
Тексты для чтения и лексический минимум по дисциплине Английский язык (стр. 3 из 7)

Crimes ranging from armed robbery to embezzlement can destroy even the best businesses. You should install a good physical security system. Just as important, you must establish policies and safeguards to ensure awareness and honesty among your personnel. Because computer systems can be used to defraud as well as keep records, you should check into a computer security program. Consider taking seminars on how to spot and deter shoplifting and how to handle cash. Finally, careful screening when hiring can be your best ally against crime.


A simple but reliable security system, such as special sensors attached to the doors and windows are often used. Taking security to the next level, a video camera or several video cameras are used in blind or hidden spots in corridors or corners of big buildings or places attractive to intruders. Adding a video tape recorder to the security camera is recommended so that you have a visual record to take to the police if necessary. There exist some security systems that search a visitor for weapons.

These are some rules for the staff to follow:

1. Always keep money in a safe place, never leave it in an unlocked drawer. It is recommended to keep it in a safe.

2. Be careful with keys - don't leave spare keys lying around.

3. Close windows when you are out - a thief needs only 2 minutes.

4. Don't leave a visitor alone in your office - use the telephone to find out if someone can see him.

5. Don't give strangers confidential information. Watch out for people behaving suspiciously.

6. In cases of pilfering and petty theft call the police.

7. Always remember safety rules when using electrical appliances: switch them off before leaving the office or before adjusting them, don't leave the electric cables on the floor.

8. Do not smoke in an office, only in special places, if you cannot give up that harmful habit.

9. Have proper ventilation for heaters and other small appliances.

10.Install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, maintain them regularly and keep fresh batteries in smoke detec­tors for proper operation. Have, discuss and rehearse es­cape plans.

11.In case of fire, sound the alarm. If possible put out the fire yourself. Use foam not water ftear electrical appliances. If you cannot do that call the fire brigade immediately. Leave the building by the nearest exit - fire escape.

12.Please be responsible and careful. Always.


- We've got a new man working in the stock room. He should be instructed on our security and safety rules.

- I have already informed him about our routine in this, but he should read the instruction and sign in the register.

-The main things which should be remembered and always observed are: not to leave money in an unlocked drawer and always put it in a safe at night, close windows when one is out, not to leave a visitor alone in the office. Very important is also not to give strangers confidential infor­mation.

- Yes, he'll find all this in our safety instruction, and I've also told him to take care of his own belongings.

- Right you are. I hope he will prove to be a responsible per­son.


Компания, в которой вы работаете

headoffice главный офис (контора)
manufacturer (producer) производитель
major крупный
software программное обеспечение
customerservice обслуживание клиентов
division отделение
network сеть
dealer дилер
workshop цех, мастерская
expand manufacturing расширять
capacity производственные мощности
startbusiness начать деловую деятельность
launch запустить (производство, товарна рынок)
branch отрасль, филиал
subsidiary дочерняя компания
getacontract получить контракт
totalsales общие продажи, реализациятовара
exceed превышать
turnover товарооборот
profit прибыль
researchanddevelopment научно-исследовательские раз­работки
to hold top-ranking position заниматьлидирующееместо
corebusiness главная, основная деятельность
concrete бетон
aggregates зд. наполнители (бетона)
gypsum гипс
roofing кровельное покрытие
employ нанимать
to be committed бытьприверженным
constructionmaterials строительные материалы
netoperatingincome чистый операционный доход
netearnings чистая прибыль
groupshare все выпущенные акциикомпании
per share наакцию
operate действовать
revenue доход
jointventure совместное предприятие
establish учреждать
breakawayfrom отделиться от
statutoryfund уставный фонд
balanceloss балансовый убыток
initiate инициировать, начать
merge сливаться
mainsupplier основной поставщик


KKK is a famous computer manufacturer based in... (the name of the country).

The Head Office is in ... (the capital of the country), and there are offices in other cities.

KKK is a leader in the field of minicomputers and busi­ness microcomputers, and it is a major software producer It has a large customer service division, with a wide network of dealers and agents.

KKK has three main production workshops and is plan­ning to expand manufacturing capacity in the next two years.

ККК started business in 1981, and produced small electron­ic components for the first few years. Then it launched its first micro and moved into the computer market in 1986. Now it has five branch offices; in 1991 it opened its overseas subsidiary.

In 1997 KKK launches the famous L66 models and gets the contract to build control systems for the Space Program.

The Company's total sales exceed.... The turnover in 2000 exceeded.... Its profits reach ....

KKK works through five divisions: Research & Develop­ment, Production & Engineering, Software, Administration fc Central services, Sales & Marketing.


1. A world leader in construction materials, ZZZ holds top-ranking positions in all six of its core businesses: cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, gypsum, specialty products and roofing. ZZZ employs 65,000 people andgenerates annual sales of $ .... It is committed to the development of construction materials which bring greater comfort, aesthetic appeal and safety to our everyday lives. Net operating income reached $ .... Net earnings (Group share) reached $..., net earnings per share rose to $ .... These increases are the highest in ten years.

2. XXX is a multinational technical service company employing 63,500 people and operating in more than 30 countries. Last year the company generated $... in revenue from its main activities. XXX has been active in this country since December 1998, through a joint venture with ODD.

3. Established in 1996, BBB broke away from ADD in 1999. . Balance loss was .... The statutory fund is .... Realizing that its chances of remaining on the market on its own are slim, the company initiated a plan for merging with ADB, the main supplier in the& industry.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about a company:

- to be established in 19... бытьобразованнымв 19...

- to have a strong position in the market иметьсильнуюпозициюнарынке

- to enjoy an excellent reputation иметьотличнуюрепутацию

- to have qualified / skilled / technically trained employees иметьквалифицированных / обученных / техническиподготовленныхслужащих

- to be a state-owned enterprise бытьгосударственнымпредприятием

- to be in the process of transformation into a joint-stock company находитьсявпроцессепреобразованиявакционерноеобщество

- to provide services to ... обеспечиватьобслуживание / услуги

- to offer high-quality products and innovative technologiesпредлагатьвысококачественныетоварыиновейшиетехнологии


Система социального обеспечения служащих

Welfare социальное обеспечение; материальная помощь; благополучие, благосостояние
medicalinsurance медицинская страховка
annualleave ежегодный отпуск
sickleave отпуск по болезни
maternityleave послеродовой отпуск
creche детские ясли
Noncontributory(non-contributary) пенсионное обеспечение за счет нанимателя
pension scheme (plan) relief /dole пособие по безработице
incentive стимул, поощрение
flexible working hours гибкийрабочийграфик
fringebenefits дополнительные льготы
benefit преимущество, привилегия, пособие (пенсионное, по страхованию и т.д.)
remuneration вознаграждение
dentalbenefits зубоврачебное обслуживание
relocation переезд, перемещение
allowance пособие, содержание (годовое, месячное и т.п.), скидка
parkingfacilities стоянка для автомашин
sportsfacilities условия для занятий спортом
canteen столовая (на предприятии)
subsidy субсидия, денежная помощь
furnishedaccomodation меблированная жилплощадь
rent квартирная плата
airfare авиабилет
forselfanddependents для себя и членов семьи
gratuity денежный подарок, пособие
reward (денежное) вознаграждение


The benefits package of a company can contain medical insurance, annual leave, sick leave, paid maternity leave, creche facilities, pension scheme (noncontributary pension scheme), relief (dole), regular incentives, flexible working hours, paid overtime, fringe benefits. Also, big companies may offer their staff some benefits for remuneration package: dental benefits, relocation costs to and from the company, car allowance, free parking and sports facilities, the company's canteen, educa­tional subsidies for children, furnished accomodations at nomi­nal rent, annual leaves with airfares for self and dependents, annual gratuities, etc. Such benefits packages and rewards are usually commensurate, and the opportunities for a person who performs well may be considerable.



production производство, изготовление
manufacturing производство, обработка
raw materials сырье
provision обеспечение, снабжение
accommodation помещение; жилье
ministrations (pi.) помощь
maintenance техническое обслуживание
entertainment развлечение
accounting бухгалтерскийучет
legal services юридическая служба
stockbrokerage биржевые брокерские операции
advertising реклама, рекламирование
demand спрос
acquisition приобретение
utilization использование
keepaccounts вести учет, отчетность
check accounts проверятьсчета
data processing обработка данных
store хранить
database - база данных
currency валюта
securities ценные бумаги
distribution распределение, раздача, распространение
delivery поставка, доставка, разноска
advertisement рекламное объявление
accomplish objectives осуществить цели
retail розничная торговля
cashflow поток наличности
run a business управлять компанией, предпри­ятием
attitude отношение, положение
mode of live / living образжизни
sale ability возможность сбыта
luxuryproducts товары роскоши
prosperity процветание
stapleproducts основные товары (продукты)
business cycle деловойцикл
pricing установление цены
unfeasible невыполнимый
comparable сравнимый
merchandise товары
variables переменные величины
profit прибыль
specified определенный, указанный
returnoninvestments прибыль на инвестированный капитал
discounts скидки
in quantity (ies) в (большом) количестве
persuade убеждать
decision making принятие решения
productline ассортимент изделий
promotion меры по увеличению сбыта, по продвижению товара на рынке
channels of distribution каналы доставки (товара)
warehouse склад
human resource человеческие ресурсы, кадры
HRM division отделкадров
hire / recruit нанимать
compensation plan система вознаграждения (затруд)
benefitpackage пакет пособий (пенсионного,страхового и т.д.