Why Human Cloning? Essay, Research Paper
Society uses technological benefits as gateways into the realm of the future.
Through this, we are lead to a serious debate on morality vs. technology; that of placing a
ban on human cloning. Many look at this amazing new innovation in science from a
religious point of view, and declare it morally wrong. They say it is “playing God”.
Others fear it will lose control and anything could happen from that point. Although
opponents to cloning fear possible uses and the moral issues involved, placing a ban on the
inevitable cloning of humans will not only result in underground, secretive cloning
operations, but will also hinder mankind in developing medical breakthroughs, helping
those in need of vital organs, and hold our race back in the process of learning and
Human cloning is accomplished through a field of science known as “eugenics”.
Those in protest claim this study is morally unacceptable and should be ended right away.
However, almost all these arguments which are based on religious morality amount to
little more than a reformation of the old saying, “If God had meant for man to fly, he
would have given us wings”. Does that mean aviation was not meant to be invented and is
not worth having? Certainly not, and the same applies to human cloning which has an
abundance of medical benefits. This is all not unlike the story of Charles Darwin. At first,
society rejects an outrageous idea, then adopts it. It is typical human nature to react as we
are to any shocking new concept such as this one. After all, if technological advances are
going to be discarded, the human race might as well be one large Amish community, as it
attempts to hold back evolution.
It is feared that once scientists achieve the knowledge to clone humans, their
studies will be rushed and cloning could get out of control, perhaps resulting in a social
holocaust. This is definitely not the case. The correct steps will be applied in order to
make sure that no important components are missed and all possible outcomes will be
considered with care*. “The hard data must be be examined carefully, and the results
must be repeatable”*explains Ward Kischer, a Ph. D. and chairman of the American
Bioethics Advisory Commission. **should phd be mentioned?**A cautious approach is
being taken and issues concerning morality are thoroughly monitored*.
The numerous medical benefits that human cloning could bring about is incredible.
Bodily rejection of donated organs occurs when they are not matched genetically close
enough to that of the recipient*. “Cloned organs would be perfect genetic matches so the
risk of rejection would be eliminated”*. This is a great advantage considering that a
person in need of any organs would not have go through a strenuous waiting process for
the right match, which sometimes can result in death. In addition, complete humans
would not have to be cloned for the purpose of acquiring vital body parts. “Selective
organ cloning will prevent the waste of whole body cloning just for organs”*. It just does
not make sense to reject all the medical possibilities that this scientific breakthrough
In addition, an immense amount of knowledge could be gained in the field of
medicine. The study of cloning can give scientists deep insights into such puzzles as spinal
cords, heart muscle and brain tissue that will not regenerate after injury, and cancer cells
that multiply uncontrollably once the embryonic stage is reached*. If society chooses to
encourage eugenics, mankind will eventually be able to right the faults that nature has
inflicted **him with**
Humanity is already nearer to having an eugenically engineered society than has
yet been recognized. Cosmetic surgery that can transform a person’s body, if not his or
her entire mind, is now routine; as are organ transplants. The same goes for “designer
babies”. For example, black mothers have given birth to white babies on several occasions
and **i don’t know what the word is** couples can now have children, all through the
works of artificial insemination. Also, babies are seldom brought to term if they have any
type of disorder or are infected with a genetically inherited disease. Advances in eugenics
have only helped mankind in pushing forward to a greater civilization, a more perfect
When new innovations in science are not encouraged but prohibited, they
inevitably change into an undercover procedure. Human cloning is already prohibited in
Britain and likely soon here in Canada as a result of new legislation held before the
Commons*. If this happens, then it will develop into a secretive, reckless operation where
the possibilities are as endless as they are dreadful: human hybrids, clone armies, slave
hatcheries, and who knows what else. The International Cloning Society
expressed**(s)**: “There’s absolutely no way any regulatory body is going to prevent the
inevitable from happening”*. It is far more reliable to take an open, embraced approach
and keep circumstances under more restrain and authority than risk a lesser-controlled
The greatest threat to the entire subject of human cloning comes from the
impulsive, panic driven, reactionary forces in society. The worst thing we, as a nation,
could do is to push the process offshore or underground. In such an event, God only
knows what may occur. In short, the entire subject of human cloning must be kept up-
front and in the open. When all is said and done, civilization will need to accept the
inevitability of human cloning, and thereby expend all energy into keeping it carefully
managed. Since there are so very many medical advantages that cloning has to offer, the
chance to embrace such an aid to the well-being of humanity cannot be neglected. Indeed,
in the future, people will come to realize that there are a considerable number of situations
where human cloning will not only be acceptable, but even desirable.