
Animal Experimentation Essay Research Paper ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATIONHolly (стр. 2 из 2)

In addition, in a primate research lab, it is practiced policy to keep all research an ethical and scientific concern and all procedures are to be as a matter of routine (90). Before doing any research on a primate, scientists must go through ten tedious questions to make sure they can proceed with the experiment legally. This is required by the government that the research on any animals to be well designed, medically or scientifically valuable, and conducted humanely (92). Also, many animal rights activists argue that it is inhumane for scientists to kill the animals after an experiment just to make more room or use the animals at their disposal. However, the reason the animal is killed after an experiment is not to dispose of them, but so tissue samples can be obtained to validate the results and to make conclusions. If the animals were spared, the test would be considered a waste because the last step would not be taken (Day 81).

Animal rights activists are often considered to be animal rights “terrorists” to many people. They have struck terror throughout the scientific community. They have been forcing the research labs all over the country to put their much needed funding into security systems to insure that nothing will happen to their labs or that animals will not be stolen. Because of this, federal funding is getting smaller and the commitment to the research of animals in university labs has dwindled (84). One of the main problems for many labs is that they can’t advance in their studies of, for example, heart disease because the activists are keeping their hands tied with harassments and lawsuits (Wil 66). In 1990, it was estimated that a total of $10 million was lost in laboratories and research due to animal rights activists (Fox 11).

Another problem with animal rights activists is that they are misinformed. Various animal rights groups have claimed that the U.S. alone uses around 150 million animals for research in a year. They also say a large percent of the animals are used needlessly. However, the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment estimated that only 17-20 million animals are used per year. What they don’t realize is that because of the competition from other labs, the constant monitoring, and the activist groups, they can’t afford to waste money on animals for unnecessary research (Wil 78). Another attempt at stopping animal experimentation by the activists is scaring pet owners into taking their side. Activists claim that scientists steal pets and use them for experimenting. Because of these uproars, a survey was taken in ten large cities concerning cases of pets stolen and resold in labs. The survey found there were no incidents that occurred in these cities. As you can see, this wasted the time and money of research laboratories. Instead of using the money to further research, it was wasted on a survey that was done as a result of propaganda by animal rights groups (67). Jered M. Loeb, a strong supporter of animal experimentation claims, “Through bizarre tactics, extravagant claims, and gruesome myths, animal rights groups have captured the attention of the media and a sizeable segment of the public. Nevertheless, people invariably support the use of animals in research when they understand both sides of the issues and the contributions of animals to [the] relief of human suffering” (Loe 71). Unfortunately, activists are too arrogant to look at the other sides of the issue, and they take their health for granted (Day 77).

Animal experimentation must continue for the sake of mankind. It is absolutely necessary for people to die naturally and not from a disease that could have been cured or treated but was not because of the selfishness of trying to save a goldfish or two…hundred. In order for mankind to advance, we must make the sacrifice of animals. The cost of twenty animals’ lives could save millions of people. With the animal control problem in the pounds of America, there should not be any complaining from activists. If a dog is going to be destroyed at a pound, why can’t it be put to good use for a future investment? It is said that by the year 2030, 90% of the deaths in this world will be from non-communicable diseases. These are diseases like cancer and heart failure. I think if all animal research were to come to a halt, it would only take half that time. It is people like Elizabeth Darrow, a strong supporter and picketer for animal rights, who could possibly stop or slow testing. People like her are kind-hearted but fail to see both sides of an issue and are easily misinformed. With this misinformation, activists will take it and twist it even more by exaggerating a lie. This is the way they win over some of the public. Practically anyone will support experimentation if the benefits were explained to him or her. If I ever had the chance to accost Darrow, I would ask her what she would do if she were in Holly Anderson’s place. If this didn’t faze her, I would then ask her what she would do if she were on a boat with her child and her dog and that boat was sinking. If she could only save one of them, what choice would she make? If this question wouldn’t change her mind, even slightly, then I would know that her denial is very strong. Furthermore, if she were to choose the dog over her child, I would definitely question her sanity.



Thesis: Animal experimentation is literally saving millions of lives everyday by the progress that is made to treat and cure diseases and develop new surgical and technical methods. If this much-needed process of experimenting were stopped it would devastate the scientific community, the medical field, and the much-needed research on diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Thus, animal experimentation must continue for the sake of mankind.

I. Cons

A. Animal experimentation is cruel and inhumane.

B. Animal experimentation is under-regulated.

C. There are alternatives to animal experimentation.

II. Pros

A. Animal experimentation benefit humans.

B. Animal experimentation is entirely ethical and natural.

C. Animal experimentation is humane.

D. Animal rights activists exaggerate and stop or slow progress.