
Another Much Ado About Nothing Essay Research

Another Much Ado About Nothing Essay, Research Paper

The plot of "Much Ado About Nothing" is an elaborate

network of schemes and tricks. This statement is confirmed

throughout "Much Ado About Nothing". The play contains

many examples of tricks and schemes that are used to

manipulate the thoughts and feelings of characters. The

major examples of such manipulation include- Don Pedro,

Claudio and Leonato tricking Benedick into believing that

Beatrice loves him, Hero and Ursula trick Beatrice into

thinking Benedick is in love with her. The relationship

between Claudio and Hero also endures much manipulation.

For instance Don John and Borachio trick Claudio and the

Prince into believing Hero is unfaithful. As in the tradition of

Shakespeare, the Friar deceives everybody into thinking

Hero is dead.

An instance of trickery involves Benedick being manipulated

to believe Beatrice is in love with him. This trickery is carried

out playfully by Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio. They

realise Benedick’s stubbornness in Act II Scene iii, when he

states "man is a fool when he dedicates his behaviours to

love." Due to this stubbornness Don Pedro, Leonato and

Claudio must devise a way of attaining the love amid

Benedick and Beatrice. In Act II Scene iii the men

accomplish this by way of waiting for Benedick to be within

ears reach, then raising the topic of Leonato’s niece

Beatrice. Don Pedro?s reference about "your niece Beatrice

was in love with Signor Benedick." helps to accomplish such

manipulation. This scheme is completed when this is

overheard by Benedick, and due to his insecurity about love

he falls for their trick, thus loving Beatrice.

Another example of manipulation that is closely related to

the one involving Benedick but Beatrice becomes the focus

of the scheme. Like Benedick, Beatrice’s feelings about love

are strong and opposing. When she states "Not till God

make men of some other mettle than earth" she assumes that

her desired partner does not exist. Hero and Ursula believe

that Benedick would make a good husband for Beatrice and

as a result of this, they plan a scheme to bring about love

between Beatrice and Benedick. Hero and Ursula

accomplish their scheme in Act III Scene i. Their scheme is

concluded by means of discussing that they have heard that

Benedick loves Beatrice greatly. Beatrice overhears this and

thinks the combination of her and Benedick?s wit and

intelligence would make a successful match. Beatrice

displays her free will when making this decision.

The most significant trick employed during the play is carried

out in Act IV Scene i; this trick is crucial because it adds the

uncertainty and action to fulfil the requirements of a romantic

comedy. Don John and Borachio manipulate Claudio and

the Prince into believing that Hero is unfaithful the night

before she is to be wed. Don John and Borachio achieve

this via Borachio setting up a meeting of himself and

Margaret in Hero’s room, thus Margaret portrays herself

unknowingly as Hero. Don John then proceeds to convince

Don Pedro and Claudio that he has received word of Hero’s

unfaithfulness. Claudio is without complications convinced,

due to his insecure and influential nature. Don Pedro is also

easily convinced because he feels loyalty between his

brother and himself. This trick culminates on Claudio and

Hero’s wedding day when Claudio accuses and disgraces


Additional manipulation succeeds the deceit of Claudio by

Don John. In Act IV Scene i, after Hero is accused of being

unfaithful, the Friar decides that she should just play dead

until she is proven innocent. As in the tradition of

Shakespeare, the Friar deceives everyone into believing that

Hero died from the humiliation and shock of being disgraced

on her wedding day. The deception carried out by the Friar

is vital to the happy ending of the romantic comedy. It leads

to another trick where Claudio is lead to believe that he is

marrying Hero?s cousin but ends up marrying Hero herself.

The plot of "Much Ado About Nothing" is an elaborate

network of schemes and tricks. This statement is confirmed

throughout the play as in the examples previously discussed.

The play is based around these tricks and schemes and is

crucial for the plot development and for "Much Ado About

Nothing" to fit into the genre of a romantic comedy.

Therefore the plot of "Much Ado About Nothing" is an

elaborate network of schemes and tricks.