1. Barron, John. Greek Sculpture, E.P. Dutton and Co. Inc., Newyork, 1985. 2. Bordman, John. Greek Sculpture : The Classical Period, Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1985. 3. Bordman, John. Greek Sculpture: The late Classical Period, Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1995. 4. Lawrence, A.W. Greek and Roman Sculpture. 5. Oliver, Diana. The Greek Miracle, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1993. 5. Richter, M.A. The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks, Yale University Press, London, 1950. List of Illustrations Fig.1 Relief of warrior runner, Marble, 570-500B.C National Museum, Athens. Photo taken from : Richter, The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks, pp372. Fig.2 Grave Stele by Alxnor of Naxos, Marble, 490-480B.C. National Museum of Athens. Photo taken from: Barron, Greek Sculputre, pp50. Fig.3 Grave Stele of a little girl, Marble, 450-440B.C. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Photo taken from: Oliver, The Greek Miracle. Pp141. Fig.4 Grave Stele of Eupheros, Marble, 430-420B.C. Kerameikos Museum, Athens. Photo taken from: Oliver, The Greek Miracle. PP143. Fig.5 Grave Stele of a girl with mirror, Marble, 420-410B.C. The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Photo taken from : Richter, The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks, pp535 Fig. 6 Gravestone from near the river Ilissos, Marble,340B.C. National Museum of Athens. Photo taken from: Bordmen, Greek Sculpture: The Late Classical Period. Pp125 Figure 1 Relief of warrior runner, Marble, Figure 2 Grave Stele by Alxnor of Naxos, Marble, 490-480BC. Figure 3 Grave Stele of a little girl, Marble 450-440 Figure 4, Grave Stele of Eupheros, Marble, 430- 420BC. Figure 5 Grave Stele of a girl with mirror, Marble,420-410 Figure 6 Gravestone from near the river Ilissos, Marble 340BC. The Portals to Immortality By Carol corera