
The History Of Marijuana Essay Research Paper (стр. 3 из 3)

conclusion seems to be that light, recreational use of marijuana by adults as generally practiced in this country

has not shown ant evidence of being harmful. As with alcohol, casual use is virtually safe; more extensive

abuse may be increasingly dangerous. A cannabis “high” while occurring , may expose one to immediate

errors of judgment and movement, but to a much less degree than intoxication with alcohol. Heavy doses and

long time use may be detrimental, particularly with regard to the lungs and perhaps in other respects not yet

proven in long range studies.

Eight states have decriminalized the private possession of small amounts of marijuana, making it a civil

offense subject to minor punishment that does not include a criminal arrest record. Most states have made pot

possession a misdemeanor rather than a felony, with others moving in that direction. Obviously the fight over

marijuana is continuing, although the principle of decriminalizing marijuana has not yet been generally


Whatever the ultimate decision as to harmfulness, many people young and old, will choose not to use

marijuana. There is good reason still for a thumbs-down attitude regarding the drug. Casual use has not been

found to be damaging, but there is still a chance that it is. Certainly the cruel shock of an encounter with the

law is still real enough. However small the risk, many people consider it too great for the potential pleasure.

Marijuana, whose scientific name is cannabis sativa, was mentioned in historical manuscripts as early as

2700 B.C.. in China. (Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia, 1998). The cultivation of the marijuana plant began

as far back as the Jamestown settlers, around 1611, who used hemp produced from the marijuana plant’s

fibers to make rope and canvas. It was also used in making clothing because of its durability. These uses fit

with the social climate of the time, because the main focus was on survival rather than for psychoactive


Beginning in the 60’s marijuana use saw a resurgence which may be attributed to many caus