
Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс (стр. 33 из 48)

• Example 1070 in ten seventy
1879 1837 1901 1923

6. Complete the sentences:

In 1070 William the Conqueror ...

Queen Victoria was born in...

She died in... at the age of...

In 1879 she arrived in Windsor to celebrate...

In 1923 the Doll's House of Windsor Casle was given to...

7. Translate into Russian:

For the next 900 years the Castle was continuously enlarged growing from a medieval castle to a vast and complex royal palace.

Part of the Railway Station has been converted to a waxworks museum recreating the scene of Queen Victoria's arrival in Windsor.

8. Sum up what the text said about:

Queen Victoria

the history of Windsor Castle

the decorations of the Castle

the Doll's House

the places of the Castle open to the public.

9. Find the answers in the text:

Is Eton far away from Windsor?

How did the participants get there?

What famous college has it got?

How many English prime ministers graduated from Eton?

How are Eton students usually dressed?

Did the participants see any students in the streets of Eton?

Wasit term time?

10. Complete the disjunctive questions:

After visiting Windsor the participants walked to Eton...

They went down to the river and crossed it over the bridge...

Eton is Windsor's twin town...

Eton is the home of Eton college...

About 22 British prime ministers graduated from Eton college...

Eton students wear very curious clothes...

You have never seen Eton students...

11. Role play.

Imagine you are speaking with an Englishman who is living in Windsor. Ask him a few questions about Windsor and Eton.

Unit forty five

Payments in international trade


On Monday morning the participants resumed their work and listened to the lecture on payments in international trade.

Here is a part of the lecture:

With any form of international trade it is essential to ensure that payment will be received in accordance with the terms of the un­derlying commercial contract. The most secure and established methods of settling international trade transactions are:

• by documentary letters of credit and

• by documentary collection bills.

Documentary letters of credit are opened by the importer's bank with a bank in the exporter's country, usually the importing bank's correspondent in the exporting country. Exporters submit to the bank in their country all the shipping, insurance and other docu­ments specified in the letter of credit issued by the importer's bank. If the documents are in order the bank in the exporting country will credit the exporters with the proceeds. The proceeds are reim­bursed-by the importer's bank in due course.

Documentary collection bills are presented to the importer's bank or its correspondent by the exporters together with all the shipping, insurance and other documents, specified in the contract. If the documents are in order the importers instruct their bank to pay and they collect the shipping documents then.

There are a few ways of transferring money from bank to bank. In the recent past these ways were:

• mail transfers and

• telegraphic transfers.

Now these two types of messages are practically replaced by SWIFT messages. SWIFT stands for the Society for Worldwide Inter­bank Financial Telecommunication. It is a network serving now more than 3,000 banks in about 100 countries. It speeds up payment messages between banks immensely. If sending and receiving banks are both 'logged-in', a message can be delivered in under 20 seconds. Over 1 million messages are sent every day via the computers of SWIFT and its member banks.

The role of correspondent banks is permanently growing. They facilitate and expedite international payments. A correspondent bank is one which carries a deposit balance for another bank lo­cated in another city or country and engages in an exchange of services with that bank.

Words and expressions

essential [I'senS] важный, значительный
it is essential to dosomething необходимо/важно сде­лать ...
to ensure обеспечить
in accordance with ... в соответствии с ...
underlying лежащий в основе
secure надежный
established широко используемый, утвердившийся
method способ, метод
to settle оплатить
documentary документарный, с при­
ложением отгрузочных
collection bill инкассовое поручение: бан­ковский документ — инст­рукция получить платеж в краткий установленный срок или в пределах дан­ного срока получить обос­нованный отказ платель­щика от платежа
to submit представлять, передавать
to issue ['Isjü] выпускать, открывать
to credit somebody with something кредитовать кого-либо чего-либо
exporter экспортер
proceeds средства, выручка
to reimburse [,rÖ:Im'býs] возмещать, платить
due должный, причитающийся
in due course должным образом
to present представлять, предъявлять
together with вместе с
to be in order быть в порядке
in the recent past в недавнем прошлом
mail почта
mail transfer почтовый перевод
to replace заменять
SWIFT [swIft] СВИФТ — Международ­ное общество межбанков­
ских (финансовых) теле­
to stand for обозначать
wordwide всемирный
to speed up ускорять
to be logged-in (тех) быть включенным в
second секунда
member участник, член
member bank банк, вошедший в/ под­ключившийся к СВИФТ

Притяжательный падеж существительных

The Possessive Case of the Nouns

Существительное в притяжательном падеже отвечает на вопрос Чей?. Для образования притяжательного паде­жа существительного в единственном числе используются апостроф ' и буква s. Для образования притяжательного падежа существительного во множественном числе ис­пользуется только один апостроф '. Например:

the exporter's bank банк экспортера

the exporters' bank банк экспортеров


1. Use the nouns as in the example:

• Example importer/country the importer's country
exporter/country exporter/bank exporters/country exporters/bank exporting bank/country importing bank/country exporting bank/correspondent importing bank/correspondent Mr. Hill/lecture Mr. Hill/words

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract Они дают указание банку об оплате.
the underlying commercial contract Затем они забирают доку­менты.
the documents specified in the contract Существует несколько спосо­бов перевода денег из одного банка в другой.
to submit the documents. specified Банк переведет средства на счет экспортера.
the letter of credit issued by the importer's bank перевести средства должным образом
to reimdurse the proceeds in due course в соответствии с условиями контракта
The bank will credit the ex­porters with the proceeds. данный коммерческий кон­тракт
They instruct the bank to pay. документы, указанные в кон­тракте
They collect the shipping documents then. представить указанные доку­менты
There are a few ways of transferring money from bank to bank. аккредитив, выданный бан­ком экспортера

3. Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Russian:

It is essential to ensure that payment will be received.

Documentary letters of credit are opened by the importer's bank.

The proceeds are reimbuised by the importer's bank.

Documentary collection bills are presented to the importer's bank

Now mail and telegraphic tiansfers are replaced by SWIFT messages.

A message can be delivered in under 20 seconds.

Over 1 million messages are sent every day.

4. Insert prepositions:

... Monday morning the participants listened... the lecture... pay­ments.. international trade.

It is essential to ensure that payments will be received ... terms and conditions... the contract.

The most secure methods are payments.. documentary letters... credit and. . documentary collection bills.

Documentary letters. credit are opened... a bank.. the exporter's country.

Exporters submit ... the bank all the shipping documents.

If the documents are... order the bank will credit the exporter... the proceeds.

Documentary collection bills are presented... the importer's bank.

... the recent past there were two ways... transfer! ing money... bank... bank.

5. Translate the parts of the text speaking about:

documentary letters of credit

documentary collection bills.

6. Translate into Russian:

the receiving bank

the sending bank

if the banks are logged in...

It carries a deposit balance for another bank.

It carries a deposit balance for another bank located in another city or country.

The correspondent bank engages in an exchange of services with that bank

7. Complete as in the text:

SWIFT stands for the Society...

It's a network serving... banks... countries.

It speeds up payment messages between...

If. . banks are logged-in a message can be delivered...

Over one million... via computers of SWIFT and...

A correspondent bank is one which carries...

8. Find English equivalents in the text:

платеж по документарному аккредитиву —

платеж по документарному инкассо —

представить документы в банк —

открыть аккредитив в банке —

перевести средства —

отправить сообщение по СВИФТ —

банк-корреспондент —

Это ускорит платеж. —

9. Sum up what the text said about:

SWIFT and SWIFT messages

correspondent banks

10. Make short dialogues as in the example:

• Example letters of credit The information on letters of credit is not very clear, is it? — I agree with you here. It is not clear at all. (or) — I can't agree with you I'm afraid. Everything is absolutely clear.
collection bill SWIFT correspondent banks payments bank transfers

11. Role plays.

• Imagine you are one of the participants of the Group. Ask the lecturer a few questions about:

documentary letters of credit

documentary collection bills.

• Imagine you work at a SWIFT member bank. Make a short speech introducing yourself and also speak about the high techni­cal level of services offered by your bank.

Unit forty six

Problems settled


In the evening when Anton returned to the hotel he had a tele­phone call from Coventry, located to the north of London. It was a call from Mr. Snow, a business associate of the Russian com­pany for whom Anton worked.

Mr Snow: Mr. Smirnov, I'm calling to send my apologies to Mr. Nikolaev, your chief, for our default.

Anton: Don't worry we have received your payment and every­thing seems all right. I spoke with Mr. Nikolaev before my departure. He does not bear any grudges against you.

Mr. Snow: I'm very glad to hear that. But still I want to assure you that such things will never happen again.

Anton: Good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Nikolaev on my return to Moscow.

Here are two letters relating to the default mentioned by Mr. Snow received and sent by him some time before this talk took place:



Words and expressions

Coventry Ковентри. Крупный ин­дустриальный центр в графстве Йоркшир на северо-западе от Лондона
associate [@'souSIeIt] партнер
apology извещение
to send one's apologies принести свои извинения
chief начальник; главный
default [dI'fþlt] неуплата, нарушение
to bear (bore, borne) нести
grudge [grö³] недовольство, обида
not to bear grudges against somebody иметь претензии к кому-либо
to assure заверить
relating to ... относящийся к
acceding to ... как сообщил. , как зая­вил ..., согласно
records ['rekþdz] записи
according to our records согласно нашим записям
exception исключение
as an exception в виде исключения
open account открытый счет — форма расчета между продавцом и постоянным покупате­лем, при которой товары отправляются без под­тверждения оплаты, а покупатель в оговорен­ные сроки должен опла­тить товар
to pay on an open ac­count платить на открытый счет
net часто, частый, нетто, за вычетом всех расходов и налогов
outstanding [,aut'st{ndIÎ] неоплаченный
duration длительность
legal зд судебный
legal action судебное дело
to take legal action передать дело в суд, воз­будить судебное дело
to go so far заходить так далеко
to lose (lost, lost) потерять
to mislay (mislaid, mislaid) затерять (положить не туда)
the original оригинал
to enclose прилагать
to enclose something with something прилагать что-либо к че­му-либо
