
Тексты для чтения и лексический минимум по дисциплине Английский язык (стр. 2 из 7)

A computer really makes office life easier as it can do all sorts of different jobs. The same computer could be used, for example, as a word processor, for filing, printing, working out statistics for the accounts department, communicating with other offices, web browsing.

When a company decides to install a computer, it usually gets a system administrator to study the ways in which the machine might best be used. If the company is a large one, the system administrator may be a full-time employee, look­ing after the continuous improvement and adaptation of the computer system. The system administrator will recommend what kinds of program and computer equipment are required.

Many companies buy ready-written programs 'off the shelf, or buy programs that can be tailored to specific needs but are mostly standard. This reduces the cost of the system, for programming is very expensive and time-consuming. Once it is installed and running, a well-designed computer system can take over much of the routine work and at the same time provide accurate information about the business quickly and efficiently.


Such network consists of a central computer, with a num­ber of other computers, laser printers, and other machines, such as might be used in a modern office. Each computer that is linked to the network is referred to as a terminal or a workstation. The central computer is referred to as a network server. As each workstation has access to the files held on the hard disk system of the server, information held there can beobtained by any of the workstations, subject to the right pass­word. Thus the accounts manager can obtain historical data about sales, for example, and use his workstation to produce his statistics.

Wide area networks link offices in different parts of the country or of the world by special communication lines. Wide area networks link the same kinds of machine as local area networks, but you may find a facsimile machine at each end of the long-distance link. The facsimile machine can scan any document or photograph and transmit a copy of it to the machine at the other end of the link.

It is possible to transmit information over the normal 'speech' telephone lines, using a device called a modem. The output of the computer is converted into an audible signal, and sent down the telephone lines. A modem at the other end translates the signal for the receiving computer. Because tele­phone lines are intended for speech, they are not ideal for data. The speed of transmission is only a fraction of what can be obtained using proper data lines, and the reliability is not as good. The advantage is its cheapness.


Канцелярские товары (принадлежности)

paper бумага
sheetofpaper лист бумаги
reamofpaper стопа бумаги
plainpaper обычная бумага
correspondencepaper писчая бумага высшего качества
ruledpaper линованная бумага
headed note-paper фирменныйбланк
whatmanpaper ватманская бумага
stock of notepaper пачкабумаги
carbonpaper копировальная бумага (копирка)
flimsypaper папиросная (тонкая) бумага
shorthand pad блокнот для стенографии
(Am.: stenopad)
envelope конверт
correcting (correction) fluid жидкостьдляисправленияошибок
archboardfile скоросшиватель с пружиннымзажимом
folder палка для документов, коррес­понденции
ringbinder скоросшиватель (папка)
stapler (stapling machine) скоросшиватель
staples скобы металлические для скоросшивателя
paper clip / paper fastener скрепка
drawing pin канцелярскаякнопка
hole punch дырокол
airmail sticker наклейкадляавиапочты
adhesive tape клейкаялента
adhesive tape dispenser катушкасклейкойлентой
tear-offedge кромка-лезвие для отрыва ленты
packingtapе упаковочная лента
rubberbands резинки (для скрепления чего-л.)
eraser, rubber резинка (для стирания следовкарандаша с бумаги)
ruler линейка
gluepot пузырек с клеем
set of drawing instruments
губка готовальня
pen ручка
ball-point pen шариковаяручка
felt tip pen фломастер
fiber tip (marker) pen маркер
pencil карандаш
pencil sharpener точилка
drawing pencil чертежныйкарандаш
desk diary дневник
deskset настольный письменный прибор
pen-and-pencil tray подставкадляручек
desk mat (blotter) пресс-папье
telephone directory телефонныйсправочник
wall calendar настенныйкалендарь
pettycashbook журнал регистрации мелких рас­ходов


Here is the drawer for ball-point pens, rulers, drawing in­struments, boxes of drawing pins and paper clips, small and large. There is a stapling machine and a hole punch, too. Here we have all types of storage (places to keep things). In that built-in closet there ought to be envelopes, headed notepaper, plain paper, stationery, glue-pots, adhesive tapes, pack­ing tapes, rubber bands and erasers. This is a drawer for all sorts of files and here is another drawer for personal things. In the top drawer there are two telephone directories, one of them containing the employees' home phone numbers.


- Good morning. Is that the sales department?

- Yes. Miss Warner speaking.

- Good morning, Miss Warner. My name is Elsie Brown from BSD International. I'm ringing about our last order.

- Could you give me the delivery number, please.

- Yes, 3839.

Right. Here it is. Now, what can I do for you?

- Well, firstly, the pencil sharpeners we ordered didn't arrive.

- No. I'm afraid our suppliers didn't deliver any pencil sharp­ to us. I'll try to send them to you next week.

- The other thing is that we ordered large paper-clips, and you've sent small ones.

- I'm very sorry. We'll send you the correct ones this after­ noon and collect the ones you've got.

- Well, I'm afraid I can't sign the delivery note.

- Could you change it to what you actually received and then sign it?

- I'll do that.

- And I'll arrange for our accounts department to issue a credit note for the difference in price. They've probably already prepared the invoice from the delivery note.

- That's fine. I look forward to receiving the correct paper clips this afternoon.

- Sorry for all the trouble. We've got a new man working in the stock room.

- Well I hope it won't happen again. This is the second time this month that you've sent the wrong order.

PHRASES TO BE USED when buying or ordering some­thing for your office (furniture, equipment, stationery):

We want... (say what and how much you want).

Нам нужно ... (скажите, что и сколько вам нужно).

We would like / prefer to have ...

Нам бы хотелось / Mbi бы предпочли приобрести...

How much does it cost?


Is there a guarantee?


Will we get a discount?

Можем ли мы иметь скидку?

How big will a discount be?

Какая скидка будет предоставлена?


Это легко устанавливается?

Is it easily fitted and removed?

Легко ли это устанавливается и убирается?

Is it water repellent / stain resistant / washable?

Это водонепроницаемо /не пачкается /стирается?

How soon can you deliver it?

Когда вы сможете это доставить?

When can we have the invoice?

Когда мы можем получить счет-фактуру?



onthegroundfloor на первом (наземном) этаже
turnleft/right повернуть налево / направо
go this way as far as the идти в этом направлении до лифта
elevator (Am) /lift (GB) лифт, подъемник
take the lift to the ... floor поднятьсялифтомна ... этаж
next to the counter / entrance следующийзастойкой / входом
youcan'tmissit вы легко его найдете (вы не смо­жете не заметить и пройти мимо)
upstairs / downstairs вниз (внизу) / вверх (вверху)
over there вонтам
downthecorridor дальше по коридору
opposite the lift напротивлифта
in the middle of the lobby вцентрезала
behind the central pillar зацентральнойколонной
in front of перед
canteen столовая, буфет (на заводе, в учебном заведении и т.п.)
round the comer зауглом
in the right / left wing в правом / левом крыле
go straight on идти прямо
takethesecondright / второй поворот направо / первый
the first left (поворот) налево
go down / up staircase спускайтесь / поднимайтесь по
(numberorletter) лестнице ... (номер или буква)
out of the back of the buildine из тыльной (задней) части здания
by door черездверь
outside снаружи
assemble собираться


- Excuse me, I'm looking for the personnel department. Do you know where it is?

- I'm a stranger here myself, but I happen to know that it's on the second floor, in the left wing.

- Thank you very much.

- Excuse me, where is the store room?

- It's on the ground floor. At the end of the corridor turn left, room 27.

- Excuse me, what floor is the general manager's office on?

- Go this way as far as the elevator. Take it to the third floor. His office is next to the samples exhibition counter, on your right, you can't miss it.

- May I ask to help me?

- Sure. What can I do for you?

- I can't find your marketing services. Are they upstairs or downstairs?

- The marketing section is just on this floor, over there, down the corridor. Rooms 304 and 305, next to the stationary store.

- Where's the managing director's office?

- Go upstairs and turn right. It's the second door on the right, opposite the transport manager's office.

-The mail room is next to the entrance, opposite the lift. And the information desk is in the middle of the lobby, behind the central pillar, in front of the public telephones. Our canteen with a small bar are round the corner, in the right wing. To get to the guards' rest facilities, you should go straight on, take the second right, then the first left.

-As you know, there was a small fire in one of our show rooms yesterday, so I want to make sure that you all know what to do if we have another one. In rooms 1 to 10, you should go down staircase A, out of the back of the building by door 2 and then wait in the car parking outside. If you are in any other room, use staircase B. Go out of door 5 and assemble by the fountain.


Безопасность и охрана офиса

Crime преступление
armedrobbery вооруженное ограбление
embezzlement растрата; присвоение чужогоимущества или чужих денег
safeguards охрана
ensureawareness обеспечить сознательность
defraud отнимать (с помощью обмана)
spot обнаруживать
deter останавливать, отпугивать, удерживать
shoplifting воровство (покупателей) в магазинах, магазинные кражи
screen тщательно отбирать, проверять
hire нанимать на работу
lock замок
sparekeys запасные ключи
pilfering (pilferage) хищение
petty theft мелкаякража
thief вор
robber грабитель
intruder непрошеный пришедший
suspiciously подозрительно
confidential секретный
securitysystem охранная система
reliable надежный
safety безопасность
electrical appliances электроприборы
fire пожар
alarm тревога
tirebrigade пожарная команда
tireescape запасной выход
smoke detector детектордыма
fire extinguisher огнетушитель
escape plans планыэвакуации
foam пена