e) homogeneous attributes
He wore a blue striped shirt and grey checked trousers.
f) homogeneous adverbial modifiers
She had lessons on Tuesday after school and on Sunday afternoons.
Homogeneous parts may be connected by different coordinating conjunctions:
a) copulative conjunctions and, nor, neither ... nor, as well as, both ... and, not only ... but also
Neither the wagons nor the howitzer came.
b) disjunctive conjunctions or, either ...or
I don’t care either for Maybelle or any particular girl any more.
I can get along by myself if Sis or anybody wants to.
c) adversative conjunction but and conjunctive adverb yet
The old man nodded but did not stop eating.
The story is interesting, yet a little too long.
§ 190. There are, however, cases which look very much like homogeneous parts but which should be distinguished from them.
They are:
1. Different kinds of repetitions which make the utterance more expressive but which name the same notion. Any part of the sentence may be repeated in this way.
There were rumours, rumours, rumours.
It’s wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
I’ll never, never, never go there again.
She is my dear, dear, dear sister.
2. Phrases where coordinated nouns refer to one thing or person, such as: my son and heir, their friend and defender, her friend and counselor.
Bread and butter is not enough for breakfast.
3. Syntactically indivisible coordinated phrases in which neither component can be removed and which make one indivisible part of the sentence. .
Four and four is eight.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
4. Sentences where the predicate consists of two parts joined by the conjunction and which in this case has no copulative meaning.
Try and do it properly Come and help me | = Try to do it properly. = Come to help me. |
The appended modifier (уточнение)
§ 191. Another way of sentence extension, but based on syntactical parallelism or doubling, is an appended modifier, which usually is parenthetic and follows the headword as an afterthought. It is a dependent part, which can refer to practically any part of the sentence and answer the same question, but in a fuller and more detailed way, narrowing or particularizing the notion, expressed by the headword. Therefore the headword is usually more general in meaning than the appended part; very often it is a pronoun, made explicit by the following nouns.
They were alike, his father and he.
Being a dependent part of the sentence, the appended modifier still cannot be opposed either to the main, or to secondary parts of the sentence. Its dependence also accounts for the reason why the appended part cannot be considered as homogeneous with the headword. Besides they are very often morphologically inacceptable in the structure of the sentence:
His daily trips were really very easy - about a mile and a half.
Appended parts may be joined asyndetically, and in this case they are marked off graphically by a comma or a dash. They may be also joined by some conjunctions (and, or), or else by explanatory words (namely, that is, i.e. (= that is), to wit, for example, for instance); also by intensifying particles (almost, especially, etc.).
Language makers, that is ordinary speakers, are not very accurate thinkers.
He had discovered that he had a talent for mathematics - almost a genius for it.
Another way of linking the appended modifier to its headword is the repetition of the same part with modifying words.
My object is secure happiness - the happiness of both of us.
There are three structural types of appended modifiers.
1. The most common case of an appended modifier is when a different word or even a different morphological form refers to the headword. Standing for identical notions, the appended part gives a fuller and more detailed nomination of the same concept. In some way appended modifiers of this type resemble appositions, only unlike appositions, they may refer to words of non-nominal nature (verbs, adverbs). Even referring to nouns, they never qualify words, but particularize the notion.
Hughie wanted to be a star, a footballer in the big league.
2. Appended modifiers of the second type form a string of homogeneous parts referring to a headword with a general meaning (thing, problem, question, etc.). Here again the appended modifiers may refer to different parts of the sentence.
3. Appended parts of the third type - with a repeated headword - usually have an emphatic force.
| | | |
| |
He had his pride of course, the natural pride of a liberal enlighted man.
The emphatic force is often manifested by adverbs of degree, intensifying particles (just, even, especially, particularly, at least, in particular), or modal words (in fact, indeed, etc.). The explanatory function is carried out by modifying words or attributive clauses.
In one place Winterbourne found ... a French-woman with two starved children living in a cottage with nothing but straw - literally nothing but straw...
They assured him that they were the only men - or almost the only men - left alive...
(syncretic forms, syntactic homonyms, dubious cases of analysis)
Though each sentence can be divided into parts as described in the section “Parts of the sentence”, the attribution of some parts may present certain difficulties.
Here we may distinguish three cases.
1. The analysis of parts of the sentence which contain two meanings at one and the same time (the so-called syncretic forms).
2. The analysis of phrases built on one and the same pattern in different syntactical functions (the so-called syntactical homonyms).
3. The analysis of parts of the sentence whose attribution is dubious due to their nature.
1. Syncretic forms
Difficulties of this kind arise where a part of the sentence contains two meanings at once and it is not always clear which of them is the predominant. This is usually the case with various classes of adverbials, especially those expressed by an infinitive, a participle, or phrases and complexes with these verbals.
Here are some examples.
She looked under the cot and laughed to see the girl crouched there.
The work done, I felt as free as a bird.
It growing dark, she hurried the boys home.
In all these sentences the parts in italics express at the same time the idea of the cause of the action of the predicate verb and an indication of the time of these actions.
In the sentence To hear him talk, you’ll think he's at least ten years old the part in italics combines the idea of time with that of condition.
In the sentences She was clever enough to keep silent; I’ve watched you work too long to underrate you the adverbials combine the idea of result with the idea of degree.
Sometimes an adverbial expressed by a noun with a preposition which name the place where the action of the predicate verb was performed actually denotes rather the time of the action than its place. This is usually the case where the adverbial is detached, as in: At home, she took off her hat and cloak and hurried to the kitchen. Here At home has rather the meaning ‘when she came home’.