The Classical World Essay, Research Paper
The Classical World
The Classical World made many contributions to the development of science,
literature, and ethics. These contributions have influenced the modern world
today. Many mathematicians, astronomers, and scientists contributed to the
development of many of the luxuries we enjoy today. Homer, author of The Iliad
and The Odyssey, made contributions to the field of literature through his
writing. In the field of ethics, many philosophers from the Classical World
contributed to the standards, values, and principles of our society today. Some
of the major contributions from the Classical World is in the field of science.
Mathematicians, astronomers, and scientists made important contributions
that formed the basic element of science. From this basic element came the
luxuries we enjoy today. Pythagoras, a mathematician, proved “the relationship
between the legs and the hypotenuse of a right triangle.”1 From this, he
derived the Pythagorean Theorem. This contribution mainly influenced
architecture and geometry today. Equally, Eratosthenes also influenced
architecture and geometry. He developed a method of determining the
circumference of the Earth by using geometry. Developed by Archimedes, the
Archimedes Principle contributes greatly to the field of science. The principle
states that “a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal the weight
of the fluid displaced by the body.”2 The Archimedes Principle influenced the
development of the boat and submarine. The Classical World also contributed to
the field of literature.
Literature has come a long way from the Classical World since its
development by many authors and playwrights of this time period. Homer, author
of The Iliad and The Odyssey, affected prose and poetry through his writing of
Homeric poems. Sophocles, a playwright, “presented many changes in Greek
Drama.”3 These changes led to the development of more actors in a play and the
addition of more scenery. Accordingly, these changes have influenced modern day
movies in that they have more actors. Since the Classical World contributed to
the fields of science and literature, it also helped develop the fields of
The standards, values, and principles of a society were also contributed by
various philosophers of the Classical World. Pythagoras founded the
“Rosicrucian Fellowship,” a religious and philosophical school. One of the
three main rules of this school was, “No eating beans or meat,” which most
likely influenced the idea of the modern day vegetarian. Wanting people to
think for themselves, Socrates did not want the people of his time to “imitate
their elders.”4 To Socrates, “people should depend on reason and logic to guide
their lives.” 4 These beliefs have contributed to the development of ethics.
Also these beliefs have influenced the basic thinking and making decisions of
man. In these three fields, the Classical World made many contributions.
The Classical World made many contributions to the fields of science,
literature, and ethics. These contributions, in many ways, influenced the
modern world. Mathematicians, astronomers, and scientists like Pythagoras,
Eratosthenes, and Archimedes contributed to the field of science and
influenced the modern world greatly. Contributing in the field of literature,
Homer and Sophocles have affected prose, poetry, and Drama through their
literary works. Philosophers have changed our views on different matters such as
alternatives to eating. The contributions from the Classical World developed and
influenced the way we view science, literature and Drama, and ethics in today’s