
Ancient Rome Essay Research Paper Ancient RomeWord (стр. 2 из 2)

had in Asia Minor. Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100 BC to a

prestigious Roman family. His uncle was Gaius Marius, the consul andleader of

the agrarian reform movement. In 82 BC, Lucius Cornelius Sulla attacked the city

and made himself dictator. Because Sulla was an enemy of Marius, he ordered

Caesar to divorce his wife, Cornelia. Caesar refused, and fled the city until

Sulla resigned in 78 BC. Caesar started his reign in a triumvirate, with

himself, Pompey the Great, and Marcus Licinius Crassus. According to Nardo, this

was just a dictatorship of three. They ruled the Republic with terror, using the

army and their henchmen as muscle.(77-78) The only person who continually voiced

his opposition to the triumvirate was the famous orator, Cicero. The triumvirate

chased him into hiding. In 58 BC, Caesar et al.’s term ended, but they kept

power. Caesar boosted hispopularity by conquering Gaul and Britain. In 53 BC,

Crassus died in battle in Asia, leaving a triumvirate of two. While Caesar was

away in Britain, the senators tried to pit him against Pompey by naming Caesar a

public enemy and Pompey protector of the state. The senators were hoping that

the two would get rid of each other. Caesar was ordered to disband his army, but

he instead marched on Rome. He was just bringing his soldiers home, but it was

taken as an invasion (Nardo 83-84). In 48 BC, Caesar crossed to Greece, where

Pompey had escaped to. Pompey escaped to Egypt, where he sought shelter with

King Ptolemy XIII. Ptolemy’s advisors warned him against the wrath of Caesar, so

he killed Pompey and sent Caesar his head. In 46 BC, Caesar was named the ten

year dictator of the state. He promptly renamed himself dictator for life. On

March 15, 44 BC, a group of senators who decided that Caesar was a danger to the

Republic. Led by Brutus and Cassius, they attacked Caesar in the senate

chambers. Ironically, his body fell at the feet of the statue of Pompey, after

suffering twenty three knifewounds. Immediately after Caesar’s death, the senate

outlawed the dictatorship. After Caesar’s death, his adopted grandson, Octavian,

formed the second triumvirate with Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

Antony ruled the east, Octavian the west and Italy, and Lepidus ruled Africa.

The second triumvirate was constituted by an act of state to reconstitute the

state. They were given five years, but this was later extended. The three

crushed all of their opponents, including Brutus, Cassius, and Cicero. Battling

against Sextus Pompeius, Octavian summoned Lepidus to Italy to help him. Upon

arriving, Lepidus tried to seize Sicily, and was subsequently kicked out of the

triumvirate. Mark Antony fell in love with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, who was

rumored to be a former lover of Caesar. Together they ruled the eastern Empire

for many years. With the growing support of the Roman people, Octavian declared

war on Antony, to secure power for himself. The two forces, Octavian’s navy

commanded by Marcus Agrippa, and Antony and Cleopatra’s navy, met at the battle

of Actium on September 2, 31 BC. Agrippa, a very capable general and a good

friend of Octavian, commanded 260 light ships, while Antony commanded 220 heavy

ships (Encarta “Actium”). The battle raged on for a very long time, and was

beginning to look like a stalemate, when the Egyptian fleet withdrew. Agrippa’s

fleet crushed the remnants of Antony’s fleet, who survived and escaped back to

Egypt with Cleopatra. Antony received a false rumor and killed himself by

falling on his sword. Upon hearing of his suicide, Cleopatra killed herself with

an asp, which was a symbol of the eye of Ra, the Egyptian sun god (Gibson).

After the war was over, Octavian closed the Roman temple to Janus, the Roman god

of beginnings of wars. This showed that the world was at peace. In 28 BC,

Octavian and Agrippa became consuls. After one year, they turned the state over

to “the free decision of the Senate and People of Rome” (Adcock 74). The Senate

and people of Rome gave Octavian ten years of complete control. Octavian named

himself the princeps, which is Latin for emperor. He ran the Empire as a

monarchy, although it was disguised as a Republic. They still had a senate, but

senators only made it into office with Octavian’s approval. Those citizens who

weren’t fooled kept quiet, because Octavian kept things peaceful and governed

fairly. Octavian ended the Roman tradition of conquest, cutting the army from

seventy five to twenty eight legions. In 23 BC, Octavian gave up the consulate,

but the senate forced himto keep power over the provinces. In effect, he ran the

Empire from the background, while others were elected consul. These consuls had

power, but always did what Octavian said. On his death bed, Octavian was advised

to forgive his enemies. He responded with, “Yes father, but how can I? I have

[killed] them all” (Adcock 75). Octavian was almost eighty when he died in 14

AD. After Octavian came the Emperor Tiberius. His reign was non-eventful, and he

retired after plots against him were turned up.After Tiberius came Gaius, who

was better known as Caligula. During his reign, Caligula went crazy. According

to Burrell, anyone disagreeing with him was thrown to the lions in the Arena. He

also got the Senate to name his horse consul.(49) Everyone was thankful when he

was assassinated in 41 AD. Caligula was succeeded by several emperors who did

nothing governmentally, including Claudius and Nero. Around the second century

AD, the Empire began to crumble. Wave after wave of barbarian invaders,

especially the Huns, chipped away at the state. Eventually some of the provinces

had to be abandoned. At the end of the third century, Emperor Diocletian decided

the empire was two big, and split it in two. He ruled the east from Turkey, and

commissioned Maximian to rule the west from Milan. He called this form of

government the Dominate, from Latin dominus, meaning master. There were two

Augusti, who ruled the east and west, and under them there were two Caesars, who

were like vice-presidents. The two Caesars of the east and west were Constantine

and Galerius, respectively. Diocletian turned his empire into something like

afeudal system, where peasants were deprived of personal freedom and tied to the

soil. He renamed citizens to subjects. In 305, Diocletian and Maximian stepped

down as Augusti, resulting in civil wars between the old Caesars and new

Augusti. Eventually, Constantine the Great came out on top in 312. Constantine’s

troops made him emperor, and he ruled the entire Empire from Byzantium, which he

renamed Constantinople. Constantine was the first Christian ruler of the Empire.

Alaric of the Visgoths helped the emperor Theodosius crush a rebellion.

Unfortunately, Theodosius died before he could reward Alaric. The new emperor,

Honorius, cut Alaric off from Rome, which he resented deeply. Alaric took his

army to Constantinople, but found it too well guarded. He then led his army to

the city of Rome, where, in the fifth century, sacked it. The Empire continued

to fall to barbarians. The east and west sides of the Empire were in a virtual

state of war. In 429, Vandals conquered Africa. In 410, Britain fell. In 451,

the Huns took most of Europe. When Atilla the Hun came to Rome, Pope Leo was

able to convince him to spare the city. In 455, Vandals came and sacked Rome. In

the year 476 AD, the last emperor died, marking the fall of the Roman Empire,

one of the greatest ever. That last emperor’s name was, ironically, Romulus. The

Roman Kingdom, Republic, Empire, Dictatorship, and others have affected all of

us. The United States government in commonly known as a democracy, but it’s

actually a Republic, almost identical to the Roman one. The Roman government was

one of the most powerful ever, at one point ruling most of the civilized world.

It is almost certainly the best known. Ask anyone about Romulus and Remus, Gaius

Julius Caesar, Augustus, Caligula, Nero, Constantine; they’ll know who you’re

talking about. The term Caesar was used to mean ruler for thousands of years

after his death. Both the German word Kaiser as well as the Russian word Czar

are from the name Caesar and mean ruler. Today some three-fourths of the

countries are Republic, styled after the Romans. The Romans are probably the

most influential people of all-time.

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Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed. Adcock, F. E. Roman Political Ideas and

Practice. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1959. Asimov, Isaac. The Roman

Republic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. Burrell, Roy. The Romans. Oxford:

Oxford University, 1991. Caesar. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996

ed. Caesar, Gaius Julius. Computer Software. Encarta Encyclopedia, 1996 ed.

Gibson, Elke. Personal Interview. 19 March 1997. Nardo, Don. The Roman Republic.

San Diego: Lucent, 1994. “The Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine.” CIS:

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