
Oil Spill Essay Research Paper The worst (стр. 2 из 2)

The Electric Industry’s job is to generate and distribute electricity not to control and regulate the flow of oil. The electric industry is charged with supplying a constant reliable source of power for the ever-growing power hungry society. The environment may be impacted slightly; but the important thing is that we humans are comfortable. The environment is here for us to use. It is the Federal Governments job to police Environmental Safety.

The Federal Government is designed to provide for the common defense and good of the American Citizens (United States. Cong. Constitution of the United States of America). The Federal Government is not supposed to monitor every little oil spill and control big business. The community in which it has occurred should coordinate the clean up. The businesses are self-monitoring and the local community and officials should police them.

The local Government is not large enough or powerful enough to control the big businesses. The local Government’s job is to provide for schools, roads and other such necessities. The Oil spills and clean up is simply too expensive and large a responsibility to be controlled by the local officials. The liability obviously lies with the shareholder.

The stockholder controls the corporation. These shareholders must enforce and direct the actions of the company in which they invest. By investing in the company then they agree with the operation and management of the organization. This implies that they are ready to take on the financial risk of the operation.

The insurance carrier must be able to enforce regulations and requirements on the company. They can raise the rates and enforce changes or else cancel the policy. This is a very strong weapon for enacting environmental friendly operations.

The Watermen are also to blame. Had they invested a little effort then they also would have insurance to cover the loss of revenue and income. It is this short sightedness that has caused the most local damage.

As demonstrated above each group identified has a chance to police and control the operation of these facilities. They all can choose to pass the buck and blame someone else; or they can step up and take control. We all have an ethical responsibility to do what is right. We need to protect the environment while ensuring human prosperity. The Government is here for us, they work for us and we must ensure that they do what we want, not what is best for industry or big business.

Work Cited

“Facts about Oil.” American Petroleum Institute. Online American Petroleum Institute October 21 1999

“Frequently Asked Questions.” American Petroleum Institute. Online 1995-2000, American Petroleum Institute June 17 1998

United States. Cong. Constitution of the United States of America. Washington: GPO 1999

Beavers, Patsy. Telephone interview. 2 October 2000


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