adjective.
The participle in this position gives the qualitative characterization to the person or thing used as subject (or object, in the case of the objective predicative).
The story is amusing. Your answer is surprising. We found him dying | - I find the story amusing. - I consider your answer surprising. - We found that he was dying. |
Participle I as predicative may be used with other linkverbs, in which case it may keep its verbal character, as in:
Isadora remained standing.
Participle I as independent element (parenthesis)
§ 136. Participle I as parenthesis forms the headword of a participial phrase, the meaning of which is a comment upon the contents of the whole sentence or sometimes part of it. The comment may take the form of a logical restriction or personal attitude. Here we find such participial phrases as generally (properly, roughly, legally, strictly) speaking, putting it mildly, judging by (from), allowing for, taking everything into consideration, etc.
Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.
Strictly speaking, this is illegal.
Predicative constructions with participle I
§ 137. Participle I may function as part of a predicative construction, entering into a predicative relationship with some nominal element and forming a syntactical unit with it.
The objective participial construction
The objective participial construction consists of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and participle I forming a syntactical complex, the two main components of which are in predicative relationship. Since the construction always follows transitive verbs, its syntactical function is that of a complex object.* Thus in its meaning it corresponds to a subordinate clause and is usually translated into Russian by a subordinate object clause:
* For details see p. II Syntax. The Predicative Constructions (The Complex Object).
I saw John playing tennis I saw him playing tennis We heard them singing | - Я видел, как Джон играет в теннис. - Я видел, как он играет в теннис. - Мы слышали, как они поют. |
In many cases, however, the translation depends on the verb it reters to and on the requirements of the Russian usage.
The nominal element usually refers to a person or a thing different from that denoted by the subject of the sentence. If it refers to the same person as the subject, a reflexive pronoun is to be used, as in:
He heard himself uttering the words.
The construction is generally used with non-perfect participle I active, and occasionally it occurs with participle I passive:
I could see the books being taken away.
Some of the verbs followed by the objective participial construction occur also with the objective infinitive construction (such as to see, to watch, to hear, to feel). The difference between these two constructions concerns the meaning suggested by an infinitive or participle I; the former emphasizes the fact of an action being completed, the latter its processual character, as in:
I saw the car stop at the gate. I saw the car stopping. | - Я видел, что машина, остановилась у ворот. - Я видел, как машина остановилась (останавливалась) у ворот. |
If the homogeneous infinitives are used, they denote two actions in succession. If two participles I are homogeneous, they suggest two simultaneous actions.
I heard him leave the room and lock the door. Soames saw Bosinney watching her and smiling to himself. | - Я слышал, как он вышел из комнаты и запер ее. - Соме увидел, что Босинни наблюдал за ней и улыбался сам себе. |
The objective participial construction is used:
a) with verbs of sense perception,
b)with various verbs of causative meaning, or inducement.
c) occasionally with verbs expressing wish.
a) | to see to hear to feel to watch | to notice to observe to perceive to smell | to find to catch to discover to look (at) | to listen (to) |
We saw (watched, heard, listened to) the train approaching the station.
Do you smell something burning?
I could feel the dog leaning against my feet.
We found him working in the garden.
b) | to have to get to keep | to leave to start to set |
I won’t have you smoking at your age!
They soon got (started) things going.
Don’t keep me waiting. I’m in a hurry.
Your words set me thinking.
Can you start (set) that engine going?
Note: The verbs to have, to get may be used in the construction without their causative meaning, as in: I have some students waiting for me. I’ve got my grandson staying for a week. |
Sentences with the verbs of this group are usually translated into Russian by simple sentences.
c) to want, to like
I don’t want you talking back to me.
They didn’t like me leaving so early.
§ 138. The nominative absolute participial construction.
This construction consists of two interdependent elements, nominal and verbal, which are in a predicative relation. The nominal element is a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case. The verbal element is participle I in any of its forms. The nominal and the verbal elements make a syntactical complex functioning as a detached adverbial modifier. Unlike the objective participial construction it does not depend on a verb:
John having left the room to ring for a taxi as arranged, Mary sat down again to wait for him.
The difference between a participial phrase and a nominative absolute participial construction may be illustrated as follows:
| |
| |
In a participial phrase the subject of the sentence is as a rule related both to the predicate verb and to the participle. In a sentence with a nominative absolute participial construction the subject of the sentence is related only to the predicate verb, and the nominal element is related to the participle.
The nominative absolute participial construction functions syntactically as an adverbial modifier: an adverbial modifier of a) attendant circumstances, b) reason, c) occasionally time.
a) Llewellyn looked through the window, his glance travelling towards the bridge.
Mabel hurried out of the car and walked away, tears streaming down her face.
We were both standing leaning against the mantelpiece, she admirng her fan of blotting paper, I staring
at her.
A nominative absolute participial construction as an adverbial of attendant circumstances usually stands in postposition, and is widely used in literature.
It is translated into Russian by a coordinate clause: Мы оба стояли у камина; она любовалась веером из промокательной бумаги, а я глядел на нее.
b) But I was a little on edge, there being something to report.
The ship’s band did not play in the morning, it being Sunday.
c) The work being finished, the two girls went into the shop.
Sentences with a nominative absolute participial construction as an adverbial of reason or time are translated by complex sentences with the corresponding subordinate clauses: Я нервничал, так как было о чем сообщить... Когда работа была закончена, девушки вошли в мастерскую.
As well as in sentences with participial phrases causal and temporal meanings may be combined, as in:
Ice having thus been broken, the two former rivals grew still more affectionate.
Prepositional absolute participial construction with participle I
A prepositional absolute construction differs from a non-prepositional participial construction in that it is introduced by the preposition with. Its nominal part is usually a noun in the common case, or very rarely a personal pronoun in the objective case. It is not necessarily set off by a comma:
Andrew went into the house with his heart beating fast.
The main syntactical function of the construction is an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances, as in:
The officer sat with his long fine hands lying on the table perfectly still.