
Presidency Of Andrew Jackson Essay Research Paper

Presidency Of Andrew Jackson Essay, Research Paper

Andrew Jackson and his policies strengthened the new American

nationalism. Through his actions during his presidency, he changed the

nation into a more nationalistic country. Jackson was a man of the

people, and he strongly felt that the common man was the power behind

government. There were many different aspects that mirrored Jackson

and American nationalism. Many factors, including his personality, his

policies, his actions, and the way he mirrored American nationalism

changed America into what become less of an aristocracy and more of a

democracy to benefit the common man. Jackson was a man of humble

background. In his time, a man that was born in a cabin was looked

upon highly, and some of those with more noble upbringings actually

apologized for not being born in more humble surroundings. Jackson was

a brash, strong-willed man. He first got his fame in 1815 when he

defeated the British Army at New Orleans with his untrained militia.

Then in 1818, he violated Spanish territory without any authorization

and hung 2 Spanish subjects for supposedly aiding some of the Indians

that were being hunted. He lost the election for presidency in 1824,

and claimed it was done so by a “corrupt bargain: between Adams and

Clay. He finally got his presidency in 1828. Most of his votes came

from the West and South. When he was in office, he made it clear that

he would get his way. He was labeled “King Jackson the First” by some

and he expanded the power of the President. He supported a strong

national government and used his power to get what he wanted. He

vetoed 12 times in his 2 terms in office. His presidency was one of

violence, and a sort of monarchy rule.

The second main point that Jackson strengthened nationalism is

his policies while in office. Jackson firmly believed that the

government should be restricted to become the “simple machine which

the Constitution created”. He was truly a man of the people. He also

ignored many of the decisions made by the Supreme Court. Another thing

was the Jackson had a strong personality and was well liked. However,

I feel that many of Jackson’s supporters didn’t know where he stood on

the views, but they supported him because he was a man of the people.

He didn’t make his view clear many times, but still received support

from the people. Violence was a thing that he used also to get his

way. A person was either for him or against him. Jackson usually

implemented what he wanted personally, not what was good for the

people. For example he was a slave owner, and he supported the ban of

antislavery pamphlets in the mail. Jackson’s policies caused the rise

of American nationalism and the strength of the office of the

President of the United States of America.

Many of the actions took by Jackson reinforced the new

Jeffersonian Democracy. His actions were those of a strong President

and a strong national government. They all were part of the rise of

American nationalism. He vetoed bills he did not like, he threatened

using national troops in South Carolina to enforce the tariff, and

many others. His actions however were also not always consistent. He

seemed to support a strong national government, but also was a states’

rights champion too when he didn’t interfere when Georgia violated the

Native Americans rights laid down by a federal treaty. One of his

biggest actions however was the veto of the Second Bank of the United

States. This awarded honest labor, and was a great setback for

monopoly and aristocracism. Jackson took actions to try to benefit the

common man, and strengthened American nationalism.

Jackson’s presidency mirrored American nationalism. American

nationalism was growing, and the aristocracy was dying out. He was a

common man, and stood up for the common people. His actions were all

to push for a government that acted within the limits of the

Constitution. That is showing nationalism by only allowing the

government to do what the people have given it power to do. He also

did what was in his power to better the common man in the economy. He

did not like the National Bank because it hurt the common man, and

strengthened the aristocrats and corporations. His actions were what

became known as Jacksonian Democracy, and raised the American


Jackson’s time in office raised the American nationalism in

many different ways. Jackson was the first true president of the

common people, and he acted accordingly. Jackson believed in a strong,

but limited national government, and he used it to benefit the common

man because he was too a common man. Throughout his presidency, he

took many actions that led to the strengthening of American

nationalism. He strengthened the presidential powers and the power of

the people also.