Artist like Vincent Van Gogh achieved great impression about his works because he uses different color pigments to express his paintings. If you’re going to look at his work, you will feel a strange feeling because that painting looks as if you are on an alien world. That is why Vincent Van Gogh’s painting is worth more than anything else.
IV. Analysis
Now that I have presented to you the general facts and information about Modern Art and how you should look at it, we must carefully realize how Art is very important to our lives I believe man cannot live without the knowledge of creating art.
Art is a disciplined activity that maybe limited to skill. This means that each one has its own specialty, for example the art of sculpting is very different from Martial Arts. For me I look at art as my inspiration for my everyday life. I like to appreciate those masters that created major masterpieces. My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh, I like his style in creating his work, though some say that Vincent is mentally dis-ordered person.
In general, Modern Art was a kind of art the breaks off the traditional rule in making art and it was formed between 18th century and 19th century. There are different styles on Modern Art is made these are, cubism, abstract expressionism, pop art, abstract arts, surreal art. The beauty of Modern Art may vary from people to people and on how they’re going to look at the different works of the artist. The beauty of the modern art is its ability to express itself to the people looking at it. Though it has a lot of meaning to us it is not necessary to debate over which has a better interpretation.
Modern Artist requires a great talent, a talent to create things with deeper meanings. Most of us sometimes experience on how we will make our work a colorful one, imagine how difficult it is for us to think in new ways on how we are going to show our work. In judging an art first we must look at the author’s background to further understand why did he come up to that kind of presentation.
V. Interpretation
The different movements that occur during late 18th century and 19th century gave way to the birth of Modern Art. In those movements, different styles are formed in making art and this all have the same concept, to break free of the old traditional way of making art. Breaking of the traditional way is the common way that defines modern art during those times.
We have learned that Modern Art holds a broad meaning for defining itself. It is sometimes an art of expression and an art of freedom. There are several techniques that are used in making Modern Art, these are mainly the cubism, abstract expressionism, pop art, abstract arts, surreal art. Most of these are movements from the French revolutionist, their way to find a more meaningful one also lead these men in creating the modern art.
VI. Reaction
Modern Art is a new kind of approach of expressing art. It also gave a deeper understanding about art and it showed us how to use our freedom and to express ourselves to our ever-changing world.
Modern Art is a unique art because it does not follow the traditional rule on making art, because in the traditional art, it must be done as realistic as possible, your subject must be true in a sense that it should look like a real one and it must follow the natural laws that govern in this universe. While in the Modern Art, your mind is your work, your imagination is the outcome of your work. That is why Modern Art is very unique, that almost everybody is attached to because they can see their feelings and thought through these great art.
I like Modern Art in the very beginning because I saw how the artist uses his imagination and freedom to his work. I also like the color they put on it, it is like having a different world when you look at it. Our likes and dislikes, our opinions, our criticism varies from people to people. Each has a different way of saying how beautiful modern art is.
VII. Bibliography
Arnold, Nellie D. The Interrelated Arts In Leisure St. Louis California: The C.U. Mosby company 1976.
Encyclopedia Britanica, 1980 ed. M12 “Modern Dance”.
Brockett, Oscar G. The Theatre Hott Rinchart and Winston Inc. 1977 p.3, 6, 8, 14.
Cruz, Nonita L. Art Appreciation; Second Year Home. New York: abiva Publishing Copyright 1949, pg. 1-6, 13-14.
Fawcett, Robert In the Art of Drawing New York. Watson-Guptill Publications pg, 15, 16, 24, 26.
Microsoft Encarta 97, 1997 ed. “Modern Art and Architecture”
Munch, Florenda H. Life and Leisure. New York: Kodanasha Publishing 1980.
Tawes, William I, Creative Sculpture. London: Tide Water Publishing. 1983 pg. 1-3, 5.