is greater than or equal to 84, Print the message "This vegetable is Extra
Standard." Else if the value of points scored is greater than or equal to
10, Print the message "This vegetable is Standard." Else, Print the
message "This vegetable is Substandard." Stop. The Source Code // Name
of Program: Determine Veggie Class // Author: Nathan Lindquist // Date written:
November 3, 1999 // Purpose of Program: To read in the point value of a U S
Department // of Agriculture graded canned vegetable and decide which class
(Grade A // Fancy, Extra Standard, Standard, or Substandard) that canned
vegetable // fits into. // #include *iostream.h* int main () { int point_score;
cout ** endl ** "Enter the USDA point score of a canned vegetable " **
endl; cout ** "(the score should be an integer.)" ** endl; cin **
point_score; if (point_score *= 90) { cout ** endl ** "This vegetable is
Grade A Fancy" ** endl; } else if (point_score *=85) { cout ** endl **
"This vegetable is Extra Standard" ** endl; } else if (point_score
*=70) { cout ** endl ** "This vegetable is Standard" ** endl; } else {
cout ** endl ** "This vegetable is Substandard" ** endl; } } Tests
Input Output 105 This veg. is Grade A Fancy 93 This veg. is Grade A Fancy 90
This veg. is grade A Fancy 87 This veg. is Extra Standard 85 This veg. is Extra
Standard Input Output 76 This veg. is Standard 70 This veg. is Standard 65 This
veg. is Substandard 0 This veg. is Substandard -13 This veg. is Substandard
Experiment 8: Comparing C++ And Assembly Language The Algorithm The values of
Integer and Total are 0. While Integer is not equal to -1 Get a new value for
Integer. Set the value of Total equal to the previous value of Total + Integer.
Print the value of Total. The Source Code // Name of Program: Add Until //
Author: Nathan Lindquist // Date Written: November 3, 1999 // Purpose of
program: To read in integers and add them // until an end number (-1) is
entered. When the end // number (-1) is entered the program ends. // #include *iostream.h*
int main() { const int EndNumber= -1; // When this integer is entered, the total
// is printed, and the program ends. int Integer; int Total; Integer = 0; Total
= 0; while (Integer != EndNumber) // This will do the following steps until //
the end numver is entered. { Total = Total + Integer; cout ** endl **
"Enter an integer to be added. Enter the integer " ** endl; cout **
EndNumber ** " to print the total and end this program."** endl; //
These two cout commands tell the user to "Enter an // integer to be added.
Enter the integer [EndNumber] // to print the total and end this program."
cin ** Integer; } cout ** endl ** "The total of all the integers you "
** endl; cout ** "entered, except for the "; cout ** EndNumber **
", is " ** Total ** "." ** endl ** endl; // These final
three cout commands print "The total of // all the integers you entered,
except for the // [EndNumber] is [Total]. } Tests Inputs Manual Calculations
Output 3, 30, 10, 7, 18, -1 3 + 30 +10 + 7 + 18 = 68 68 -15, -20, -40, -7, -1
-15 + -20 + -40 + -7 = -82 -82 7, 0, 31, -128, -15, 75 -1 7 + 0 + 31 + -26 + -15
= -3 -30 127, -36, 15, -118, 0, 43, 49, 18, -1 126 + -36 + 15 + -118 + 0 + 43 +
49 + 18 =97 98 Conclusion While the above C++ program is actually longer than my
assembly language program from last lab, the C++ program above is ten times
better. The C++ program actually tells the user what value to enter and what the
output means. Whereas as in assembly language, a user would not know what to
input or what the output means. In the above program the constant that ends the
program can be easily switched from -1 to some other number; in assembly
language, switching a constant like that could take an hour. In the above
program, changing the program from adding numbers, to multiplying them would be
a matter of changing one sign; in assembly language, such a change quadruples
plus the size of your program. Conclusion to Section II Compiling the C++
programs actually worked out fairly well for me. If my program had an error in
it when I tried to compile it, the computer would tell me what line the error
was on, and it would point to what it thought the error was. Fortunately, I did
not end up with any serious problems, most of my mistakes were just typos. I
heard that many others where having a very difficult time compiling their C++
programs. Compared to assembly language, programming in C++ is no problem.
Conclusion Programming in Fortran, Pascal, and C++ is much more productive then
programming in assembly language. A whole array of much more advanced tools is
at our disposal. Now, we can write whole lines of characters, label variables
and constants, use Boolean expressions with variables and numbers other than
zero, write comments into the program, and the list of new tools goes on, and
on. Each one of these tools by itself would take hours, if not days to write an
efficient assembly language program for. In high level programming language, we
don’t have to worry about registers, memory, storage, retrieval, and other
assembly language functions. To write a program that instructs the user what to
enter, inputs the side lengths of a triangle, and outputs the kind of triangle
it is, would take weeks of boring, meticulous assembly language programming.
With Pascal, Fortran, and C++, the same program takes an hour or less.