
Language World Picture and National-Cultural Specificities in Oral and Written Text (стр. 7 из 11)

Let’s consider Russian concept “честь”, and its conformity in Kazakh language. Russian concept of “honor” has 10 Kazakh translations. Thus, only one word -ар-намыс- translates only with the same “честь”, in other two cases “honor” is the leader from other ten : words ар ұят, ождан, besides the notion “honor” include the notion “honesty”. It is possible to say, that in above-named two translations of the concept “honor” and “conscience” assume each other. In other seven Kazakh correspondences of Russian concept “honor” this word keeps definite place in the system of synonymic translations.

Let’s consider the conformity of these groups of translations in that sequence in which they are given in Bektaevs’ dictionary:

Абиыр - advantage, reputation, conscience, honour;

Абырой - authority, prestige, reputation, conscience, honour;

Ар - vanity, conscience, shame, honour;

Мерей - prestige, honour, laurels, success, happiness, pleasure, authority;

Мәртебе - prestige, honour, glory, degree, advantage, a rank, the status;

Намыс - honour, vanity, conscience, self-respect;

Құрмет - honour, honour, respect, respect, honour.

In one case - намыс - the concept "honour" is the core among four transfers. In following two cases - мерей, мәртебе - the concept "honour" occupies the second for the importance among close concepts. Thus, among 10 transfers - conformity in six cases leader is the value "honour”. However we do not aspire to establish only a parity of transfers Kazakh and Russian concept "honour". The big interest represents structure revealing концепта "honour" in the Kazakh picture of the world in comparison with the similar Russian concept. We are assured, that in both compared languages concept "honour" appears included in the wide combinative communications having the logic and substantiation.

Valency of the concept “honor” permits to single out obligatory, in our opinion, combinations to have honor, to lose honor, to confer honor. Thus, each of making Kazakh translations of Russian concept “honor” in one or another way joins in the given combinations. The analysis of the above-stated combinations can help to reveal the components of the concept “honor” in Kazakh and Russian languages.

Concept “honor” assumes components “conscience, advantage, shame”, logically joined in combination “to have honor=to have conscience, advantage, shame”. Accordingly, person who unscrupulous, shameless is disgraceful person, that is “honor” corresponds with абиыр, абырой, ар, ар-ұят, мәртебе, намыс, ождан. In naive-ethical views of Russian and Kazakh people the concept of "honour" is directly connected with value «honour, respect» and has universal character.

This understanding has something in common with philosophical definition of concept "honour": a recognition which associates with the bearer of these qualities. Possessing honour and, accordingly, all above-named moral qualities, it is worthy respect and, as consequence, deserves/has «authority, reputation, glory, prestige». In this respect Russian концепт "honour" corresponds with Kazakh абиыр, абырой, мерей, мәртебе.

Thus, components of "honour" are authority, prestige, reputation, glory act as the deserved estimation of high moral qualities of the person. In this connection, it is possible to speak about honour on merits: for deserving honour, person should possess high moral qualities. In this case, the authority, prestige, reputation, glory, honour can have constant character. For the same who does not possess such qualities, honour cannot be rendered: not everyone allowed sitting in sacred place (sacred - an image, a place of honour in the Russian house); honour on merits. Both the authority, and prestige, both reputation, and glory become passing, time, lose the value if honour appears to the person who is not deserving it: честь честью а славы нет; жаманжігітжолдасынжауғаалғызар, өзінүятқақалғызар.

People especially underline necessity to perceive and estimate given honour with dignity. The same who was not able to make it, were derided: дай бог тому честь, кто умеет ее снесть; припала было честь, да не умел ее снесть.

As semantic equivalent concept “reputation, honest reputation, honor” has high moral, ethical value, consequently it should be highly kept by person. Given conditions are reflected in national proverbs: честьумрождает, абесчестьеипоследнийотнимает; берегичестьсмолоду; аќылыңболсаарыңдысақта, ар-ұяткерекәруақытта.