
Тексты для чтения и лексический минимум по дисциплине Английский язык (стр. 4 из 7)

Production - the activity of making or growing something. Manufacturing - making goods to sell from raw materials.

Services - the provision of work, accommodations, or ministrations desired by a consumer. Services familiar to most consumers are in the field of maintenance and repair, trans­port, travel, entertainment, education, and medical care. Busi­ness-oriented services include computer applications, mana­gement consulting, banking, accounting and legal services, stock brokerage, and advertising.

Marketing - the actions of identifying, satisfying and in­creasing the buyer's demand for a company's products; the movement of goods and services from manufacturer to cus­tomer in order to satisfy the customer and to achieve the com­pany's objectives.

Finance - money as a resource for business and other ac­tivities; the acquisition and utilization of capital in order to start up, operate, and expand a company; the management of money for business and other activities. Accounting - the handling of large amounts of information generated by busi­ness operations; the work of keeping or checking accounts. Data processing - using a computer to analyze and classify information stored in a database; the measurement and com­munication of financial information, computerized control of statistical data.

Trading - the buying and selling of goods, services, cur­rencies or securities. Exporting - sending goods, services, ideasor people to other countries. Importing - bringing goods, ser­vices, ideas or people into a country from another country.

Transportation - the movement of goods or people from one place to another, the movement, or distribution, of goods to places where they can be sold; the arrangement made for this. Delivery - taking letters, messages, goods, etc to the places or people they are addressed to.

Advertising - business that deals with making, distrib­uting and. selling advertisements; activities for making a product, a service, a job vacancy, an event, etc publicly known. It is done on television, radio, signboards; in news­papers, magazines, and catalogues; and through direct mail to the consumers.

Management - the activities guiding a company io ac­complish its objectives; the control or organization of peo­ple, a business, a department of a firm, a project or a pro­cess (e.g. financial, information, product, retail, cash flow, staff, database management).


A variety of operations keep businesses, especially large corporations, running efficiently and effectively. Common business operation divisions include production, marketing, finances, and human resource management.

Production includes those activities involved in conceptu­alizing, designing, and creating products and services. Marketing research is conducted to study consumer behaviour. Changing attitudes and modes of living directly affect the sale ability of products. The purchase of durable or long-lived goods, such as refrigerators, cars, and houses, or luxury products may be deferred when the economy is declining and may increase rapidly in periods of prosperity. Staple products, such as food and clothing, tend not to be seriously affected by the business cycle. Consumers today expect product innovations. Compe­tition between manufacturers of similar products naturally accelerates the speed of changes made in those products.

The two basic components that affect product pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofit­able to sell a product below the manufacturer's production costs and unfeasible to sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being ottered. Other variables also affect pricing. Company policy may require a minimum profit on new product lines or a specified return on investments, or discounts may be offered on purchases in quantity.

Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or con­sumers, determining their needs and desires, developing stra­tegies to persuade them to buy. Marketing management in­cludes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling deci­sion making regarding product lines, pricing, promotion, and servicing. In addition, the marketing department of a busi ness firm is responsible for the physical distribution of the products, determining the channels of distribution that will be used and supervising the transportation of goods from the factory or warehouse. Marketing and sales departments pre pare documentation, handle cargo, do packing for clients, advise on insurance and the best means of transport, handle customs procedures.

Finance involves the management of money, controlling capital on hand to pay their bills, seek extra capital to expand their operations. Other common financial activities includegranting, monitoring, and collecting on credit or loans, and ensuring that customers pay bills on time. The financial divi­sion of any business must also establish a good working rela­tionship with a bank. This is particularly important when a business wants to obtain a loan.

Businesses rely on effective human resource management (HRM) to ensure that they hire and keep good employees, and that they are able to respond to conflicts between work­ers and management. HRM specialists are responsible for recruiting new employees to replace those who leave and for filling newly created positions. A business's HRM division also trains or arranges for the training of its staff. Human resource managers create workers' compensation plans and benefit packages for employees.


Названия должностей и функции персонала

chairman of the board (of directors) председатель правления /советадиректоров
chief/generalmanager генеральный директор
managingdirector директор-распорядитель
deputymanagingdirector заместитель директора-распо­рядителя
commercial director коммерческийдиректор
accounting manager главныйбухгалтер
financialmanager финансовый директор
exportmanager директор по экспорту
marketingmanager директор по сбыту
officemanager руководитель конторы
personnelmanager начальник отдела кадров
productionmanager директор по производству
salesmanager коммерческий директор
trainingmanager заведующий отделомповышения квалификации / подготовки кадров
transportmanager заведующий транспортным отделом
supervisor инспектор
goodsexpert товаровед
secretary секретарь
post-roommanager заведующий почтовой службой
clerk офисный служащий
receptionist секретарь в приемной
typist машинистка
accomplish (achieve) objectives достигатьцели
data processing обработкаданных


Making appointments is one of the main personnel func­tions. Advertisements are placed in newspapers and in trade journals. Applicants who reply to these, or who are found in other ways, are sent application forms. From these best can­didates are chosen and a short list is drawn up. The short­listed applicants are called for an interview. During this, the employment package is explained: this includes the annual holiday entitlement, the rates of pay, and the opportunities for promotion. When the successful candidate is decided on, there is one last step: references are taken up before the ap­pointment is finally confirmed.


Top jobs demand top qualifications, and company direc­tors usually need a degree in economics or business adminis­tration, plus experience in the sphere of activity of the com­pany to get the job.

The managing director is responsible for the overall run­ning of the firm. A good commercial director should know his firm from the inside, and at all levels, plus know the outside environment: he should understand state tax policies, the wid­er sphere of economics and the mentality of the officials the firm is to deal with; -and when making a management deci­sion, he should study the market situation to estimate the reli­ability of the figures he is given. The sales manager is respon­sible for supplying goods to customers and is also very much the 'face' of the company, interacting with potential clients and persuading them to become customers. The personnel of­ficer is responsible for hiring staff and for staff welfare. The head of the accounts department is responsible for all the money in the firm. She or he handles payments from customers and wages for the staff. The office manager handles the day-to-day running of the office, orders office supplies and arranges for equipment to be serviced or repaired. The typist types letters and other documents for the company. The post-room clerkhandles the incoming and outgoing post. The receptionist an­swers the phone and greets visitors.

Office routine work and secretarial duties:

- doing all the paperwork

- filing, using a filing system and making up an index to the files for them to be found quickly

- answering the phone and phoning

- making travel arrangements, talking to the travel agents the company uses

- making appointments and fixing the meetings

- writing business letters

- sorting out the letters and knowing mail procedures and post-office services

- knowing office safety and security rules

- managing typing, audio-typing (when the text to be typed has been dictated on to a cassette tape)

- doing some proofreading

- using office equipment

- keeping the diary (for making appointments for the boss)

- taking the minutes of the meetings

- ordering stationery

- being responsible for circulating memos (memorandums) to other members of the staff

- screening callers to the office

- dealing with the petty cash (when buying coffee, and the like)

- being a shorthand typist, having high shorthand and typing speeds

- being a personal assistant - P.A. for short

So the secretary of a company is basically responsible for fielding phone calls, keeping track of appointments and tak­ing down the minutes at meetings.


You should train yourself to make more effective use of your time. This will help you to gain control over your job, to accomplish more of what is important for you. To get control of your time and your job it is necessary to avoid delays and distractions and to follow these rules of time management:

* list goals; * set priorities, * make a daily "To Do" list, * start with A's not with C's; * handle each piece of paper only once; * start now.

Advice for secretaries:

* know where to look for any information in your files;

* use a dictionary to check spelling, avoid errors, clumsy corrections;

* learn the names of the most frequent contacts by heart, keep a desk diary to mark down all work to be carried out, your boss's engagements and appointments, conferences, reminders of actions to be taken, birthdays of your col­ leagues, etc.;

* have a good telephone manner, good communication skills; never let your personal problems show in the office; pay attention to your personal appearance and manners.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about responsi­bilities of employees:

- tojointhecompanyбыть принятым на работу в компанию

- to be taken on the staff бытьпринятымвштат

- to work for the company работатьвкомпании

- to be with the company работатьвкомпании

- toholdpositionзанимать должность

- toassumepositionвступить в должность

- tobeappointedseniormanagerбыть назначенным на должность главного менеджера

- toberesponsiblefor (planning, projectmanagement, etc.)
быть ответственным за (планирование, управление проектом)

- his responsibilities include... егообязанностивключают

- toworkas ... beforejoiningthecompany работать в ка­честве ... перед приходом в компанию

- hiscareerincludedmanagementpositionsinsomeEuro­peancountriesего карьера включала управленческие должности в некоторых Европейских странах

- he began as an economist trainee at National Oil Company

- his previous position has been as Department Head ранееонзанималпостначальникаотдела

- heisrecognizedasanexpertinprogrammingandsoft­ wareон получил признание как специалист по програм­мированию и программному обеспечению

- his role will be to install and tailor software applications to the specific needs of clients егофункциейбудетустановкаиадаптацияпримененияпрограммкнуж­дамклиентов

- he spent 10 years with Citibank and during his tenure there he lectured tax law at Sofia University and worked as a legal adviser for a law firm онработал 10 летвСити­ банкивтечениесрокапребываниявдолжностичиталлекциипозаконуоналогообложениииработалкон­сультантомвюридическойфирме.


Содержание и перспективы работы

routine заведенный порядок, обычный(рабочий) режим, установив­шаяся практика
jobdescription описание функциональных обязанностей
jobobjective желаемая работа (чем хотитезаниматься)
probation испытание, испытательный срок
base размещаться, базироваться
overtime сверхурочная работа
availabl нeдоступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
fulltime полный (рабочий) день
parttime неполный (рабочий) день