
Liberation Ideologies Essay Research Paper We know (стр. 2 из 2)

So where does the future of politics lie? I believe it lies in the next step in the evolution of our society. If I were to make a prediction of where our society was heading in my future, I would say that it is not towards anyone political ideology which we have studied. Rather, it is towards a global society, and the acceptance of our society as being comprised of social beings, and, to incorporate faith into the equation, the extinction of the capitalist dream of an accumulation of riches. By this I am not referring to a socialist, or Marxist political ideology, I am speaking of the next step in capitalism as being the evolution of capitalism to a global from, maybe that of a liberal socialism, which would disperse wealth to a global economy and yet not give way to total socialism, hence the extinction of capitalism. I believe that some form of our present liberal democracy, emphasizing the individual through the benefits and prosperity of capitalism, will remain as the engine of the new economy.

I believe that my faith plays an unquestionable role in all of this. In the years to come, I believe that Christianity will define the path of the future of our society. My belief is that in my life time the partnership of science and religion will be the least of amazing discoveries. I think that the Americas are heading for consolidation, so that North, Central, and South America will exist as one nation under one government, and with our growing economy, I believe that it will be similar to ours, if not ours. From there, I believe that a global economy will become a reality, which will lead to a global society and then a global government. Yet, the economic differences and conditions that exist in this world now create an incredible obstacle. This is where my faith comes in. Our country, being founded and based on Christian ethics, has been very supportive of economic aid. Slowly, that has translated into public funding for humanitarian groups such as World Vision. These groups, most of them now private, have found that affecting the disparity of a nation or country is not done through giving money to homeless shelters, it is only a continuous cycle of dependence. The way to affect changes is the liberate the people from there dependence or present economic situation, such as is stated in liberation theology. You invest money into a state town village, and start socialization projects, as a social worker in the United States would do for a person on welfare or a homeless person, to help them get back on their feet. Little by little, the government is stepping back from its administration of international aid, and allocating the tax dollars which still pay for such programs to humanitarian groups, most of which are Christian, to administer. Professor McKeown, I believe that this is the future, and this is the role which we are called to do as followers of Christ, we are to do to the least of our brothers as we would do to Christ himself. I would like to end with a simple quote by the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Let us all hope that the dark cloud of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities, and in the some not to distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty. (Civil Disobedience in Defense of God-Given Rights) I am my brothers keeper and at the end of my life I hope to be able to say the same.