The deli had a very good display, which is very positive. The staff should be praised for this and encouraged. Customers will see the good display and appreciate it subconsciously. Furthering customer satisfaction and retention.
Presentation of fresh meat looked excellent. The quality of the meat was good, with code-life products able to last through the weekend. This too is very encouraging. The Meat counter follows the SMIII culture well. This is good as it helps to maximize the efficiency of the system for the inventory and forecasting. Helping to minimize disruption throughout the weekend. The staff should be praised for this.
Ready meals presentation looked weak, although the adjacent fresh pasta lines had a full presentation, with additional back stock to meet expected sales. This must be sorted out immediately, as weak presentation may mean the customer is less likely to buy at the margin. The pasta section is encouraging but the meals need to be brought up to standard so that use of shelf space is maximized, and disruption with re-stocking is minimized over the weekend. This is essential to keep the systems stock holding levels accurate and up to date.
Cashiers had not recognized the difference between two types of loose apples and had been recording sales inaccurately. This is disagreeable, as it defeats the object of the system and therefore ruins the forecasts for the apples. All sales for the particular apples must be erased. Then the apples counted and the actual sales figures entered to rectify the problem. It is unfortunate but probably cannot be helped as one apple looks much the same as another. A solution for this could be to put a sticker on one type so they are distinguishable. This problem has no affect on sales, so can be seen as a minor problem as long as the system is updated correctly.
There were no cues at the checkout. This is obviously good, as customers will be pleased they can be served quickly, helping customer retention and helping to maximize sales. For example when in a large cue remembering a forgotten item, the customer is less likely to go and find that item as it will mean loss of place in the cue. With no cue the customer is more likely to search for the item and return due to less time wasted.
To conclude, it can be seen that the shop was generally to a high standard, with only a few problem areas. It is important that these are sorted out quickly and efficiently to ensure the smooth running of the system at all levels. This allows accurate forecasting and therefore, in the long run efficiency in the store. This will reflect upon the customers who will have satisfaction and therefor return. Allowing the store to maximize retention and in the long-term profit, whilst minimizing costs through supply chain management.