(краткий курс)
Основные правила для начинающих
Кафедра иностранных языков
Unit 1
1. Личные местоимения
Единственное число | Множественное число |
I – яyou – ты he – он she – она it – он, она, оно (о неодушевленных предметах) | we – мы you – вы they – они |
2. Глагол tobe в простом настоящем времени
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I am (I’m) in Kiev.You are (you’re) in Kiev.He (she) is (he’s, she’s) in Kiev.We are (we’re) in Kiev.You are (you’re) in Kiev.They are (they’re) in Kiev. | Am I in Kiev?Are you in Kiev?Is he (she) in Kiev?Are we in Kiev?Are you in Kiev?Are they in Kiev? | I am not (I’m not) in Kiev.You are not (aren’t) in Kiev.He (she) is not (isn’t) in Kiev.You are not (aren’t) in Kiev.You are not (aren’t) in Kiev.They are not (aren’t) in Kiev. |
Краткие ответы на вопросы
- Are you in London?- Is he (she) in London?- Are they in London? | - Yes, I am.- No, I am not (I’m not).- Yes, he (she) is.- No, he (she) is not (isn’t).- Yes, they are.- No, they are not (aren’t). |
Ex.1 Составите предложения:
1. IHeShe WeYou They | ‘re‘s‘maren’t‘m notisn’t | a teachera businessmanin Moscowin RussiaRussianUkranian |
2. Are Am Is | hesheyouweI | in Moscow?a businessman?Estonian?in Minsk?a teacher of English? |
3. The Present Indefinite Tense (простоенастоящеевремя)
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I work on Omsk.You work in Omsk.He (she) works in Omsk.We work in Omsk.You work in Omsk.They work in Omsk. | Do I work in Omsk?Do you work in Omsk?Does he (she) work in Omsk?Do we work in Omsk?Do you work in Omsk?Do they work in Omsk? | I do not (don’t) work in Omsk.You do not (don’t) work in Omsk.he (she) does not (doesn’t) work in Omsk.We do not (don’t) work in Omsk. You do not (don’t) work in Omsk.They do not (don’t) work in Omsk. |
Краткие ответы на вопросы
- Do you live in Ottawa?- Does he (she) live in Ottawa?- Do they live in Ottawa? | - Yes, I do.- No, I do not (don’t)- Yes, he (she) does.- No, he (she) does not (doesn’t).- Yes, they do.- No, they do not (don’t). |
Ex. 7 Составьте предложения:
1. YouIheSheWeThey | liveworksspeaksspeakdon’t workdoesn’t speakdon’t livedoesn’t work | Englishin Moscowin RussiaRussianin Novosibirsk | |
2. Do Does | shewehetheyyou | worklive speak | in Tumenj?in Moscow?English?Russian?German?French? |
4. The Present Continuous Tense (настоящее продолженное время)
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I am learning English.You are (you’re) learning English.He (she) is learning English.We are (we’re) learning English. | Am I learning English?Are you learning English?Is he (she) learning English?Are we learning English? | I am not (I’m not) learning English.You are not (aren’t) learning English.He (she) is not (isn’t) learning English.We are not (aren’t) learning English. |
Краткие ответы на вопросы
- Are you learning French?- Is he (she) learning French?- Are they learning French? | - Yes, I am.- No, I am not (I’m not).- Yes, he (she) is.- No, he (she) is not (isn’t).- Yes, they are.- No, they are not (aren’t). |
5. Артикли
He is a visitor.They are __visitors.The visitor is in the office.The visitors are __ English teachers.Артикли не употребляются:1. если перед существительным есть притяжательные местоименияItismyoffice.2. перед большинством названий странHe lives in France.3. передименамилюдейMy name is Ann. My name is Ann Brown.5. перед существительными, после которых идет номер или индексLesson One, Unit Two6. внекоторыхсочетанияхto go on business, to be on business |
Неопределенный артикль – определенный артикль
Неопределенный артикль употребляется с существительными в единственном числе:It is an office.It is a big office. | Определенный артикль употребляется с существительными в единственном и множественном числе: Heisattheofficenow.They are at the offices now. |
Две формы неопределенного артикля
a | an |
a man a lesson | an office an Englishman |
6. Притяжательныеместоимения
Личные местоимения | Соответствующие притяжательные местоимения |
I you he she it we you they | my your his her its our your their |
7. Объектный падеж личных местоимений
Личные местоимения | Притяжательные местоимения | Объектный падеж личных местоимений |
I you he she it we you they | my your his her its our your their | me you him her it us you them |
8. Конструкцияthere is / there are
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма – краткие ответы | Отрицательная форма |
There is a chair in the corner.There are two chairs in the corner. | Is there a chair in the corner?- Yes, there is (one).- No, there isn’t any.Are there any chairs in the corner?- Yes, there are some.- No, there aren’t any. | There is no chair in the corner.There isn’t any chair in the corner.There are no chairs in the corner.There aren’t any chairs in the corner. |
Unit 2
1. Модальный глагол can
I can drive.I cannot drive.Can you drive? Can you come tomorrow?Can you bring us the bill, please?Can I have the bill, please?Can I see the menu, please? | Я могу (умею) водить машину.Я не умею водить машину.Вы можете (умеете) водить машину,Вы можете (не можете) прийти завтра? Вы не принесете счет?Вы можете принести счет,Принесите, пожалуйста, счет.Можно посмотреть меню? |
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I can meet him.You can meet him.He (she) can meet him.We can meet him.You can meet him.They can meet him. | Can I meet him?Can you meet him?Can he (she) meet him?Can we meet him?Can you meet him?Can they meet him? | I cannot (can't) meet him.You cannot (can't) meet him.He (she) cannot (can't) meet him.We cannot (can't) meet him.You cannot (can't) meet him.They cannot (can't) meet him. |
2. МодальныйглаголShould
1. You should wait a little.2. You should not smoke so much. | Вы должны немного подождать. (Вам следует немного подождать.)Вы не должны так много курить. (Вам не следует так много курить.) |
3. The Past Indefinite Tense (простоепрошедшеевремя)
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I opened the door.You opened the door.He (she) opened the door.We opened the door.You opened the door.They opened the door. | Did I open the door?- Yes, I did.- No, I did not (didn’t).Did you open the door?- Yes, you did.- No, you did not (didn’t).Did he (she) open the door?- Yes, he (she) did.- No, he (she) did not (didn’t).Did we open the door?- Yes, we did.- No, we did not (didn’t).Did you open the door?- Yes, you did.- No, you did not (didn’t).Did they open the door?- Yes, they did.- No, they did not (didn’t). | I did not (didn’t) open …You did not (didn’t) open …He (she) did not (didn’t) open …We did not (didn’t) open …You did not (didn’t) open …They did not (didn’t) open … |
4. Простое прошедшее время глагола tobe
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I was hungry.You were hungry.He (she) was hungry.We were hungry.You were hungry.They were hungry. | Was I hungry?- Yes, I was.- No, I was not (wasn’t).Were you hungry?- Yes, you were.- No, you were not (weren’t).Was he (she) hungry?- Yes, he (she) was.- No, he (she) was not (wasn’t).Were we hungry?- Yes, we were.- No, we were not (weren’t).Were you hungry?- Yes, you were.- No, you were not (weren’t).Were they hungry?- Yes, they were.- No, they were not (weren’t). | I was not (wasn’t) hungry.You were not (weren’t) hungry.He (she) was not (wasn’t) hungry.We were not (weren’t) hungry.You were not (weren’t) hungry.They were not (weren’t) hungry. |
5. Три формы неправильных глаголов
Инфинитив | Простое прошедшее время | Причастие |
To becomeTo bringTo buy(can)To comeTo driveTo flyTo getTo giveTo goTo haveTo hearTo holdTo keepTo leave(may)To meetTo putTo readTo seeTo sellTo sendTo showTo sitTo speakTo takeTo understandTo write | BecameBroughtBoughtCouldCameDroveFlewGotGaveWentHadHeardHeldKeptLeftMightMetPutReadSawSoldSentShowedSatSpokeTookUnderstoodWrote | BecomeBroughtBought-ComeDrivenFlownGotGivenGoneHadHeardHeldKeptLeft-MetPutReadSeenSoldSentShownSatSpokenTakenUnderstoodWritten |
6. Употреблениеmany, much, a lot of, few, little, a few, a little
Many – многоA lot of – многоFew – малоAfew – несколькоУпотребляются с исчисляемыми существительными | Much – многоA lot of – многоLittle – малоAlittle – немногоУпотребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными |
Исчисляемые существительные | Неисчисляемые существительные |
TableRestaurantBillLetterBriefcase | FoodSoupWineCoffeeLuggage |
Many – a lot of – few – a few | Much – a lot of – little – a little |
He hasn’t got many friends.There are very many letters on the table.There are a lot of letters on the desk.There are a few letters on the desk. | He hasn’t got much information.There is much wine in the bottle.There is a lot of information in the little.There is a little wine in the bottle. |
7. The Future Indefinite Tense (простоебудущеевремя)
Утвердительная форма | Вопросительная форма | Отрицательная форма |
I will (I'll) learn French.You will (you'11) learn ...He (she) will (he'll, she'll) learn ...We will (we'11) learn ...You will (you'11) learn ...They will (they'll) learn ... | Will I learn ...?Will you learn …?Will he (she) learn ...?Will we learn ...?Will you learn ...?Will they learn ...? | I will not (won't) learn …You will not (won't) learn ...He (she) will not (won't) learn ...We will not (won't) learn ...You will not (won't) learn ...They will not (won't) learn ... |
8. Модальныйглаголmay