- Good morning.
- Good morning. Is this Mr. Howard's office? I was wondering whether Mr. Howard could see me. My name is Bool.
- Mr. Bool, I am very sorry, but I'm afraid Mr Howard has several engagements today. He's in the meeting now and he has some other appointments this afternoon.
- Then would you kindly make an appointment for me?
- Yes, certainly. I'll just look in my diary. Now, would Friday at three-fifteen suit you?
- No, I'm afraid I won't be in town on Friday.
- Then would you be able to come on Monday at eleven?
- Yes, that would be quite all right.
- Good. I'll make it for eleven o'clock on Monday, then.
- Thank you very much.
- Good morning. My name's Chris Day. I'd like to arrange a lunch appointment with Mr Norman. He told me to arrange it with you. Is he doing anything on Thursday 12th?
- Let me see now... I'm afraid he's going away for the whole day. How about Friday?
- No, I'm flying to Scotland on Friday. I'm not doing any thing on Wednesday afternoon though. Perhaps we could have a late lunch?
- Well, Mr Norman's going to a meeting at two, so he can't have a late lunch. He's free on Tuesday though.
- Tuesday.,. hmmm... Well, I'm meeting a client in the morning but I'm not doing anything at lunchtime. Yes. Let's make it Tuesday. I'll come to the office at one o'clock.
- That's fine, Mr Day. One o'clock on Tuesday then. I'll tell Mr Norman to expect you. Goodbye.
- Thank you. Goodbye.
- How about a game of golf next week?
- That's a good idea. What are you doing on Monday morning?
- Sorry. Monday morning's no good. I'm seeing the doctor. Are you free in the afternoon though?
- I'm afraid not. I'm going to a board meeting,
- I'm free all day Tuesday. Is that any good?
- No. That's no good either. I'm going to a conference.
- Well, I'm traveling to Oxford on Friday morning so we must meet on Wednesday or Thursday.
- How about Thursday? I'm not doing anything in the afternoon. Are you free?
- At last! I'm not doing anything either. I'll come round to your place about 1.30.
- See you on Thursday.
- Do you have any engagements for Saturday evening?
- No. Why?
- Would you come and have dinner with me and my wife?
- That's very kind of you. I'd love to. What time shall I come?
- About seven o'clock. Is it all right with you?
- Yes, it's all right with me. I'll be there about seven.
SOME MORE PHRASES to be used for arrangements:
- Can we arrange a meeting / an appointment for tomorrow?
- Would 3 o'clock suit you?
- I have an appointment with Mr. N... for 3 tomorrow. I’m calling to confirm / cancel / it. -1 am calling to postpone my appointment till a later date,
- Let's fix the date.
- Will the same time after tomorrow be convenient for you?
- It's all right with me. Thank you.
Мелкая наличность офиса
cash | деньги, наличность; обналичить, получить деньги |
pettycash | мелкие суммы или статьи расходов |
receipt | квитанция |
record | записывать, регистрировать |
imprest | подотчетная сумма |
float | резервная сумма, запас |
sundries | всякая всячина, разное (остальные мелкие статьи расходов) |
currency | валюта |
legalcurrency | официальная валюта |
hardcurrency | твердая валюта |
(bank) notes / bills | банкноты, бумажные деньги |
water mark | водянойзнак |
in circulation | вобращении |
denomination | наименование, достоинство (оденьгах) |
coin | монета |
coinofsmalldenomination | монета малого достоинства |
penny | пенни, один цент |
nickel | никель, пять центов |
dime | дайм, десять центов |
quarter | четверть доллара |
penny(pi. репсе) | пенни (мн. пенсы) |
poundsterling | фунт стерлингов |
change | сдача, (раз)менять, разменивать |
small change | сдача |
exchange | обмен; обменивать |
currency exchange | обменвалюты |
exchange rate | обменныйкурс |
exchange facilities | пунктыобменавалюты |
checkpoint / bureau de change (pi. bureaux) | бюрообменавалюты |
rate of commission | комиссионныйсбор |
cashier / teller | кассир |
cashier'sdesk / counter | касса (кассовое помещение) |
bankclerk | банковский служащий |
cashpoint machines /cash dispensers / automated teller machines | банкоматы |
value | стоимость, сумма |
In the office they usually have the amount of money available for petty cash. This money spent on travel (bus, fares, etc.), snacks (coffee, sugar, biscuits, etc,), possibly, on some stationery (envelopes, pens, etc.) is recorded into the petty cash book, with the receipts (as written proofs of payment) being attached to this financial report.
This system of recording petty cash transactions is known. as the imprest system. The amount of money available for petty cash is called the float.
- Where's all the petty cash gone?
- Well, last Monday I bought some coffee and milk and the next day I paid $12 for stamps.
- What else?
- And I bought a petty cash book and the flowers cost $15.
'- What flowers?
- For Betty. She is in hospital.
- What about the rest?
- The rest went for sundries.
Деньги и банковское дело
banking account | счетвбанке |
current (Am. checking) account | чековый(текущий) счет |
cheque (Br.) | чек |
I check (Am) at your disposal | ввашемраспоряжении |
deposit (Am. savings) | депозитный(сберегательный) |
account | счет |
interest | процент(навклад) |
beentitled | иметь право |
withdraw | снимать деньги со счета |
afewmonths' notice | предупреждение за несколькомесяцев |
certificateofdeposit | депозитный сертификат (выдаваемый в обмен на срочный вклад) |
access | доступ |
specimen of one's signature | образецподписи |
requiresomereferences | запрашивать информацию (о финансовом статусе, платежеспособности) |
makecashdeposits | вносить денежные вклады |
loan | заем |
lender | заимодавец, кредитор |
lend | занимать (давать взаймы) |
borrow | занимать (брать взаймы) |
repaytheloan | вернуть деньги по займу |
projected | планируемый |
statement | ведомость, официальный отчет |
accountingdocuments | отчетность, отчетные (бухгалтерские) документы |
balancesheet | балансовый отчет |
assets | активы |
liabilities | пассивы, задолженности |
income (profit-and-loss) statement | доходно-расходная ведомость |
earnings | доходы |
expenses | расходы |
expertise | компетенция, знание и опыт |
decline a loan application | отказатьвзаеме |
If you want to invest money at short term, you've got several possibilities: first, a current account. This gives you the possibility of having all your money at your immediate disposal. It also entitles you to a cheque-book. Second, you've got a deposit account. It is a better investment as it gives a higher interest. However, though you are entitled to a chequebook, you can only withdraw up to a certain sum each month. For larger amounts, you must give the bank a few months' notice. Finally, you have certificates of deposit. These pay the highest interest. However, they block your capital for a fixed period of 3, 4 or 5 years. Your choice of short-term investment, therefore, will depend largely on how quickly you'd like to have access to your money.
- We wish to open a current account with you for the use of the manager of our office. The manager's name is Mr Robert Bush, and he will be authorized to sign cheques on our behalf
- OK. We'll arrange for an appointment for this gentleman to visit the bank and complete the necessary formalities and provide a specimen of his signature. Also, we require some references.
- We can refer you to the British Clydeside Bank, Glasgow, where you will get all information you need on our company's financial status.
- Thank you. What cash deposit will your make?
- We intend to open the account with a cash deposit of $ 50,000.
- Now, let's fix the time for the appointment.
Initially, the lender will ask you three questions:
- How will you use the loan?
- How much do you need to borrow?
- How will you repay the loan?
When you apply for the loan, you must provide projected financial statements and a clear business plan which supplies the name of the firm, location, production facilities, legal structure and business goals.
Two main accounting documents - two basic financial statements - should be prepared: (1) the balance sheet, which is a record of assets, liabilities and capital; and (2) the income (profit-and-loss) statement, a summary of earnings and expenses over a given period of time.
A clear description of your experience and management capabilities, as well as the expertise of other key personnel, will also be needed. In the USA, if your loan applications are declined by at least two banks, you may ask the banker to make the loan under Small Businesses Administration's Loan Guarantee Plan.
- open an account (with a deposit of,..) открытьсчет (сделаввкладвразмере...)
- maintainaminimumbalanceof... сохранять (на счету) минимальный вклад
- servicechargeплата за банковские услуги
- youwillbechargedс вас будут удерживать
- makecashdepositsвносить денежные вклады
- make cash withdrawals сниматьденьги
- jointaccountсовместный счет
- interestrateпроцентная ставка
- fluctuating / adjustable / fixedrateколеблющаяся / пере менная/ постоянная процентная ставка
- loan заем, ссуда
- shares (Br) I (common) stocks (Am) акции
- share price ценаакции
- real estate недвижимость
- mortgageзалог под недвижимость
- incometaxподоходный налог
- valueaddedtax (VAT) налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС)
- credittermsусловия кредитования
Various special financial institutions provide finance to both the personal and corporate borrowed sector. In general they offer alternative, flexible funding to that offered by banks and building societies. Some of these organizations were set up with official support but with financial backing from traditional sources.
Among the public sector agencies are the British Technology Group; the Scottish and Welsh Development Agencies; the Industrial Development Board in Northern Ireland; the Co-operative Development Agency; and the Export Credits Guarantee Department, Britain's official export credit insurer. The main private sector institutions are as follows.
Finance Houses and Leasing Companies provide consumer credit, business finance, leasing, and motor finance. For consumers they provide personal loans, hire purchase, store cards, store instalment credit, and first and second mortgages. For the business sector, they offer leasing and hire purchase as well as a variety of business loans.
A wide range of companies offer these facilities: banks, merchant banks, building societies, finance houses, leasing companies and the finance arms of several large manufacturing and retail companies.
The representative body for this highly specialized sector of Britain's financial industry, is the Finance & Leasing Association. Its members achieved $26.8 billion of new business and $56.2 billion outstandings in 1993. This covers 80 per cent of consumer credit, apart from that provided by the clearing banks and first mortgage lenders, and approximately 30 per cent of all Britain's fixed investment in plant and equipment.
The main service of a factoring or invoice discounting company is to improve the cashflow of healthy, growing companies by providing finance secured against the outstanding invoices of a business. The injection of cash isa flexible form of finance to increase a company's liquidity, rciluu' ik kink or other borrowing requirements and release capital for growth. Since Пи-early 1960s, factoring and invoice discounting have become major Гмкикм! services covering international activities as well as domestic trade. A nuinU-i of banks and other financial ogranizations have established factoring anil invoice discounting subsidiaries as part of their group activities. In July I91M, 11,021 companies were making use of the services of the members of the Association of British Factors and Discounters (ABFD).