“Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are the disbelievers.” [TMQ Chapter 5: Verse 44]
“But nay, by thy Lord, they will not believe (in truth) until they make thee judge of what is in dispute between them.” [TMQ Chapter 4: Verse 6S]
“Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and obey those in authority from amongst you, and if you differ refer to Allah and His Messenger. ” [TMQ: Chapter 4: Verse 59]
Majority of the scholars from Hanafi, Shafi’i, Hanbali etc. Schools of Thought agree that the above verse referring to “obey those in authority” refers to the Khaleefah. After the death of the Messenger of Allah (saw), the Sahabah got together and chose a Khaleefah from amongst themselves even before burying the Messenger of Allah (saw). They were the closest to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and they agreed about the fard of appointing a Khaleefah, and hence from the onset the political authority was recognised and implemented.
Then there are many ahadith pertaining to the Khilafah. Nafi’a reported saying, ” ‘Umar said to me that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) saying, Whoever takes off his hand from allegiance to Allah (swt) will Him (swt) on the Day of Resurrection without having any proof for him, and whoever dies while having no bay’ah on his neck (to the Khaleefah) die a death of jahiliyyah.” Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hazim, who said, “I accompanied Abu Hurayrah for five years and heard him talking of the Prophet’s saying: The Prophets ruled over the children of Israel, whenever a Prophet died another Prophet succeeded him, but there will be no Prophet after me. There will be Khulafa’a and they will number many. They asked: What then do you order us? He said: Fulfil the bay’ah to them one after the other and give them their due. Surely Allah will ask them about what He entrusted them with.” Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, “If anyone sees in his amir something that displeases him let him remain patient, for behold, he who separates himself from the sultan (authority of Islam) by even so much as a hand span and dies thereupon, has died a death of the days of jahiliyyah. ”
This should be enough proof for the Westem secular society and the educated Westem elite that politics and Islam can never be separated; indeed politics is an integral part of Islam.
Today the existing governments in the Muslim world are using various means to keep religion and politics separate.
(1) The first method used is to promote the idea that religion is purely an individual matter for personal salvation. This is done through television, radio, newspapers, magazines and books, and the government scholars who are groomed at government institutions.
(2) Many Islamic movements have been set up or are being funded by the governments of the Muslim world (who in turn are controlled by the West), to promote the idea of secularism in Islam. These groups tend to confine themselves only with individual aspects such as salah, fasting, hajj and morals. They remain silent towards the injustices carried out by the governments towards the Muslim Ummah. Thus they encourage the Muslim Ummah to remain passive and tolerant towards the existing brutal and barbaric regimes in the Muslim world. They totally ignore politics and even go as far as to classify it as causing of fitna (division) and should not be discussed. This is despite the clear commandment from
the Qur’an,
“Seek the Hereafter in which Allah has given you and do not neglect this portion of the world. ”
[TMQ: Chapter 28: Verse 77]
” You are the best of nations that has been raised up for mankind. You enjoin the ma’ruf (that which is good) and forbid the munkar (that which is evil) and you believe in Allah. ”
[TMQ Chapter 3: Verse 110]
(3) By bribing and funding some so-called Islamic groups, the Muslim governments try to neutralise the call for the reestablishment of the Khilafah. These groups are offered various posts within the existing governments, and they set up programmes for ‘Islamicisation’ in the country and label the country as a pseudo Islamic state, which proves to be a dismal failure and hence drives the Ummah away from the notion of the Islamic State. These types of states do not resemble the Islamic Khilafah in any way whatsoever; there is no Khaleefah but instead there are Presidents or Prime Ministers or a Spiritual leaders. They implement few laws of Shari’ah and they accept the present nationalistic borders that were originally carved by the colonialists, all of which are totally contrary to Islam.
Mosque funding are another means used to curb the activities of the Islamic movement. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt provide finance and pseudo Imams to mosques around the countries like Britain, France, USA and Germany to suppress the activities of the Islamic youth.
The clearest example of the importance of politics and religion can be seen from the functioning of the Islamic State over a sustained period of time, for more than 1 300 years from the establishment of the State in Madinah bythe Messenger of Allah (saw) in S79 CE until its disbanding at the hands of the colonially inspired Mustafa Kemal in 1924 CE. It was the system of Islam which guaranteed peace and tranquillity for Muslims and non Muslims alike, and where affairs of the people were managed according to the laws of the Creator, rather than the laws that were built upon man’s mind with all its biases, contradictions and self interests.