Essay, Research Paper
Forces for Change in Nineteenth Century Europe
The nineteenth century transformed the lives of the European population
from the Feudal world to
a new industrial, dynamic world. It was not, however, the nineteenth
century alone which
produced such a great change. It was the evolutionary developments prior to
the nineteenth century
that paved the way for an era of rapid and fundamental change. This tidal
wave of change reached
its crescendo in the nineteenth century and was characterized by population
growth, capitalism,
socialism, liberalism and nationalism. So powerful were these forces for
change that the
conservatives were forced to give way to the social, political, and
economic changes that would
Prior to the eighteen hundreds changes were evolving that were to culminate
and cause the
tremendous change of the nineteenth century. The Renaissance encouraged
ideas of humanism and
individualism. The Reformation gave many people a secular perspective on
life. The Agrarian and
Industrial Revolutions created new technology and a new social order. From
this it can be said that
these early changes were the preamble to the dynamic changes of the
nineteenth century which
needed only a dramatic increase in population to start the new social
Perhaps the most significant force for change in the nineteenth century was
population growth.
The fact that the European population increased nearly fourfold meant that
“No social of political
order could have remained unaffected by so immense an increases in
humanity.” (Thompson, 1957
:112) . This momentous growth provided a ready supply of labour for the
Industrial Revolution
which was taking place. Consequently a new working class emerged which
pressured the
government to make reforms in areas of working conditions, education and
health. Clearly it can
be seen that the dramatic population increase was the most significant
force for change in the
nineteenth century and as a result, various other forces for change
followed. These new emerging
forces for change however, were not without considerable opposition.
The majority of the nobility could not accept the dynamic changes of the
nineteenth century and
consequently a conservative backlash occurred. Monarchs, aristocrats,
members of the church and
reactionary members of society attempted to deflate the new social
revolution. Ultimately,
however, they were defeated, sometimes violently, by the general population
who encouraged these
new changes. As a result the nobility were forced to succumb to the new
social, political and
economic changes that followed.
Capitalism was a significant force for change to the European economy in
the nineteenth century.
The capitalist movement was a change to the social system where a monetary
economy replaced
the old, exchange economy of the Feudal world. This enabled people of any
social status to be able
to change their lifestyle and become wealthy businessman who were motivated
by profit in a
Laissez Faire economy. In conclusion, capitalism created a booming
European economy however
it also created an increasing gap between the middle class and the working
class and as a result, a
socialist movement was established.
Socialism was a significant force for change and was largely a reform to
the capitalist system.
Socialism was an attempt, driven largely by the middle class, to correct
the failures of the Laissez
Faire economy. Thompson states that while the whole process of
industrialization and capitalism
was going on, “each government was confronted, in quick succession, with a
host of novel social
problems.” (Thompson, 1957 :116). The middle class were driven by fear of
the increasing
dichotomy between the middle and lower class and were compelled to demand a
series of reforms
in the welfare of the working class. For example the middle class demanded
that the government
accept responsibility for the welfare of the lower class. On balance it
can be said that the
socialism movement was a significant and intelligent alternative from the
Laissez Faire economy
as it ensured greater equality among people and less hostility between the
social classes.
The overthrow of autocratic regimes and the formation of new political
groups was another force
for change known as Liberalism. Essentially the characteristics of
Liberalism were freedom,
equality, progress and the belief in one’s intellect. The middle class
demanded political
representation and once this was achieved, various improvements in health,
education and the
establishment of trade unions occurred. Liberalism decreased the power of
the church, monarchs
and the aristocracy thereby creating a more democratic society. In
conclusion, Liberalism was a
tremendous force for change as it brought freedom and more equality to the
greater population of
Another very significant force for change in the nineteenth century was
nationalism. Nationalism
was a fervent belief in one’s country and put an end to the old feudal
system where the loyalty of
the people was given to their local lords. Nationalism caused borders to
be formed which
encompassed people of the same race, religion or language and excluded
people who were different
in these respects. Friction between nations occurred and therefore a
military system for each
nation was established in order to protect the wealth of the country. On
balance it can be said that
nationalism was the cause for several European wars and was a tremendous
force for change to
political Europe.
The era of rapid and fundamental change in the nineteenth century was a
product of a number of
factors. The early, evolving changes prior to the nineteenth century
cemented the path for
tremendous change to occur while the enormous increase in population forced
new and dynamic
changes on the European world. As a result of this new social impact,
various forces for change
like capitalism, socialism, liberalism and nationalism emerged that were to
consequently transform
the social, political and economic factors in Europe. Therefore from the
significant and dynamic
changes of Europe in the nineteenth century, it can be argued that this era
pioneered the lifestyle of
the Western World today.