The Giver Essay, Research Paper
The Giver
Some say when you have the freedom to chose you
really have no freedom at all. Many countries don t give
their citizens the right to make their own decisions. In the
book The Giver Jonas and his society are denied the
freedom to choose which can be both good and bad.
There are many disadvantages to not being able to
make your own decisions in life. When Jonas heard that
Gabriel is going to be released he is shocked. If he would
have had the freedom to choose he would have been able to
talk to the board of elders about letting the infant go. Gabe
and his caretakers have no choice whether or not he can
continue his life. When Jonas gets his assignment he has no
say if he doesn t like it or not. If the people of his society
could choose their own futures they would be a lot more
relaxed. If Rosemary, the Givers daughter, had gotten to
pick her own job, the community wouldn t have had to bear
with the pain and suffering of the memories that she lost.
Because nothing is ever perfect, or ever will be, sometimes
you just have to live in an unfair world.
Everything in the world has it s flaws but there is also
some advantages to not being free. The government can
control the peoples everyday lives so they will not know the
difference of being free and not being free. They can censor
everything Jonas sees and does so he won t get the idea that
their way of living is not fair. The leaders can also change
what the people know about the history of the outside world
so they will not have any negative thoughts. People will not
have to learn from their own mistakes by doing something
they would regret in a real world. Jonas wouldn t be able to
decide that he didn t want to obey the rules and make his
own decision that he would want to take back. If a elder
made a bad decision nobody could ever criticize him. In
conclusion not being able to elect what you want to do is
excellent for the government but not always good for the
Jonas town, some say, works better not being free, but
they don t know any better because they have conformed to
the system that their leaders have chosen for them. When
you give someone guidelines to live by you town will be
more successful but there will always be something
different about a person who can t choose for themselves.