outnumbered any other gangs and most often excluded outsiders. Black inmates
that were not from Philly formed their own gangs which did not have as much
power. Black gangs competed with each other over turf and the control for
“contraband” sales. There were violent battles between them. Black gangs
primarily operated as money making enterprises.
“White gangs at Graterford were a completely different story” (Hassine,
63). They usually formed while seeking protection from other gang members.
“White gangs at Graterford were more likely to be small, improvised groups
rather than organized teams with specific agendas, and were generally much
less diverse than their Black counterparts” (Hassine, 63). Black gangs preferred
to have as many members as possible to protect their turf and generate more
interest but White gangs preferred to have a select few people to stretch their
resources. “White drug addicts tended to join together in order to pool their funds
to buy drugs at a volume discount” (Hassine, 63).
“The exceptions in Graterford were the outlaw motorcycle gangs that
successfully managed to entrench themselves within the prison system”
(Hassine, 64). The Hell’s Angels are one of the motorcycle gangs that were well
recognized and had the ability to compete with the Black gangs. They were
business oriented as well.
However, Victor Hassine did not join a gang. He had a few friends with
whom he played chess with everday; a Jew and a Muslim. He got into brawls like
everyone else but gang involvement was not a necessity for Hassine as it was
for Fernando. During my interview with Fernando, he made me feel the need
that most inmates have for gang involvement. It makes me think that the
environment in correctional facilities are tougher than they used to be. Perhaps if
Victor Hassine was sentenced to a prison now it would be much harder for him to
resist gang involvement. One thing is obvious though. It was much harder to
belong about a decade ago because the only races identifiable in correctional
faciities were White and Black. Now we have numerous Hispanic and Asian
The research I have done has influenced me to clearly state that if I were
ever to be in such a situation, I would most definitely join one of these gangs or
organizations. I wouldn’t take the chance of standing alone in such an
atmosphere where you are seen as fresh new meat in every context of the word.
Would you?
Alonso,Jake. Telephone Interview. 2 November 1999.
Hassine, Victor. Life Without Parole. California: Roxbury Publishing Company.